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Reaper Zombies


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I think it's kinda stupid that if i kill a Reaper Zombie it still spawns an Reaper that is ready to fight the very first chance it gets.

I mean i just killed it's host, before it managed to be bred succesfully. It shouldn't be able to just jump out there nevertheless.

I think the Reaper should either

Not spawn


Spawn heavily, heavily damaged.


Spawn without any TU for the next turn.

or at least spawn suppressed.

I mean otherwise it's just stupid, i am being punished for killing an enemy with an way stronger enemy. It was fine in the original Xcom, because Chrysalids were pretty damn slow, but here they have just a rediculous range.

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Yeah, the only way to prevent a Chryssalid from emerging was to having the killing damage be incendiary in nature. You could whittle them down with whatever else you liked, because there was a bug that hardlocked a maximum of 10 damage inflicted on targets of incendiary weapons from any one shot. That said, due to some of the same weirdness, anything that was on fire took the damage any time an incendiary round hit anywhere on the map. So you could get by with a bunch of guys with incendiary-loaded autocannons hitting a zombie once and then just magdumping all over the place; anytime a round was fired, the zombie would take damage from every subsequent round no matter where it his as long as it got hit once and set on fire.

Edited by EchoFourDelta
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Is it fire? I thought it was explosives, while the furry Reapers of EU1994 were vulnerable to fire?

Perhaps I just throw explosives at them out of sheer terror though, so you could be right. :)

Tell me about it. First time I ran into reapers in one of my games, the thing burst out of a carrier door and zombied a*gunner in predator armour in one swift action.

Since then I go nuclear every time I see one.

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