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V25 Gameplay / Balance Feedback thread:


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Comandos, if it were only that Room i would aggree.

That´s not only this room. There are several rooms which need Energy. Look at your Main-Base-Buildup-Screen, get the Cursor over the buildable buildings and later more buildable buildings, then you know what I mean.

Why do you think you have the Alien-Crystals and similar for later on?

You have an limitation in Energy with the Generator-Rooms. So you have to use them wisely from the beginning.

The only other Option for de-Energyzing is that such Buildings which go over the Energy you have left are closed for buildup until you get the Energy for them again with more Generators or similar.

The Generators we have in the Game are Mini-Atomic-Generators (on Salt-Atomic-Generators). If not, the Game get in an GAME OVER after the first 4 to 6 WEEKS.


What the Bases belongs, you can build up an Second Base in the first 100 Days. She is then small 1x Lift, 3x Hangars (with Fighters), 1x Radar, 2x Rocket-Defense (linked), 1x Living Room, 2 Workshops or 2 Labs. 

If you decide for that, you can upgrade your Main-Base 1x directly at the Beginning with 2x Rocket-Defens (linked), 1x Living Room, 1x Hospital and 1x Training Center for the next 100 Days.

That 2 Choises you have directly in the Beginning.

That´s why we Main-Beta-Testers from the Beginning on (after the old Base-Buildup-Screen come back) discussed about that after a lot of testing already. The only Solution you have is to make 5 or 6 small Outposts which are your secondary Bases which were Outposts from your Predecessors and give up or fast to build up ones without the 750.000 Credits payment to get an planing permission for every Base you wanna build.



Edited by Alienkiller
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v25.2/25.3 PlayTest SitRep #2 [Veteran]



- v25.3 First screen of new game intro text the word "intelligence" has an extra 'l'.

- Warden Combat Armor dialog, the word "remarkable" is misspelled.

- Choosing to 'View personnel' when scientists arrive goes to 'Manage Soldiers'.

- At 'Manage Soldiers' the 'Training Capacity' tooltip speaks of 'Training Rate tooltip below'. The tooltip is written from the perspective of viewing it from 'Base Information', not from 'Manage Soldiers'.

- Tooltip for Engineering 'Start Production' is for 'Begin Research Project'.

Strategy Layer:

- Hovering mouse over Iceland doesn't highlight the Europe region, but hovering over Europe region highlights Iceland.

- Hovering mouse over New Zealand doesn't highlight the Asia Pacific region, but hovering over Asia Pacific region highlights New Zealand.

- Hovering mouse over northern tip of North America doesn't highlight the North America region, but hovering over North America region highlights northern tip of North America.

Air Combat:

- 'Horizontal Line Frontal' graphic is half off left side of screen.

Tactical Combat:

- Destroyed turrets in Cleaner base don't appear destroyed after loading a save.

- Many walls in Cleaner base can be seen through.

- Pathing wierdness on abduction mission map. Soldiers won't use ladder on wall behind dropship and some tiles can't be moved to. See attached screenshots.


- Way to tell if a target could be shot and shot path shown from where I want to move to. [edit: Found shift key] Corners seem to have a 45 degree angle of shootability around the corner. Why?

- Camera would zoom out on shots that require scrolling to see target. Seeing the entire path of a sniper shot for instance is often iffy.

- Audio would mute when 'Esc' game menu is active. Currently no way to quickly mute just game.

- Have description of research project still visible while project is being researched.

- Way to tell how long an aircraft will take to repair/repair rate.

- Pressing 'i' while backpack open closes backpack.

- Better explanation of training rate. The way the tooltip reads each attribute would raise by 4 each hour with initial training rate. Assuming 4 refers to internal counter units like Xenonauts 1 had. Don't understand.







Edited by Melee
Asked for feature already present.
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So far from my initial impressions of playing to around day 60 so far so good!

