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Unbelievably, not everyone who has purchased Xenonauts has played the original X-Com. This means that occasionally people will try to play Xenonauts and have absolutely no idea what's going on, because right now we're concentrating on getting the mechanics in place before we polish the UI so it has things like tooltips to explain exactly what everything does. In fact, even those that who have played X-Com don't always know about all the features in Xenonauts - up til now, the only way to find everything out was to spend about a year hanging about on our forums.

No longer! There is now a manual for Xenonauts. This will be included in all of the builds, and available for download from our website (link below). Essentially it just explains the function and basic controls for all of the screens in the game, as well as a bit of developer commentary on how we'll be developing the screens.

Of course, the forums (and hopefully the wiki) will still remain the best place to get all the detailed information on the game, but hopefully this will allow all players and journalists enough of an introduction to the game to stop them drowning in confusion....

Download link is here:


Comments, suggestions etc are welcome.

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seriously, a game manual do not need to include "events system" and "invasion ai" as part of the chapter...

gamers reading the manual to play the game, not to understand its functional specifications to implement programming code for that...

and for those [takes 10% damage, there is a 10% chance it will cause additional system damage] statements, please don't disclose the exact figures (10%, 20%...etc) , because it spoiled the mood of uncertainty, i think it would be better just to generalised it.

just my opinion, no offense, thanks for the manual!

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In the ground combat section it references a blank wiki page, did it get moved?

"The mechanics of the ground combat are too numerous and complex to cover here. For full details of the mechanics at work, it is best to look at the Xenonauts wiki."


I'm a new player and I need this.

I can't figure out how to rotate the battle field so that I can see my guys up against the back of a building.

I also can't figure out how to change the level views so that I can see inside of a building (couldn't go up the stairs because of this)

(this morning I was told I could see an alien, but I had to rush a guy into the ship in order for the "top" of the ship to disappear, at which point I was able to target and kill the alien. In the original xcom, I could change the level view in order to do this)

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You can't rotate the battlefield, and most likely will never be able to, as the engine doesn't support this. Buildings should become transparent in future versions so you can see what's going on behind.

Level views are changed with the arrows over and under the "bars" on the right side of your combat GUI. To move up a flight of stairs, select the soldier, move view up one level and issue the move order as normal (but of course on the upper floor). He will ascend.

Taking the top of ships will likewise be implemented in future versions. There already was some progress compared to earlier versions this year, but it's still not fully functional.

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Malcom: the game is entirely 2D. rotating it would just mean that all the characters are laying down on their sides or standing on their heads. you cant see a building from another viewpoint.

There should be a button somewhere that toggles roof. the way the game displays full buildings when you dont have a character in it is a bit buggy at the moment afaik.

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I'm really looking forward to seeing the roof bug vanish. Having said that, there are few enough aliens around that posting two guys in the 2 main buildings is fine. Getting into some of the UFOs is a real pain without racking up some injuries.

Joe Capricorn: Hey, why is Jodrel Bamks standing on his head?

Darwin Jones: Well, either the Ethereals are really working on their mind control or the dev team are mucking around with the 2d again.

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Reading the first pages, I realized that maybe having the country region relations show up as a color shade on the geoscape map could be something. Some people might not like it, so make it toggleable, but it would give a very ready and obvious feedback on where you need to focus your efforts. A country could go from Green (good/starting relation) towards blue (really good), or towards red (bad relations) and finally black when "lost".


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Chris has mentioned the possibility of various information overlays on the geoscape map.

None of them have made it into the versions we have seen yet though.

This would probably get more attention though if you put it into its own thread in the suggestions forum.

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