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V16.1 Crash on farm map

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Yes. New fix - go into \assets\units\alien\caesan\guardsupport\weapon.AlienHeavyPlasmaRifle\ and delete the soldier_spectre.xml

Surely it shouldn't be that one causing the CTD's though, as the farm crashes happen from the very start of the game when aliens with HeavyPlasmaRifles shouldn't be spawning.

Unless of course it's just a quirk of how the game handles sprites and loads them all in even if it's not using them.

Edited by Buzzles
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am using Chis's patch V16.2 and followed both suggestions Chris posted. Still getting crashes on Farm. (Grounded/undamaged light scout with ceasan aliens. Not getting a crash dump. Best I can do if needed is send the autosave that occurs right before ground combat begins

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Not sure if it helps, but the crashes seem to happen on the same turn unless I manage to blitz and wipe the aliens out. I can spread out for two turns and maybe see an alien, CTD at the end of turn two. Or I load the autosave and just leave everyone inside the chinook. Same result, CTD end of turn two. If I can manage to kill the aliens before the end of the turn it crashes, I seem to get by.

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I found with the farm map if you go into \assets\missiontypeprops_gc.xml and goto <Tileset name="farm">

<MissionType name="Common" civilianCount="0" friendlyAICount="0"> and put the ai and civ count to zero i have so far had no crashs on farm map and have done about 5 runs on farm map with no crash's. When before every time the farm map crashed for me.

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Just got this game today, was enjoying the beginning, but every time around the third the third UFO, I get a farm mission and crash within a few turns without fail. Tried a couple work-arounds recommended here but nothing seems to work :(

I did the workaround with removing all the civvies as well as friendly AI from the farm map, and haven't had a crash so far after 20-30missions on that map.

Its pretty simple, just navigate to the Xenonauts asset folder (usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Desura\Common\xenonauts\assets for a standard desura install), and edit "missiontypeprops_gc.xml" with a text editor.

Change the following:

<Tileset name="farm">

<MissionType name="Common" civilianCount="3" friendlyAICount="1">


<Tileset name="farm">

<MissionType name="Common" civilianCount="0" friendlyAICount="0">

You can do it for all the Tileset's, to remove the civilians / friendly AI on all the maps if you want.

Personally i found that Notepad++ works really well for editing XML files.

You can find it here: http://notepad-plus-plus.org/download/v6.2.html

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give the 16.1 workaround a go see if that Fixs issue just make sure to start a new game or load a save that wasn't on the farm map I dont know if that will fix the issue as I haven't downloaded 17.1 yet just make sure you save the missiontypeprops file before editing it

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