I will say that I feel like month one alien abduction missions are simply too punishing. These missions are so important that you have to do it even if you can't handle it. Not to mention if you do this mission at night or if you get a bad map layout you are pretty screwed. Your soldiers do not have the weapons or armor to be able to effectively deal with the Psyons. Too much health too much damage, even soldiers with Defender+Plate armor can't tank two shots from them even with 60 hp or above. Not to mention they get mesmerized failing any shots they take, including reaction fire! It's absolutely brutal. The time limit forces you to play EXTREMELY aggressive in order to even hope to clear it and you will often have to put your soldiers in terrible positions to rescue the civilians. I feel like overall we should be given six turns instead of five to complete the mission. I've also noticed that if a soldier gets mesmerized, but the Psyon that mesmerizes him/her dies, they do not get any of their TU back. This feels like it is simply too punishing. I guess my main complaint is that these Aliens coupled with with this mission type on the first month is simply just too much.

The cleaner intelligence mission is also extremely brutal unless you come with Warden+Laser weapons, then it can be done fairly easily. However if you try to do this on month one, you will get bodied fairly hard. I feel like this mission should have a warning indicating that you shouldn't raid it unless you are prepared. Would not recommend attempting this until better armor/weapons.

Magnetic weapons seem fairly useless? Too expensive to craft for too little performance increase over the regular ballistics.

Wraiths are INSANELY strong, 105 HP is absolutely bonkers not to mention the cloaking field. They aren't too much to  handle as long as you outnumber them greatly but if you encounter 2-3 it becomes very difficult to fight them off. They have too much health in my opinion they shouldn't be more durable than the Sebilians which seem to be the core Shock Troops of the alien invasion, but often times they are far more durable.

Other than that my experience has been very pleasant so far. I've noticed a couple of bugs with Sebilians resurrecting even though they were unconscious. And  it seems that if a soldier is killed on a teleporter platform in an alien ship, it can crash your game.



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55 minutes ago, Jet Jaguar said:

So far from my initial impressions of playing to around day 60 so far so good!

I will say that I feel like month one alien abduction missions are simply too punishing. These missions are so important that you have to do it even if you can't handle it. Not to mention if you do this mission at night or if you get a bad map layout you are pretty screwed. Your soldiers do not have the weapons or armor to be able to effectively deal with the Psyons. Too much health too much damage, even soldiers with Defender+Plate armor can't tank two shots from them even with 60 hp or above. Not to mention they get mesmerized failing any shots they take, including reaction fire! It's absolutely brutal. The time limit forces you to play EXTREMELY aggressive in order to even hope to clear it and you will often have to put your soldiers in terrible positions to rescue the civilians. I feel like overall we should be given six turns instead of five to complete the mission. I've also noticed that if a soldier gets mesmerized, but the Psyon that mesmerizes him/her dies, they do not get any of their TU back. This feels like it is simply too punishing. I guess my main complaint is that these Aliens coupled with with this mission type on the first month is simply just too much.

-Imo, the abduction missions feel extremely lenient and there are enough turns to always get the majority or all of the abduction pods even at a slower pace. You don't have to play aggressively whatsoever if you just want the minimum requirement of 5 pods. It also feels like there are many ways of neutralizing enemy psyons as well. You can use high accuracy weapons like snipers to guarantee hits on psyons or you can use a flashbang to make their ability completely void. What's more is that in v25 the aliens have to use 51% of their tus in order to fire the highest accuracy shot, which means 1 flashbang will not only kill their ability but also make them much less accurate. Soldiers always being able to take at least 1 hit is also extremely lenient. With flashbangs and smoke grenades you can make it extremely unlikely they get hit in the first place, and if they do get hit, they can be healed with a medkit to allow them to take another hit again. If you have a MARS, the mission becomes even easier as you have a unit with high tus, utility, combat prowess, and survivability on your side to take out aliens while your soldiers acquire the pods. Shields soldiers can also take a lot of hits, making them extremely helpful to get pods. 

-All in all, it feels like there are a lot of resources one can use to make the mission easier and make finding pods more and more efficient. They feel very lenient for the most part imo. I played on veteran (the second highest difficulty) and I probably play at a faster pace than a lot of people do (which might be why the turn timers feel so lenient given my playstyle), which might change my experience with these missions relative to others. 

