Rakiii Posted December 29, 2024 Share Posted December 29, 2024 (edited) The UFO delegation changes in the latest update (paying OP for doing more than two crash sites) seems better than before but I would remove cost if you do crash site within first 24 hours. It would also make night missions more meaningful. The base Colossus armor should be improved. I would buff armor from 40>50 and add automated healing system for it bcos of its limitations (heavy weapons only, no grenades, penalty on view range/reflexes) I would also welcome more type of heavy weapons to use in general. Maybe some laser/fusion blaster type of weapon (3 * AoE projectiles burst or smth) Edited December 29, 2024 by Rakiii Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gG-Unknown Posted December 30, 2024 Share Posted December 30, 2024 (edited) On press "End Turn" Button - immediately hide mouse pointer (so it is clear that player can not do any interactions) - immediately show an info text banner on top of screen " AI turn in progress" so player is informed what is happening. This text is swapped for "Enemy moves" or "civilian moves" or whatever is needed. Important is, that during AI turn, there is ALWAYS an info text banner of some sort. - part of the top screen banner, need to be an animated icon, (something like un-famous Windows hourglass) which ensures the player, that game is still working. e.g. not stacked. - when AI turn ends, camera moves back, UI pops up, then mouse pointer pops up on the last (saved position) on screen and blink in and out to get eye attention. - during AI turn, use another background sound track, or at least different ambient sounds, or at least sound volume level change (quieter). This way player get audio - visual feedback of turn swap. This process should make better communication : when player has control, when interaction is expected and what is going on. Edited January 7 by gG-Unknown Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gG-Unknown Posted December 30, 2024 Share Posted December 30, 2024 (edited) Medkit usage on other; balance & gameplay fix - soldier can use all TU for shooting, AND be patched at the same turn by someone else. That feels cheesy. Receiver of medical care need to cooperate somehow. It is not very possible to shoot machine-gun or engage melee fight while your hands are patched up, or is it ? Make this fix : usage of medkit consumes the same amount of TU from a user AND the target. If target has not enough TU, then healing will be done anyway, but those few missing TU will be taken from the next round pool. e.g. recently healed soldier could start a round with partially consumed TU pool. Example: Wounded solder has 10TU left. Medic uses a kit, so he consumes his own 25TU to do the job. Wounded soldier cooperates on healing, so he consumes 10TU, so on the end of turn has 0TU. Then on the beginning of next turn wounded soldier starts with TU pool reduced by 15TU to pay-back the healing time. This mechanic prevents situations of type : " I can not heal unconscious soldier, because he dont have TU." But also makes sure that target of healing always pay TU for the service. Option : need to be tested : It is possible to reduce cost of healing from 25 to 20 because player team healing cost is now paid double. Edited December 30, 2024 by gG-Unknown Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gG-Unknown Posted December 30, 2024 Share Posted December 30, 2024 (edited) Teleporter usage ; balance - cheasy play of teleport-in shoot, teleport-out is poison to gameplay. Fix : a soldier ( or any entity) can use any teleporter just once per turn Edited December 30, 2024 by gG-Unknown Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gG-Unknown Posted December 30, 2024 Share Posted December 30, 2024 (edited) On 12/21/2024 at 2:26 PM, Skitso said: Gas masks are still not useful enough to consider. Fill crashed UFOs with smoke (and fire) and I would definitely start using them. Fully agree. Gas mask need some love. - add environment hazard to crashed UFO rooms. One Random room per UFO has hazard, so it add a variations on the map. - add environment hazard to all UFO engine rooms (toxic fumes from the engine) - add one gas grenade to half of Cleaners with gas mask. It is so obvious ! - add give all gas mask Cleaners a secondary weapon : 2 tiles range range gas attack. Some sort of a pepper spray creates cloud 1 x 2 tiles. 5 times usage per map. Cloud stays for 3 rounds. Spray can be also used in self-defence as decoy against range attack. (cloud of gas reduces hit chance) - add some melee gas attack (close range but still area attack) to existing aliens. Alien come close to a soldier, then fart which makes a cloud 2x2 tiles so all close soldiers fell unconscious. Perhaps those new small crawlers can have an gas self-explosion variant ? - also wearing the mask need apply a minor de-buff- reduced sight range minus one tile AND reduced Reflexes by 5%. So player need to attach/detach gas mask based on situation. Gas mask need to introduce a dilemma : suffer from mask de-buff OR suffer from gas attack. That is the point of gas mask. Edited December 31, 2024 by gG-Unknown Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
