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Does AI cheat?

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I moved the MARS from left and revealed the two wraiths (blue arrows). After that, I moved my soldier into flanking position (yellow arrow) and ended turn. On AI turn, the top wraith threw a grenade to my soldier (red arrow). 

The wraith could not know my soldier was there, so did it just happen to guess, or did the AI cheat? 


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On 6/28/2023 at 12:16 AM, silencer said:

Can be the same AI behaviour as in X-COM/XCOM - If Aliens spot one of your units, they see everyone.

This is definitely the case in this game. 

Going from the screenshot, I'd say the AI was doing something I wouldn't expect it to do. 
As in, I don't see any enemy unit having sight on your unit. 

But I'd need the save game to give more insight. 
If an AI unit moves and at any point gets LOS onto units of yours, all AI units will know about this unit, and they'll retain LOS according to the game's sight rules (i.e. till end of turn)

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2 hours ago, Gijs-Jan said:

This is definitely the case in this game. 

Going from the screenshot, I'd say the AI was doing something I wouldn't expect it to do. 
As in, I don't see any enemy unit having sight on your unit. 

But I'd need the save game to give more insight. 
If an AI unit moves and at any point gets LOS onto units of yours, all AI units will know about this unit, and they'll retain LOS according to the game's sight rules (i.e. till end of turn)

Thanks for the reply GJ. Unfortunately I don't have the save from that mission anymore.

It's the first time I encountered a situation where the AI clearly does something that made me think it had to cheat. I understand the AI plays with the same rules as the player is, so units sharing the LOS is logical and understandable. But I'm sure it's not that. I made sure of it as I replayed the scenario again and again with similar results. I can assure you, there were no way either of them could see the flanking unit and it can be easily noticed in my screenshot as well as it's the corner of the map and the building blocks all LOS to the enemy. But anyways, all I have left of it is that screenshot... so good luck finding the issue there. :)

Edited by Skitso
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Thanks for the follow up - feel free to tag me in posts again if you encounter it; in the most ideal case with a save!
I will starting hunting for this from this side!

What might be happening is that the outcome of a grenade blast "leaks" the information of the units it doesn't have sight on - as part of the routine that uses grenades to "tactical advantage" (I.e. blasting open choke points, etc), which might give that tile a "score" because it hits units... :confused:

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  • 2 months later...
On 7/2/2023 at 4:23 PM, Gijs-Jan said:

Thanks for the follow up - feel free to tag me in posts again if you encounter it; in the most ideal case with a save!
I will starting hunting for this from this side!

What might be happening is that the outcome of a grenade blast "leaks" the information of the units it doesn't have sight on - as part of the routine that uses grenades to "tactical advantage" (I.e. blasting open choke points, etc), which might give that tile a "score" because it hits units... :confused:

I have been grenaded recently as well by a wraith, who's sight has been blocked by smoke screen I threw at the end of my turn to break the LOS. During AI turn, the wraith went straight into the middle of the smoke (the smoke was not broken up yet) and threw a grenade at my soldiers. Idk if he could see my soldiers through the smoke and did not think of it much, but Skitso's case kind of reminded me of the situation - I believe the LOS was broken and that the AI only attacks enemy they actually do see, but the wraith couldn't / shouldn't see through the smoke.. so he was either guestimating my position or knew my guys were there..

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On 9/8/2023 at 12:45 AM, Raffik said:

I have been grenaded recently as well by a wraith, who's sight has been blocked by smoke screen I threw at the end of my turn to break the LOS. During AI turn, the wraith went straight into the middle of the smoke (the smoke was not broken up yet) and threw a grenade at my soldiers. Idk if he could see my soldiers through the smoke and did not think of it much, but Skitso's case kind of reminded me of the situation - I believe the LOS was broken and that the AI only attacks enemy they actually do see, but the wraith couldn't / shouldn't see through the smoke.. so he was either guestimating my position or knew my guys were there..

Smoke doesn't block LOS, but just reduces accuracy.

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  • 2 months later...

Perhaps the closest Wraith to your man heard a noise and the one at the top took a chance that your man was out of sight behind the wall? If so then the AI is pretty clever, but I doubt it :-).

Good (realistic) AI is probably the hardest thing to do.

Edited by ooey
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  • 1 year later...

I've recently had situations where it makes me at least wonder if the AI cheats. I'm sure @Gijs-Jan doesn't mean the AI to cheat to know where my units are, but could it be possible there to be a bug that makes AI to know too much location information about my units?

Here's an example:


Red arrow is move, yellow arrow is shooting. It might be bad luck where enemies move aggressively and just happen to notice my units and shoot them, but this happens all the time. Is it possible the AI cheats or are they just scanning their surroundings really efficiently? I can't even remember when I've successfully blindsided the AI. If it does play fair and is just super efficient, it might be a good idea to try to tweak the AI to artificially underline it's actions to look like it's definitely not cheating if I make any sense here.

How about adding a quick "noticed a previously unknown enemy unit" animation or even just a sound effect and a exclamation mark to the AI units every time they spot a new player unit like in Metal Gear Solid: https://tenor.com/fi/view/metal-gear-solid-spotted-seen-alert-enemy-spotted-gif-26363851

It would make it at least feel less frustrating for the player to see that the enemy just happened to barge in and then proceed to shoot your unit only after signaling that it found a new player unit it didn't know before. It would make me as a player accept the fact it just happened to see my unit from the window by a random chance and also make me more aware which of my units have been spotted.

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