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On 12/29/2022 at 4:54 PM, Kamehamehayes said:

-Imo, the abduction missions feel extremely lenient and there are enough turns to always get the majority or all of the abduction pods even at a slower pace. You don't have to play aggressively whatsoever if you just want the minimum requirement of 5 pods. It also feels like there are many ways of neutralizing enemy psyons as well. You can use high accuracy weapons like snipers to guarantee hits on psyons or you can use a flashbang to make their ability completely void. What's more is that in v25 the aliens have to use 51% of their tus in order to fire the highest accuracy shot, which means 1 flashbang will not only kill their ability but also make them much less accurate. Soldiers always being able to take at least 1 hit is also extremely lenient. With flashbangs and smoke grenades you can make it extremely unlikely they get hit in the first place, and if they do get hit, they can be healed with a medkit to allow them to take another hit again. If you have a MARS, the mission becomes even easier as you have a unit with high tus, utility, combat prowess, and survivability on your side to take out aliens while your soldiers acquire the pods. Shields soldiers can also take a lot of hits, making them extremely helpful to get pods. 

-All in all, it feels like there are a lot of resources one can use to make the mission easier and make finding pods more and more efficient. They feel very lenient for the most part imo. I played on veteran (the second highest difficulty) and I probably play at a faster pace than a lot of people do (which might be why the turn timers feel so lenient given my playstyle), which might change my experience with these missions relative to others. 

Yeah maybe I just need some more experience playing this game this is just my initial thoughts and experiences, currently I'm doing a new campaign and working on my first abduction mission on month one again to try and improve and I do find it easier this time coming around. Even though it's another night mission. However I do think that THIS should definitely be looked into.


The first is a picture of a captured civilian from one camera angle, the one below is the same screen, just with the camera rotated differently, on the second picture you can't see the pod.


If we could make the pod be shown regardless of camera angle that would help a ton since depending on what your camera angle is you might miss multiple pods. Here's another from the same turn with different angles. Once again the pod is basically invisible.image.thumb.png.8b1da3260b4444c7aee77b414e2e1318.pngimage.thumb.png.bbe0142b9d5c6ce8a904cff81c12118c.png

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It seems like I can't force fire past the wall? I had a machine gunner available to take 10 burst shot, and an alien little bit behind the wall. However I couldn't click at alien nor tile past the wall so I was forced to burst fire at the wall itself. This resulted in wall breaking after 4 shots, and remaining 6 shots which were free to go towards the alien being wasted instead (hitting the tiles next to the wall since that's what I had to target).

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10 hours ago, Jet Jaguar said:

Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask but does anyone know if the tooltip for this research is still accurate? Also does the 15% damage bonus apply to ALL cleaners?image.png.bfb17b0e671682d80df2fa23dbc30346.png

That tooltip is actually very recent (v25.3 I think); previously, it was the old tooltip that said interrogating a cleaner will get you one step closer to finding their base (which is not true in the current build). 

Although I do have a small issue with the cleaner interrogation. If one does not stun a cleaner in the initial mission, it is very unlikely that the player will have access to the cleaner interrogation before the cleaner base attack (as one would have to physically pick up a stunned cleaner in the office raid instead). It would be unlikely for newer players to get this research as they might not chose to use stun weapons in the initial mission, or pick up a stunned soldier in the office raid. I think there should be another cleaner mission in-between to allow for another chance to stun a cleaner and interrogate them. 

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On 12/29/2022 at 9:54 PM, Kamehamehayes said:

Imo, the abduction missions feel extremely lenient and there are enough turns to always get the majority or all of the abduction pods even at a slower pace.

I would bear in mind that the OP, @Jet Jaguar, appears to be a newbie (apologies to them if they're not!), whereas us old-hat beta testers have been playing this game for ages so we know what to expect and how to play it.  I think OP is probably right about the balance at that stage of the game - maybe there needs to be a couple of "warm up" abduction missions.  As an aside, the cleaner story arc is over way too quickly - you do the first couple of missions, then the intel collection mission, then the super-hard boss base mission.  I think it would be better if there were a few other cleaner missions before you end up doing the base, even if they are abduction missions or raids of some kind), partly to get some XP for your troops, but also to give you time to build up your forces and tech).   I don't like the idea that there is a fixed deadline for the endgame either - it feels like you are forced to get to the end too quickly instead of enjoying the story of the game.  Yeah, it is true that the missions can get a bit "samey" after a while, but @Chris has said previously that there are other biomes etc in the pipeline.  And, again, they are samey largely because we have played literally hundreds of play-throughs!  That said, it would be good to have some "optional" lower-level missions (i.e. they aren't life-or-death terror missions that destroy the panic levels totally, and can decimate your squad which sets you back a LOT if you screw up).  Such lower-level missions would earn you some coins, but also allow you to get XP's for replacement troops if you have had a crappy mission where some good troops have been killed.  While we're on that topic, the replacements you can purchase need to be less awful as the game progresses because they are no match for the higher-level aliens, especially when you're outnumbered and outgunned!