svidangel Posted December 30, 2024 Share Posted December 30, 2024 On 12/29/2024 at 3:44 AM, Skitso said: Bullet sponge androns and suppressing servitors (which in turn neither can be suppressed) combined with sniping wraiths and few grenades made this mission start absolutely impossible. (this was on day 151, second terror site on veteran) Huge difficulty spike. My first terror site just 30 days before (?) against sebillian/mantid/reaper crew was a complete cake walk with 0 casualties. Exactly my experience, though I hit the first Andron/Wraith mission on day 120, and that was where I stopped before Christmas travel. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xeferah Posted December 30, 2024 Share Posted December 30, 2024 (edited) I don't think the forced skipping of downed UFO's is a good move, at least not as it is now. I seriously lack alloys and allenium. I got plenty of money, I don't want to get cash from a downed UFO, I want the alloys and allenium! Is it possible to give us a choice for a reward to skip the UFO? Assuming a downed UFO would give me 15 bodies, that would be between 100K and 200K cash, depending on how many I can knock unconcious. In addition to that I can get dozens of alloys and allenium. I don't really mind giving up something, but as it stands now I give up: soldier XP bodies alloys allenium I could have used the bodies to get the workshop do the body-research for increased damage too! I give all that just for a measly 100K-200K cash? That's just not enough, as alloys and allenium are the bottlenecks for getting better equipment. Edited December 30, 2024 by Xeferah Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gG-Unknown Posted December 31, 2024 Share Posted December 31, 2024 Geoscape top of screen buttons behaviour - On Geoscape (seeing globe) you press Warehouse then you get warehouse screen. if you press Warehouse button when you are in the warehouse - nothing happens. Make it so : When you are in the Warehouse (or any other room than globe ) and you press the same button of the room, then you get back to the globe interface. Basicaly buttons work as ON - OFF where globe is the basic interface. Example : You see globe interface, press warehouse button, you see warehouse interface, press warehouse button, you see globe interface. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rakiii Posted December 31, 2024 Share Posted December 31, 2024 (edited) On 12/30/2024 at 6:47 AM, gG-Unknown said: Teleporter usage ; balance - cheasy play of teleport-in shoot, teleport-out is poison to gameplay. Fix : a soldier ( or any entity) can use any teleporter just once per turn You can also block it by standing in it (I did that in x-division and been killed in ... ) More feedback: New Cyberdrone is ten times more dangerous than before Not only it fires 3 plasma grenades instead of one but it has arc of grenade launcher and can hit the soldiers through smoke or obstacles quite reliably. You can only hide behind hard cover to protect yourself. It´s also melting armor like no tomorrow ... I also think grenade launcher on drone feels a bit weird. I would prefer old version of projectile that travel direct trajectory and can miss and only doing splash damage when hit the target (or any obstacle while traveling). So give it one stronger ball as before with AoE or 2-3 balls doing less damage. The cybedrone also moves through walls. I think it shouldn´t be the case on alien bases / UFOs It seems values of armor and hardness are shown opposite on this thing. Btw can drone see through smoke? Edited January 1 by Rakiii Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gG-Unknown Posted December 31, 2024 Share Posted December 31, 2024 (edited) Abduction tube; interaction and cost - it is possible to release (deactivate) the tube, while soldier look sideways. Which means - tube disapear, sound is played but civilan do not appear visualy, becouse soldier do not see him. Fix : on tube deactivation attempt : first auto-rotate soldier to the position he would see the civilian, then process the tube as usual - tube manipulation is free, that is wrong. In this game even drop a small item on floor cost TU, but override an alien technology happens faster than that ? Fix: tube manipulation need cost - 4 or 8 TU. Best would be add nice soldier animation like manipulating with the floor panel ( enter release code on the numpad) Edited December 31, 2024 by gG-Unknown Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xeferah Posted December 31, 2024 Share Posted December 31, 2024 1 hour ago, gG-Unknown said: Abduction tube; interaction and cost - it is possible to release (deactivate) the tube, while soldier look sideways. Which means - tube disapear, sound is played but civilan do not appear visualy, becouse soldier do not see him. Fix : on tube deactivation attempt : first auto-rotate soldier to the position he would see the civilian, then process the tube as usual - tube manipulation is free, that is wrong. In this game even drop a small item on floor cost TU, but override an alien technology happens faster than that ? Fix: tube manipulation need cost - 4 or 8 TU. Best would be add nice soldier animation like manipulating with the floor panel ( enter release code on the numpad) I gotta disagree here. There is no need for additional tube manipulation costs, at least on higher level. It's hard to get to the tubes, especially early game, and adding a cost that is between 10% and 20% of a soldiers total action points is just too much. For this reason too, I don't think soldiers should be forced to look a the tubes, as this costs extra TU to turn, and then turn back to complete my actions. 