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Please change Kiev to Kyiv on Geoscape.

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Dear Chris, please change spelling of capitol of Ukraine on Geoscape to a proper Kyiv sometime down the line.

It`s a minor thing, but it would feel much better to see a proper spelling and not rusia twisted one.


Thank you in advance.


Edited by Vojevoda
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Kiev was based on the Russian forced transliteration of the capital name, despite the capital being named after the country's founder Kyi. Kyiv is the Ukrainian spelling of the name, and thus is the correct way to spell it. I would also support the request. Russia does not dictate how another country spells it's own city/capitol name, and neither does the US. It's not based on language. If we share a similar alphabet, then we should spell it correctly out of respect.

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19 hours ago, Chris said:

Sure. While it's not accurate to the Soviet Union, I guess in our alternative timeline the Ukrainian SSR can have enough autonomy within the USSR to decide how to spell the name of their capital.

Thank you!

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22 hours ago, Lobuno said:

In spanish it's "Kiev" and no other, "Kyiv" is not even known. I think in the english version of the game they should use the english correct name.

Let me explain. The only reason you know only Kiev in Spanish, is because for centuries Ukraine have been occupied by ruzzia. And they forced Ukrainian cites spelling based on ruzzian spelling. But once you spell a name base on proper native name, it becomes Kyiv.

I hope that clarifies things  a bit.

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@DaviddesJ: The historian Part is well known to the most of us. That´s very interessting and give an deeper insigt to the World-Situation for that Countrys to us. Some of us older and mid-age Founders / Main-Beta-Testers and Gamers here have experiance of the cold war, about the Fact, we grow up in that time until the German reunification get done.

Sadly some of the former East-Block-States didn´t have learned from the History and the Failures get done. They sadly repeat them. But that goes into political. Our Problem is, that the Language (cyrillic skript) are for 90% of the normal Worldpeople unspeakable and unreadable. That´s what we mean and why the Names of that and that get differently spoken / written.

To make it for the full world playable every Devleoper-Studio / Publisher have to use in Games the World-Language (English) for producing the Games. Then it will get translated to different languages (like German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Ukraine and so on). I played and play too the old Star Wolves-Row (Dev and Publisher is from Russia) as well as the Sherlock-Holmes-Games (Dev is Ukraine). You see we aren´t racists.

Short said: It don´t make Sense to fight about languages. The official Translators will make it correctly for People which wanna play it in their Language.


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2 hours ago, Komandos said:

Why then does the whole world write Kiev?


Not a whole world. Transition to a proper spelling began not too long ago. As part of acknowledgment of necessity to move away from twisted history based on a lie imposed by ruzzian and soviet regimes for several centuries.

Old maps still contain old spelling. Most new online maps use proper modern spelling. All official international correspondence and institutions use a proper modern spelling. Check any airport for example. Though, right now airports don`t have any flights to or out of Ukraine due to ruzzia is waging war, again.

Or, you can check something else. A BBC weather forecast for example. https://www.bbc.com/weather/703448

Like I said. All official institutions began use of proper spelling several years ago. It`ll take some tome for most older sources to update.

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42 minutes ago, Vojevoda said:

regimes for several centuries.

To return to the old names of cities that have changed over several centuries (as a result of conquests, changes of power) - I think it's a good idea. There are many similar cities on the planet that have become the property of other countries and other peoples. By returning these cities to their old names, the game will provide comprehensive support to those peoples who have lost these cities. But won't it be an intervention in politics, and will it correspond to the period of time to which the game is dedicated?

For example: is it appropriate to change the name of Istanbul to Constantinople (Κωνσταντινούπολις)? After all, the city changed its name as a result of military aggression many centuries ago.

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1 hour ago, Komandos said:

To return to the old names of cities that have changed over several centuries (as a result of conquests, changes of power) - I think it's a good idea. There are many similar cities on the planet that have become the property of other countries and other peoples. By returning these cities to their old names, the game will provide comprehensive support to those peoples who have lost these cities. But won't it be an intervention in politics, and will it correspond to the period of time to which the game is dedicated?

For example: is it appropriate to change the name of Istanbul to Constantinople (Κωνσταντινούπολις)? After all, the city changed its name as a result of military aggression many centuries ago.

You are digging deeper then you should. To keep things super simple. Kyiv is a proper, internationally and officially acknowledged spelling right now. All I asked for game to spell it accordingly. Even though not whole world catched up yet.

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4 hours ago, Alienkiller said:

@DaviddesJ: To make it for the full world playable every Devleoper-Studio / Publisher have to use in Games the World-Language (English) for producing the Games. Then it will get translated to different languages (like German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Ukraine and so on). I played and play too the old Star Wolves-Row (Dev and Publisher is from Russia) as well as the Sherlock-Holmes-Games (Dev is Ukraine). You see we aren´t racists.

Well, the correct spelling of the capital of Ukraine in English is "Kyiv". So it's simple, then.

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1 hour ago, Vojevoda said:

All I asked for game to spell it accordingly. Even though not whole world catched up yet.

What's wrong with other cities getting the right sound? After all, it is painful for all people to see when their cities are written in other languages differently than these names are pronounced in their native language.

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1 minute ago, Komandos said:

What's wrong with other cities getting the right sound? After all, it is painful for all people to see when their cities are written in other languages differently than these names are pronounced in their native language.

If you notice other cities on the map that are spelled incorrectly they can fix those too. Which ones are you thinking of?

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Um this timeline here is Cold War is still on USSR is not dissolved and thus the forced incorrect spelling of Names should persist to keep the Game rooted in this alternative Timeline.

Think about it from that perspective

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9 hours ago, Alienkiller said:

Normal Gamers


23 hours ago, Alienkiller said:

normal Worldpeople

You are highly disprespectful, maybe next time you should actually think about what you want to say before you type something.

Also, you're simply wrong, let me quote the Wikipedia for you:
The place name Kyiv is standardized in the authoritative database of Ukraine's toponyms maintained by Ukraine's mapping agency Derzhheokadastr. It has also been adopted by the United Nations GEGN Geographical Names Database, the United States Board on Geographic Names, the International Air Transport Association, the European Union, English-speaking foreign diplomatic missions and governments, several international organizations, and the Encyclopædia Britannica. Some English-language news sources have adopted Kyiv in their style guides, including the AP, CP, Reuters, and AFP news services, media organizations in Ukraine, and some media organizations in Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States, despite more resistance to the spelling change compared to others, like Beijing and Mumbai.

So, pretty much whole english-speaking world has been using "Kiyv" for a while now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I still can't understand this post, because the whole thread seems magically forgot and ignore the fact that USSR still exist in the game lore.

And also the fact that real life politics is not something should be brought up routinely to a game, especially when we have an independent Taipei ingame and a 50/50 of male and female soldier spawns, which are bigger political issues than an USSR-era spelling if someone ever brought this up to the devs.

Edited by EurekaSeven
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