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v25.3 Playtest Sitrep #3 [Veteran]

Strategic Layer:

  • Multiple objectives partially overlap vertically. [Previously reported in bug thread by another user.]
  • I don't understand sentry guns - seem to be for base attack defense, but only sort of show up anywhere. I built one at starting base which showed up in 'Base Stores' but doesn't seem usable otherwise.  I then rebuilt one using 'Sentry Gun Rebuild' which speaks of a MARS Scout Platform which seems like a normal sentry gun?  I moved the rebuilt one to a second base and it appeared in the 'Armory' along with soldiers until I moved a dropship to the second base and now it just appears in 'Base Stores' like the first one.  
  • 'Skylance' torpedoes are called 'Avalanche' torpedoes' in 'Engineering' build list and description. Their tooltip and 'Aircraft' name them 'Skylance'.

Tactical Combat:

  • Phantom Mantids, Sebillians, and Reapers appear where killed if died in crash, or after loading save, or after unconscious-ing.
  • Sebillian behavior not clear.  They heal while unconscious? They keep waking back up and have to be stunned over and over for a few turns and then seem to stop waking up. Will they eventually wake back up if enough turns pass?  I fear leaving the unconscious ones unattended.
  • Unfireable leftover heavy ammo with certain burst combinations annoying.



  • Would show what items are in transit and their transit time remaining.
  • Would show what items are reserved for projects.
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Thanks for the further comments everyone. There's a lot to comment on here so I'll be a brief as possible:

  • Again, glad to hear everyone seems to be enjoying themselves overall.
  • I've now fixed a number of the small bugs / issues you've reported @Melee, and most of the gameplay issues you're encountering are the result of bugs that we've logged to fix over the past couple of weeks. So I think you'll find the next update an improvement.
  • @Jet Jaguar one of the things we'll be introducing in future builds is for the mission timers to change based on difficulty settings; I think the timers are pretty well balanced at the moment but that means they're currently aimed at experienced players who are after a serious challenge. Clearly, that means people on easier difficulty settings will struggle. And yes, there are issues with the shroud drawing over certain things at the moment.
  • @ventuswings yeah, damage is calculated after the burst is finished. That's the only way we can ensure units can take massive overdamage from burst weapons and get gibbed, but it does mean a burst will never penetrate a wall.
  • @Emily_F yes, I'd consider adding in another Cleaner mission before the final base, although I think that'll probably have to wait until Early Access. Also, at this point the only additional biome coming for the game is the Soviet Town biome which will be used as an alternate style for the Terror missions.
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Thanks Emily that you mention it too.

The Endgame here comes to fast (you have in UFO 2 ET about 900 Days), before the fully Invasion beginns.

And the Story from the Cleaners is told to fast.

As well as thanks to the Comrade which mentioned the very less Stun Abilitys against the Cleaners. With the Informations you get from the living Cleaners the Storyline from them should be more important.

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I agree with @Alienkiller - some players (especially those of us who are female, though I accept that we are possibly a very small proportion of the player population) often enjoy the narrative and the progression of the story more than the "competitive" aspect of the game itself (for want of a better term).  By which I mean, we will often play games at a lower difficultly level because we are more interested in the storyline, things like the research tree, how our decisions influence the outcome, etc.  And we prefer the game to have a bit of a slow-burn build-up leading to a crescendo rather than the whole thing coming at once.  All puns and innuendos intended.  So, as Alienkiller points out, the cleaner story arc is all over too quickly which I feel is a shame because it is a good idea and more could be made of it.   

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I'll have a think. I think the Cleaners would need a game mechanic associated with them on the strategy layer if they were to hang around any longer; at the moment they exist mostly to give us an excuse to add some mission variety into the game before the alien invasion properly gets going and starts spawning alien bases / Xenonaut base attack missions etc.