2 TU to turn, 4-8 to activate, 2 to turn back again, it's just way too much TU for a simple activation. If you do go with this, then the entire game mode needs to be rebalanced for the TU lost, I don't think this is the way to go. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xeferah Posted January 1 Share Posted January 1 On 12/30/2024 at 9:18 PM, Xeferah said: I don't think the forced skipping of downed UFO's is a good move, at least not as it is now. I seriously lack alloys and allenium. I got plenty of money, I don't want to get cash from a downed UFO, I want the alloys and allenium! Is it possible to give us a choice for a reward to skip the UFO? Assuming a downed UFO would give me 15 bodies, that would be between 100K and 200K cash, depending on how many I can knock unconcious. In addition to that I can get dozens of alloys and allenium. I don't really mind giving up something, but as it stands now I give up: soldier XP bodies alloys allenium I could have used the bodies to get the workshop do the body-research for increased damage too! I give all that just for a measly 100K-200K cash? That's just not enough, as alloys and allenium are the bottlenecks for getting better equipment. To add to this, this is the reward for a UFO raid, see screenshot. If I were to SELL all of it, that would be, with the current lowest possible prices: Captured Psyon Officer = 20K Alien Alloys = 2000 p.p. = 130K Alenium = 4000 p.p. = 284K Alien Plasma Weapons = 8000 p.p. = 120K Alien Psi-Amp = 20.000 p.p. (you don't get dozens from those, so max price) = 20K Captured Secton = 20K Secton Corpse = 4000 p.p. = 24K Psyion Corpse = 4000 p.p. = 32K Mentarch Corpse = 4K Grand Total of 654K Yeah, sorry, but getting a 160K bounty for NOT taking that UFO raid simply does not cut it. The penalty is simply too high. If I were to keep the alloys and alenium, and only sell the rest, that would still gain me 240K cash. Which is nowhere close to 160K. On top of that, 65 alloys are worth 65/40*100 = 162.5 CP and 71 alenium is worth 71/20*100 = 355 CP. It needs a better balance for sure :-) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MasterFunk Posted January 2 Share Posted January 2 Agree to most of the points raised On the delegation of UFOs, maybe implement a dimishing return by keeping doing missions manually. Remove 20%, 40%, 60% as the same UFO is done again and again to simulate increased host country "tax" as they get more on top of the situation, but still needs to "pay" for the intel support provided to them by the xenonauts. It would allow the player to still gather some resources if needed, while delegation only provides money as now or as an alternative maybe 20% of the materials and the non-material money value for delegation as money alone has much less value. Using the example above a 20% value if delegated would be 48K$, 13 alloys and 14 Alenium. A max tax of 60% after 4-5 playthroughs would net the player the double of this pay-out (96K€, 26 alloys, 28 Alenium and soldier XP) as reward by playing it manually. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xeferah Posted January 2 Share Posted January 2 25 minutes ago, MasterFunk said: Agree to most of the points raised On the delegation of UFOs, maybe implement a dimishing return by keeping doing missions manually. Remove 20%, 40%, 60% as the same UFO is done again and again to simulate increased host country "tax" as they get more on top of the situation, but still needs to "pay" for the intel support provided to them by the xenonauts. It would allow the player to still gather some resources if needed, while delegation only provides money as now or as an alternative maybe 20% of the materials and the non-material money value for delegation as money alone has much less value. Using the example above a 20% value if delegated would be 48K$, 13 alloys and 14 Alenium. A max tax of 60% after 4-5 playthroughs would net the player the double of this pay-out (96K€, 26 alloys, 28 Alenium and soldier XP) as reward by playing it manually. Personally, I would be content if I were to be able to keep one of the three: either all alloys either all alenium either all bodies If you want cash, you can sell your resources. I mean, I (my organisation) shot down the UFO, so keeping 1/3th of the resources sounds like a fine deal to me. Cash is quite easy to get, just build loads of workshops. Resources are very hard to come by. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gG-Unknown Posted January 2 Share Posted January 2 (edited) On 12/31/2024 at 9:41 PM, Xeferah said: I gotta disagree here. There is no need for additional tube manipulation costs, at least on higher level. It's hard to get to the tubes, especially early game, and adding a cost that is between 10% and 20% of a soldiers total action points is just too much. For this reason too, I don't think soldiers should be forced to look a the tubes, as this costs extra TU to turn, and then turn back to complete my actions. 