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New Lets Play of Experimental build 19.4.

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Some thoughts as I watch (accuracy of thoughts may be doubtful :)) :-

- Yay! "Zee-nonauts" not "Zen-onauts"

- All difficultly levels are essentially the same, so easy is just like normal?

- I'm finding 15 scientists is sufficient.

- So, I'm not building a second living quarters

- I'm also scrimping on an extra 2 hangers, by building 1 for first few months. Every penny going into getting that second base. Your game style may vary totally.

-2 condors v Light Scout. You can pretty much go right for it. Lock one of your missiles on each condor. Once the first missile launches, watch until the UFO starts it's roll, then launch the second. Dead light scout. Occasionally, it manages to get a shot off, so you can just roll out of the way of it. I find zooming in a little helps with watching the alien shots, so I don't get damaged.

- Yay! "Rocketeers"

- Yay! Strength exploit

- Unless I need a mule (and I haven't for a long time in this game), I load them down with grenades for as long as possible. The grenades do come in useful in certain situations. It's nice knowing you have 5 stun grenades at your disposal.

- Whatever you do, don't launch a rocket behind a rock...oh, never mind :) At least I don't have to tell you about walking into flam..oh, never mind :) Two points on cover and fire tile avoidance that have come up recently.

- another point about being able to shoot past the UFO door is another recent discussion, so good to see it shown here.

- a soldier with a shield is invaluable in entering all UFOs, as you saw by that huge amount of reaction fire. The door will stay open for the alien turn.

- Grenades are the way to go, if you don't actually want to step into the UFO. and importantly here, if there's no cover in front of the UFO to hide your snipers behind.

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Cool thx very much for the feedback. I haven't really tried using the shields they seem so heavy to begin with. I have also been thinking about getting a "tank" to hide behind, is i think i saw a video of a someone having 8 Xenos and a "tank" so if it don't take up space then... i am looking forward to the stungrenades.

I am thinking that i will start having problems shooting down the ships very soon with only 1 Fox and it only having 2 missiles.

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vehicles have the problem of :-

1) not being as tough as 2 soldiers carrying a balsa wood cut out of a tank.

2) taking Chinook space away form 2 soldiers who would be gaining experience.

3) taking away resources to build garages/ buy tanks when you could be building interceptor bases/ better armour/weapons.

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Nice videos...Why don't you use grenades more? Especially when entering the alien spaceship? Grenades never miss (unless one drops them on his own troops). Maybe rocket destroy too much alien equipment, but grenades? I like your idea not to load the rocket in advance to avoid a reactive shot hitting your own troops. I was glad to see that you discovered that the soldier next to the ship door does not have to move to open the door (right-clicking on the door does it), but you seem to have forgotten it in the following video.I was also impressed to see how easy it was for you to recover after losing you transport ship to a fighter - I would have restarted from a saved game.

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Thx i rediscover that i can open the door again in the 3 episodes i am uploading now. They are from yesteday morning, i am also checking out shooting down medium ships but that can be costfull in ships :). at least with my air combat skills. but all in all i like the development the game is taking.

The first of my 3 new videos will be up here soon:

I like to test out the game and i am having way more fun playing, it then i am annoyed of the bugs. Wich i would say is a big plus giving you can be a bit annoyed at times :)

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