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v25.3 Playtest SitRep #4 [Veteran]


  • 'Explosive Death' tooltip, word 'show' should be 'shown'.
  • Xenopedia entry for 'Skyhawk' lists speed as 7200 KpH which is 4X faster than X-3 listed as 1800 KpH.
  • 'Storeroom' building lists +200 adjacency bonus, yet total items stored/capacity is not shown anywhere.
  • Soldier weapons in transfer show available quantity in 'Armory' but can't be equipped, confusing.
  • 142 days into campaign. Researched 'Heavy Lasers', 'Vehicle Lasers', and 'Improved Lasers' or thereabouts (can't tell for sure because Xenopedia isn't finished/doesn't reflect research). An aircraft laser weapon hasn't unlocked but base defense laser upgrade did. Large UFOs are starting to appear that I cannot do enough damage to. Are there aircraft laser weapons?
  • 'Vehicle Lasers' project 'Laser Cannon' tooltip speaks of 'high caliber projectiles' inconsistent with coherent beams of light.
  • 'Vehicle Lasers' project didn't seem to do anything.
  • 'Armory | Edit Loadout' - Cursor doesn't align with text in input box.
  • Save loading dialog requires voodoo and mystic clicking: The game usually won't recognize and load the most recent save-game, frequently hanging on the loading screen. If I exit the loading screen and open it again it will load the save. Seems to depend on how quickly I click on the first save. I've had the first save selected, the load button enabled, but gray thumbnail and it won't load. Unselecting the save and reselecting it resulted in a disabled load button.
  • Middle section of bottom border of save dialog is missing/not visible.
  • For Sebillian 'Brute' Autopsy, the tooltip for 'Scaled Skin' is missing bottom border of bounding box.
  • Xenopedia entry for 'X-55 Phantom Interceptor' lists speed as '2520 Kph' while 'Aircraft Screen' says top speed is '4800 kph'. Is the difference with afterburner? Similar discrepancy exists for 'X-25'.
  • 'Armory' - 'Actuator Module' added to a 87 strength soldier with 116/117 carry weight results in soldier with 128/130 carry weight but with -11 TU penalty. A TU penalty seems to apply regardless of soldier strength. Why penalty if soldier isn't overweight with module added?
  • 'Base stores' - Infinite laser machineguns. [Previously reported bug by other user] 

Tactical Combat:

  • Wraiths appear shimmering light blue. Autopsy says they are cloaked. Not very stealthy?
  • Soldiers in alien base control room must move each turn to reveal remaining aliens. Rest of map not revealed. Prefer didn't have to move and all map revealed.
  • Alien base control room floor can be seen and shot through. Is this right? Assaulting this room without getting anyone hurt/killed is...tedious and time consuming. The teleporters are too far from the door to reach upstairs with any TU left to do much. If anyone is left downstairs, the aliens just shoot down through the floor and kill someone. Smoke doesn't help. Even flashbanged, the aliens can still shoot on their turn.
  • Flashbangs destroy items on ground and captured aliens - Prefer they didn't.
  • I get flashes of red text in lower left corner of screen occasionally while playing. Looks like some sort of console interface.


  • 'Armory' soldier list was left aligned with soldier portrait/stats (OCD) and did not have to be scrolled with larger capacity dropships. There is available screen space above portrait and below list that could be utilized to extend list.
  • 'Armory' item lists' scroll position wouldn't reset when right-clicking items.
  • Mousewheel scroll on 'Select Loadout' was much faster.
Edited by Melee
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v25.4 Playtest, Day 1-13 [Veteran]


  • 25.3 saves recognized as loadable/continuable.
  • Load dialog save selection behavior/hang/crash weirdness seems fixed. :)
  • [Previously noted] Base placement radar still disappears crossing past center of Pacific Ocean depending on which side of screen center the center of the Pacific is scrolled.
  • [Previously noted] Hovering over Europe still highlights Iceland, while hovering over Iceland doesn't highlight Europe.
  • [Previously noted] Hovering over North America still highlights tip of northern ice, but hovering over tip of northern ice doesn't highlight North America.
  • [Previously noted] Hovering over Asia Pacific still highlights New Zealand, but hovering over New Zealand doesn't highlight Asia Pacific.
  • 'Launch Aircraft button overhangs panel. (@1650x1080 native resolution)
  • 'Missile Battery' selection bottom border missing.
  • 'Hangar' selection bottom border missing.
  • 'Missile Battery' selection bottom border missing.
  • 'Launch Combat Team' button top border missing.
  • Un-researched 'Cleaner Operations' shows 8 day 23 hour completion in list after first cleaner mission. Sometimes shows 9 day completion time after time passes. Inconsistent.


