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Milestone 5.6.0 Released! (Experimental)

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This update is also only accessible by switching to our Experimental branches (instructions on how to do so here) - although please be aware they have slower load times and worse performance than normal builds due to the extra logging they contain!

This update is another stability fix for Milestone 5 that hopefully fixes most of the remaining stability problems. Although we will continue to fix any bugs reported by the community, our plan is to start reviewing all the player feedback and begin making balance changes in the next hotfix.

Please note that this update contains a number of fixes for tactical maps. Geoscape saves from 5.5.0 and earlier should work fine, but some tactical saves from 5.5.0 will not load correctly. If you're having this problem, please load an earlier strategy save!

Gameplay Changes:

  • The Command Points UI in the bottom right of the Geoscape is now hidden until the Strategic Operations are unlocked after the ATLAS Base mission is completed.
  • The Operations Points cost for doing additional crash sites once that UFO type has been delegated now functions correctly (previously it wasn't actually deducting the cost).
  • The Doomsday Counter should now warn you when you go over 100 and give you until the end of the day to fix it, rather than instantly ending the game (the warning previously wasn't triggering if the passive increase at the end of the day took you above 100).
  • Living Quarters now consume power as intended.
  • Evacuating civilians will no longer path through fire and poison gas.
  • Added corpse artwork for the Symbiote, so they no longer use the dead Cleaner artwork.
  • The UOO Bridge Assault mission objective timer (defend the mainframe for X turns) is no longer modified by campaign settings, as people who wanted to effectively remove mission timers by using the +99 turns setting were being forced to defend the objective for over 100 turns.
  • Slightly increased the range of dropships to ensure they can reach anywhere in the world, as there were a few places you could put your base where it was not possible to reach certain missions.
  • The roofs on the Desert construction site buildings should now be properly destructible.
  • The strategic operations button cooldown overlay has now been inverted; it's shown fully greyed out when first activated and the grey overlay shrinks towards the bottom as the cooldown decreases.


  • Fixed an AI hang that could occur when heavy alien units tried to crush a wall and discovered an enemy unit stood directly behind it, preventing them from being able to complete their move.
  • Fixed another example of the 90% loading freeze on tactical missions, this one related to certain Tropical maps.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur if you cancelled the Reduce Panic strategic operation while choosing which region to target.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur during the AI turn if an explosion went partially beyond the playable area.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when dragging items on top of other items in a soldier's backpack.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur if a UFO destroyed an undefended Xenonaut base that had soldiers / personnel / items midway through being transferred to it.
  • Fixed an issue where the Phase 5 timeline (which contains Battleship UFOs) would not trigger correctly if you completed the UOO Bridge Assault mission at a certain time. This fix will unfortunately not help anyone who is already in this situation.
  • Fixed the walkable tiles on top of shipping containers and certain vehicles being destroyed by grenades, which could cause units to fall inside the shipping containers and get stuck.
  • Hopefully fixed the issue where enemy reinforcements would sometimes be invisible.
  • Fixed the spawn locations on ENDGAME part 2 so units can no longer spawn inside objects.
  • Fixed the UOO Sabotage and UOO Bridge Assault missions not showing the post-mission debrief screen.
  • Fixed the move+shoot preview calculating TU costs slightly wrong on Soldier or Recruit difficulty if soldier rotation was part of the shot.
  • Fixed the Harvester UFO triggering the "capture" victory condition before the upper bridge level had been cleared.
  • Fixed units with jetpacks being able to fly out the top of the upper level rooms on the larger alien base maps.
  • Fixed the Advanced Fusion Rifle project incorrectly producing basic Fusion Rifles.
  • Fixed achievements for completing the campaign not triggering.
  • Fixed "Ultimate Power" achievement unlocking if a single Colonel was present on the team, rather than requiring all soldiers present to be Colonels.
  • Fixed dead civilians incorrectly still showing the "evacuate" hover cursor.
  • Fixed the VIP minitab in the tactical UI not showing the HP and TU bars.
  • Fixed the Alien Symbiote Launcher weapon incorrectly being called the "Alien Symbiote Clip" in the base stores, and not being marked as junk.
  • Fixed the dockyard water edge tiles being destructible, and turning into walkable tiles when destroyed.
  • Fixed one of the alien consoles not visually disappearing when destroyed.
  • Fixed the roofs of the Boreal buildings.
  • Fixed the crashed Observer UFO hull not having a drop shadow.
  • Fixed the corner tiles in the alien base hangar rooms not revealing from the shroud.
  • Fixed an incorrectly rotated floor tile in the Destroyer UFO.
  • Hopefully fixed the issue that was causing certain user bug reports to contain only a single file.
  • We've removed the parked Scout UFO from the UOO Sabotage mission, as it was just causing confusion and also caused some gameplay problems.
  • Fixed the Geoscape timers on the left of the UI going offscreen on non-1080p screens.
  • Fixed the North American region displaying Infiltration rather than Panic on hover.
  • Fixed the Rush Replace button always displaying the cost as $30,000.
  • Fixed typos in the Fusion Weapon Upgrade project.
  • The MARS / ARES "Plasma Cannon" is now correctly called the "Fusion Cannon", and should have green rather than blue artwork and should fire green projectiles.
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On 1/9/2025 at 3:24 PM, Chris said:


Please note that this update contains a number of fixes for tactical maps. Geoscape saves from 5.5.0 and earlier should work fine, but some tactical saves from 5.5.0 will not load correctly. If you're having this problem, please load an earlier strategy save!


*cries in Iron Man*

Would be great if "legacy development" in steam were the last development build instead of milestone 4, then I could've finished up my tactical save before updating.

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4 hours ago, sax said:

*cries in Iron Man*

Would be great if "legacy development" in steam were the last development build instead of milestone 4, then I could've finished up my tactical save before updating.

I've set the previous build live on the Experimental Legacy build now, so you can finish the mission.

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Perhaps timed missions could be instanced to a reward gamble instead of disaster prevention, i.e. gamble on a timed mission instead of spending operations points, from there over completion offers a bonus, a timely resolve saves the use of points and failure then becomes a detriment to campaign progress.


Edit:- Or if having lost skilled veteran soldiers attempting the mission, a cutscene could run with the aliens parading a lifeless Colonel strapped to a donkey ahead of their latest terror mission.

Edited by basildazz
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