2 TU to turn, 4-8 to activate, 2 to turn back again, it's just way too much TU for a simple activation. If you do go with this, then the entire game mode needs to be rebalanced for the TU lost, I don't think this is the way to go. - abduction tube release - hacking computer - using security camera panel All three actions certainly consume time, but now the value of TU consumed is set to zero. I would recommend all actions set to the same TU value. I think that these fits : 8 or 12 or 16 or 24. So we can talk about price in tiles walking. Hack a PC in same amount of time needed to walk 4 meters is bloody fast. Lets compare, usage of MedKit cost 25, I think it is similar complicated task - cure wound to hack PC. I think it would be nice set MedKit usage to the same TU bracket as listed actions. All for 24. just one number to remember for player. Forcing soldiers to stand by the objective for longer time, also gives AI option to defend it better. I think it brings better satisfaction to use two soldiers (one working on objective and second gives cover) than just run around an pickup items like no tomorrow. It also gives opportunity for nice animations. It is possible that some maps (like abduction sites) are difficult already, and some other maps like gathering Cleaner info from computers is super easy. That is why we have beta stage, to set thing right (actions take time), then balance on top of that. Edited January 2 by gG-Unknown Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pwd Posted January 3 Share Posted January 3 Battleships seem a little anticlimactic and easy to shoot down. I was imagining downing one to be an achievement in itself, involving sending waves of interceptors. However, I just responded to it the same way I would have a harvester and downed it easily via auto resolve. (Two Geminis with two fusion lances and shielded plating on veteran difficulty.) I get that you could trigger phase five with less established air superiority, but that situation would not be impossible if battleships just don't spawn in large numbers, while still needing maximal defences to actually shoot them down. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pwd Posted January 3 Share Posted January 3 Sebilians throw poison gas grenades at Mars and Ares units. It seems to me that they should know that these attacks will do zero damage as they are obviously robots. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pwd Posted January 3 Share Posted January 3 (edited) The second UOO mission is somewhat easy if you have a lot of explosives or just use automatic fire once you take the room because of the way the enemies just spawn in tight groups within range of the room and do not spread out until the following turn. Also the instructions are not all clear. I don't know what you destroy to reduce the number of incoming enemies. Is it the ball things in the room? There was what looked like a 4x4 teleporter SE of the room that never did anything. I threw an explosive at it and it just knocked out cover around it. Edited January 3 by pwd Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rakiii Posted January 3 Share Posted January 3 (edited) I have just finished the campaign on 5.5 experimental on Commander and I have been enjoying it so far. - Economy feels much better than before (before 5.0). I had limited resources of alloys bcos of delegation system (done less UFO crashes) but you can create your own resources (once researched) so not a big problem (I didnt need though). Endgame mission The first phase was very laggy (compared to the rest of the game) The second phase seemed much smoother but was a bit of dissapointment for me I would expect that the alien boss will be more danagerous. I am also not sure how his mind control abilities work? It showed the soldier is under "war control" ? Shouldn´t be "mind control"? It didn´t affect his morale so not sure about being bugged or not ... What about giving him telepathic skill that will reduce morale of affected soldier and also will nerf his abilities (maybe every 10% morale lost could also reduce his combat abilities by 10%) You can also give him 180 degree of energy shield that will reduce incoming damage by 90% so you need to attack him from behind (from two directions or close range) and his guards should also be tougher than normal elites. Battleship I could do "endgame mission" before I have seen battleship that spawned later (past day 300+) It was very easy to shoot it down with Phantoms or Gemini squad equipped with the best weapons. Combination of the torpedos / missiles and fusion lance is very strong. Probably too strong. I think that the weapons have too much of armor destruction potential in game in general (same goes for terrain destruction, UFO´s door and walls) The fusion lance should also have lower DPM than Gaus cannon (the player should choose between DPM and range). I wouldn´t mind countermeasure system* on advanced UFO´s (at least Battleship, Harvester) that might hit some incoming missiles before impact. * Maybe for the two highest difficulties. ** or make it like in x-div where even smaller UFO´s are tougher in later phases I would expect larger crew for their best ship but maybe they died on impact ? ... Pathing / aiming near UFO´s door seemed bugged (also couldnt aim at doors,.. ) General feedback: Research / interrogation: I think research seems too straightforward. I would welcome different / more paths leading to the same research but it could maybe take longer. There are also different specialisation of alien species such as pilot, engineer, leaders, ... but