Launch Aircraft Overhang.jpg

Missile Battery Bounding Box.jpg

Hangar Bounding Box.jpg

Button border missing.jpg

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v25.4/b Playtest Day 13-30 [Veteran]


  • Xenopedia 'UFO Scout' entry missing speed value and 3rd paragraph the word 'millimeter' is missing an 'l'.
  • Engineering comment text background often doesn't extend to fit text.
  • Un-researched project completion time shown varies by an hour.  e.g., a project showing a completion time of 7 days 23 hours, other times will show 8 days.
  • Engineering project completion time shown varies by an hour.  e.g., a project showing a completion time of 4 days 23 hours, other times will show 5 days.
  • 'Cleaner Intelligence Hub' tactical mission dialog, suggest adding the word 'an' between 'as' and 'intelligence'.
  • 'Cleaner Intelligence Hub' map has many walk-through walls and inaccessible map tiles.
  • When would 'Ablative Plating' be constructed? I built another X-25 in month one and it came with plating.
  • 'Complete Alien Hyperdrive Research Project' objective appears before having the research project.
  • 'Next funding review on day X' somewhere or similar would be helpful.

Tactical Combat

  • The amount of aliens right outside the dropship in the first few missions is sometimes problematic if the overall accuracy and strength of the starting soldiers is subpar. Do the starting stats scale with difficulty? Also partly map dependent if there is no close cover.  HR needs to have chat with the dropship pilots or hire some door gunners (mini-game on landing?).


  • Objectives left aligned and indented slightly inside Geoscape map border line.
  • Can the quick-'Saving...' text in upper left corner be removed? I think it bugs me because it splatters over the graphics like a run-time error.


Engineering Text Background.jpg

Edited by Melee
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Minor point, easier said than done but I wish there was some way to better tell if a position your soldier is taking cover in is actually offering any form of cover from a certain angle where enemies are. Classic example of you being in cover but some guy at a 45 degree angle "might" or "might not" have a shot on you. But what if they are at a steeper angle? 

14 hours ago, Melee said:

Tactical Combat

  • The amount of aliens right outside the dropship in the first few missions is sometimes problematic if the overall accuracy and strength of the starting soldiers is subpar. Do the starting stats scale with difficulty? Also partly map dependent if there is no close cover.  HR needs to have chat with the dropship pilots or hire some door gunners (mini-game on landing?).

I had a similar experience on one mission where my landing zone was surrounded by desert construction buildings, all full of Sebillians, all of whom had angles of fire on my landing craft. I think it just comes down to bad RNG but its still annoying. 

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On 1/12/2023 at 8:54 PM, Melee said:

Xenopedia entry for 'Skyhawk' lists speed as 7200 KpH which is 4X faster than X-3 listed as 1800 KpH.

7200km/h is 2km/s, or Mach 6 at sea level; a hypersonic velocity. Just saying.
BTW proper and internationally recognised way to make an abbreviation for "kilometer per hour" is indeed km/h, not KpH.


On another note - I don't really see a reason for shroud obstructing the map itself. Aliens, people etc. shouldn't be drawn when our soldiers can't see them, but they arrive in a dropship, so they get to see whole area from above, and we have satellites and stuff and plenty of time before they actually arrive to get some images of the area.

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On 1/14/2023 at 1:49 AM, Melee said:

v25.4/b Playtest Day 13-30 [Veteran]


  • Xenopedia 'UFO Scout' entry missing speed value and 3rd paragraph the word 'millimeter' is missing an 'l'.
  • Engineering comment text background often doesn't extend to fit text.
  • Un-researched project completion time shown varies by an hour.  e.g., a project showing a completion time of 7 days 23 hours, other times will show 8 days.
  • Engineering project completion time shown varies by an hour.  e.g., a project showing a completion time of 4 days 23 hours, other times will show 5 days.
  • 'Cleaner Intelligence Hub' tactical mission dialog, suggest adding the word 'an' between 'as' and 'intelligence'.
  • 'Cleaner Intelligence Hub' map has many walk-through walls and inaccessible map tiles.
  • When would 'Ablative Plating' be constructed? I built another X-25 in month one and it came with plating.
  • 'Complete Alien Hyperdrive Research Project' objective appears before having the research project.
  • 'Next funding review on day X' somewhere or similar would be helpful.

