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[V20 Hotfix 08/01/2014 - ground combat] couple of bugs found in a single mission

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I post these bugs together as they might be connected.

Ground mission, Cruiser shot down. (This mission was started and saved already with the former game version.)

  • Now soldiers can see aliens on 2nd floor of UFO, but not from all angles and not all aliens at once. This was not before the hotfix.

see through UFO 1.jpg

see through UFO 2.jpg

see through UFO 3.jpg

  • Dropped medikit looks like a ballistic rifle on the ground. Not before hotfix. Similar like 2nd issue here?
  • Two alien grenade in equipment. In the grenade view, right-click on grenade picture), there is an empty slot with the number 2 inside. This is the alien grenade, but there is no graphic. It is thrown correctly. Before hotfix no alien grenades could be thrown at all, so completely new.
  • A buzzard armor guy (in upper images on the roof) becomes invisible when flying and stays so for the rest of the mission. He will not be visible if the soldiers are switched through.

buzzard armor guy invisible after flight.jpg

If the game is reloaded the guy is visible again, sometimes.
But sometimes he stays invisible and when he is inside the ufo, parts of the ufo are invisible too. The white arrow in the image below is the invisible guy. The ufo appears again when the mouse-wheel is used to select another soldier. The guy stays invisible though.

after reload, buzzard armor guy invisible, UFO too.jpg

All not before hotfix.
  • Last used soldier has a white number near him in the next round after the alien turn. Is this similar to this post from v19?

And no bug, but it seems that the overall movement speed of the soldiers is increased. Good.

see through UFO 1.jpg

see through UFO 2.jpg

see through UFO 3.jpg

buzzard armor guy invisible after flight.jpg

after reload, buzzard armor guy invisible, UFO too.jpg






Edited by thixotrop
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