they have no purpose in the game ... They could unlock different researches, special missions (capture their pilots and gain access to their advanced technology) and things like that. Frag grenade (and upgraded versions) I think the grenades should deal damage based on proximity, have less range (I can throw a grenade through smoke with 100% accuracy and further than is range of the shotgun) and should be affected by smoke (and/or less accurate in general). It should work both ways for the players and aliens. To compensate I would reduces weight of the frag grenade from 6>5 Flashbang grenade- I think suppressing group of the strongest aliens with just one grenade is a bit too much. It´s ok early on but it should be harder to suppress enemies with flashbang (shock) grenades later. It makes some missions / breaches too easy. It would be also cool to see suppression stat on the weapons. To compensate you could reduce its weight from 6>4 or 5 Smoke grenade- I would reduce its effect from 20% per tile > 15% and reduce weight from 6>5 and add upgraded version of it (20% per tile, more AoE) I would also reduce weight for some other things (medkit, mags, knife) Modules - The stronger ones should be 3x3 (actuator, sentinel) Jetpack should have higher weight from 5>15? Training center - I think it´s a nice addition but it feels OP. I would cap rank you can get through it. Colossus armor - it feels underpowered with its limitations. I would buff basic armor to 50 (upgraded seems ok), integrate healing module into it and give owner better control over MG and other potential heavy weapons = 10-15% less TU spent to operate them. It could feel more tanky but the problem is armor destruction in game in general... I would think about reducing armor destruction globally (especially on some stuff such as torpedos, lasers etc ... ) The other problem is you can use only MG with it ... I think Heavy launcher could be an option and pls add more (at least one or two) more heavy weapons you could use with this armor. Smth a bit different. Maybe some cannon or plasma blaster that fire projectile(s) that deal AoE damage on impact or smth like that. Destruction of terrain/cover I think the weapons and especially the lasers destroy cover/terrain too easy. There should be a difference between random wooden structure and UFO´s door / wall etc. .. Fusion weapons are dealing thermal damage so I would guess they should have higher armor destruction and less penetration (similar to lasers?) Crash sites: It would be cool the crashed UFO´s have impact on the maps (trees, buildings nearby etc) and also UFO models could differ based on level of destruction. Edited January 4 by Rakiii 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pescepalla Posted January 5 Share Posted January 5 I want to chime in with the Colossus armor criticism. At 40 armor, it is only slightly more protective than a Heavy Guardian; It makes the soldier unable to carry anything other than a machine gun, thus the +100 Strength bonus is useless; It makes a soldier unable to equip a mindshield or an automed (thankfully it has a built-in rebreather) Ultimately, the cons are way too important to outbalance the paltry +10 Armor compared to the Heavy Guardian, the huge cost, and the lack of versatility. It would be an interesting option if in addition to a rebreather it included at least an automed, and if it had a grenade launcher as a secondary weapon. Other than that, it's a no from me. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pwd Posted January 6 Share Posted January 6 Completed veteran ironman campaign. (Did return to past saves a couple of times.) Great game. I like the way enemies are throughout the map and not divided into a bunch of mini encounters. I thought about the maps in a holistic way, aware of areas of control, which was fun. It is challenging but relaxing. The atmosphere is often tense, but not ominous in the way it was in the original games. Compared to the original X-Com games, the cleaners give a gentle intro. Your recruits are not useless and get trained automatically. Mind control happens only very rarely. Compared to the reboots, the graphics are not cinematic or realistic in a way that makes you feel like they are real people or that you identify with your soldiers etc. The difficulty curve dips in phase 5. Battleships are easy to shoot down. The final missions are easy. The operation point system works well. I prefer not to grind UFOs for xp and resources. I seemed to get the same map for terrorist missions repeatedly. Not sure if it was a bug. (The map with the parks and you land near these trellis type things that you can see through but not shoot through.) Is the servitor unit a reference to a particular science fiction novel by any chance? The only other place I remember seeing the term was in a book with a similar invaders - Interdimensional aliens with subjugated species within their ranks, initially motivated by a self-inflicted catastrophe on their home planet. (Not revealed until the third act of the book concerned, so I won't mention its name.) I like the ares/mars units. Relatively cheap robots with long-range explosives that can drive through walls. Great for aggressive tactics and scouting. Fun. Think there were some other things I was going to mention. Might update this later. