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[v1.05 ground combat] grenades throwing sideways

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Sometimes, not always, I've seen my soldier angle their body perpendicular to the direction they're throwing and throw the grenade straight out sideways from their body while they face 90° away. The grenade goes to the right place, just the soldier facing the wrong way. Once I even saw the soldier face the complete opposite direction and throw it behind him (at the intended target, while he faces away). This is something I only started seeing in v1.05

I don't have any screenshot or savefile to show, as the bug is intermittent and hard to catch, and I'm not sure if any particular prerequisites to reproducing it.

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9 hours ago, SoftwareSimian said:

Sometimes, not always, I've seen my soldier angle their body perpendicular to the direction they're throwing and throw the grenade straight out sideways from their body while they face 90° away. The grenade goes to the right place, just the soldier facing the wrong way. Once I even saw the soldier face the complete opposite direction and throw it behind him (at the intended target, while he faces away). This is something I only started seeing in v1.05

I don't have any screenshot or savefile to show, as the bug is intermittent and hard to catch, and I'm not sure if any particular prerequisites to reproducing it.

Thanks. This issue has been around for a while. I think we have a reproduction case for it somewhere but we've just not got around to fixing it yet.

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You probably don't need it, but I'm attaching a couple screenshots and a savegame. I'm not sure if it's reproducible from the savegame. I sent my soldiers upstairs one by one tossing stun grenades, some threw forwards, some sideways, some backwards.




Edited by SoftwareSimian
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6 minutes ago, Emily_F said:

@Chris as a related find - I have had several instances where I throw a grenade over a wall like in those screenshots, labelled as a 100% chance to hit, and it just lands at the soldier's feet.  It seems to affect base missions only as far as I can recall. 

That's a different bug. If you see it again, please report it with screenshots and a save and we'll look into it.

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