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[V20 stable 24/12/2013 - general] research finished on itself

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On my way back from a ground combat suddenly a research result appears with the Caesan autopsy.

The Caesans were encountered in that mission the first time. The Sebillian autopsy was finished before that mission and the "real" research action was set on other things.

So why did that result appear?

This happend in v18 and v19 also and someone mentioned it should represent an autopsy in the dropship.

Storywise this seems not right or are the soldiers medical experts with second profession? And I haven't seen a fully equipped surgical room in that dropship too.

Edit: Now this happened with the light drone wreckage also.

I have seen that shortly before this "instant research" popped up, the research screen had an entry of ##### in category and sub-list. Again no scientists were available.

Edited by thixotrop
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The alien autopsy research was altered several versions ago to automatically give you information on the aliens as it was felt that they were generally such a low priority job that people were just not bothering with them until there was nothing else to do.

Rather than having to manually start the research and assign people to it you now just get a pop up after encountering that enemy with the xenopedia entry.

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