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nedster87 Posted January 7 Share Posted January 7 Just a thought on campaign map UI-- just tried my first game and suddenly lost not having noticed the Doomsday counter had reached 100, wasn't expecting it and there wasn't a particular visual cue to remind me of it. It is annoying as when on Ironman, a silly mistake like that means your campaign is kaput. Just think with a game where there is a lot going on, perhaps an audible warning siren or tone, or larger flashing red counter or something to make it more prominent when it reaches 90 or something would be great. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ih8california Posted January 7 Share Posted January 7 (edited) Yeah i was underwhelmed by p5; i had envisioned some near-constant stream of ufos (of all types) as a last, desperate attempt by the eternals (and to force the player to hurry operation endgame). This could alleviate some of the concerns raised above about battleships being killed too easily and fusion weapons in general being very effective if you are constantly swatting away ufos with little time to heal, rearm, etc Edited January 7 by ih8california 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
svidangel Posted January 8 Share Posted January 8 Some thoughts on the final missions - UOO1 - the space/starscape background was neat, but odd that it could be only seen at certain angles. Firing across empty space didn't work as the "black" was on top of the weapon discharge graphics, creating a look like the weapon fire went "under" something as it crossed between platforms. UOO2 - as mentioned, spawning in on 2 sides in tight groups made things very easy. I had two Ares hovertanks and grenades and... I could have farmed them for a while. Endgame The first stage was fun, though the timer did not always seem accurate in terms of when waves of enemies would spawn in. Spawned in enemies were sometimes invisible. Attempting to find them by hitscanning (hold ctrl, look for red) resulted in my firing into empty space a bit since apparently both "fire" and "the empty place that controls the reinforcements" both count as "enemy" targets. There were major issues with LoS and explosions. Quite a few aliens trying to fire through floors, walls, etc. Unsure if it is intended, but the colossus armor and tanks could plow through the walls in those levels, unlike in alien ships which have the same wall texture. Hunting down the last enemies was not fun - it's a fairly large map with quite a few teleporters. There is no command center to reveal aliens at the end, and it just kind of breaks the feel of the level to "Rush" the destruction of the teleporters, then wander around for a bunch of turns looking for the rest of the aliens. Having some other option for ending the mission, even if it means aliens that were not killed can be moved to the next level (or randomly spawn in behind you). Alternatively, some sort of command center that reveals the map. Second stage - I was playing on Soldier but.. it was a bit of a let down in terms of difficulty. There were ~ 4 units in the final room, fewer than even in the similar UOO2 room. It was one of the easiest sections of the game, and the whole second stage itself was not that dangerous. Not sure if it would be fun to pack in tons of aliens or what, but maybe changing the objective in the first stage and including some kind of rear-guard action against fanatically charging enemies coming up behind you after X turns would make it more interesting. More eternals, and possibly higher health ones would be nice to see too. As it is I think I only ever encountered 3 (UOO2, battleship, second stage EndGame)? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pwd Posted January 8 Share Posted January 8 (edited) Explosives in general are very powerful. It is fun to use them. But perhaps more missions that require precision would be a good idea so the fire grenades and salvos at everything and then mop up whatever is left tactic doesn't work quite so well quite so much of the time. I know you destroy the equipment and corpses with this approach but I never found that to be a significant impediment. Aliens use explosives effectively for a while but then become useless. Wraiths just seemed to stop throwing grenades very frequently (though maybe this was because I started stopping them getting close enough to do so). Vanguard armour neutralises both sebilian gas and cyberdrome grenades. (I guess the latter has low armour penetration.) It's ok that well-equipped units makes the game easier later on, but I don't think it should become simpler, and removing the capacity of the aliens to use splash damage effectively removes a dimension from battlefield tactics. I think the latter section of the game should be more complex and some advantages the player gains mitigated. For example, as well as emergent splash damage attacks, mind control should become a real concern, with mind shields a requirement to avoid significant risk in general, to balance out the inventory room added by the exoskeleton modules. This is possibly largely a case of personal preference, and therefore something that could be configured or aligned with difficulty level instead of applied overall. Edited January 8 by pwd Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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