Tactical Combat

  • The amount of aliens right outside the dropship in the first few missions is sometimes problematic if the overall accuracy and strength of the starting soldiers is subpar. Do the starting stats scale with difficulty? Also partly map dependent if there is no close cover.  HR needs to have chat with the dropship pilots or hire some door gunners (mini-game on landing?).


  • Objectives left aligned and indented slightly inside Geoscape map border line.
  • Can the quick-'Saving...' text in upper left corner be removed? I think it bugs me because it splatters over the graphics like a run-time error.


Engineering Text Background.jpg

Thanks. I've read through your posts and fixed a number of typos and small errors. Several of the UI positioning issues you were experiencing were due to playing on a 16:10 monitor rather than a 16:9 one, so I've updated those to work properly on all screens now.

If you see inaccessible tiles / walk through walls in the Cleaner Intelligence Hub mission, please report them as bugs or post up screenshots in this thread (ideally report them as bugs). I need to know which tiles I should be looking at in order to fix them as I haven't noticed any issues in that mission myself.

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On 1/18/2023 at 5:16 AM, Chris said:

If you see inaccessible tiles / walk through walls in the Cleaner Intelligence Hub mission, please report them as bugs or post up screenshots in this thread (ideally report them as bugs). I need to know which tiles I should be looking at in order to fix them as I haven't noticed any issues in that mission myself.

It was mostly the whole rear half of the building. The small room past the center open area with the three? desks with intel in particular. Cleaners were walking through that wall and two of the desks couldn't be path'd to from the open area.  This may have been related to the weirdness going on in my continued v25.4b.  I didn't have the same issues in v25.3.  I'll see how v25.5 behaves this weekend.

Update: Played mission with v25.5 - no inaccessible tiles or walk-through walls.

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  • 3 weeks later...

v25.5 Playtest Days 1-140ish [Veteran]
v3.03 Demo Days 1-40 [Veteran] 


  • Loading screen gameplay tip never changes.
  • v3.03 - Is there a reason why the 'Wishlist Xenonauts-2' banner is not centered?
  • v3.03 - First time through introduction, it wasn't immediately obvious tooltip had to be hovered on to continue.
  • v3.03 - First time through introduction, it wasn't immediately obvious a click was needed to have the Chief Scientist continue talking. I sat there wondering if the game had hung. I don't think clicking is needed for each sentence. The C.S. could just say his spiel and have the Operations Director respond automatically like they are having a conversation, which they are, with a natural delay for reading and maybe vertically offsetting each sentence's speech bubble like on a phone with a proceed button at the end.
  • Base placement radar range still disappears past center of Pacific in either direction depending on which side of center map is positioned.
  • Why no captures and corpses on Cleaner data mission?
  • Xenopedia entry for 'UFO Scout' missing speed value.
  • Xenopedia entry for 'UFO Destroyer' missing speed value. Also, 'Destroyer Beam' weapon text has comma after it which seems superfluous if 'Destroyer Cannon' has additional 'Weapon' label.
  • Xenopedia entry for 'UFO Fighter' missing speed value. Also, 'Fighter Laser' weapon text has comma after it which seems superfluous if 'Fighter Missiles' has additional 'Weapon' label.
  • Xenopedia entry for 'Heavy Laser Weaponry' speaks of an aircraft Laser Cannon that did not become available when research finished. Topic is also under 'Soldier Weapons' instead of 'Aircraft Equipment'.
  • Xenopedia entry for 'Sentry Gun' speaks of a 'disaster that... befell our organization'. What disaster?
  • Objective to 'Complete alien hyperdrive research project' appears before alien hyperdrive is recovered or UFO destroyer appears.
  • 'Autopsy: Sebellian' 'Sebillian Claws' tooltip lists claws as having a range of 30 with +12% hit bonus per tile. What?
  • 'Autopsy: Mantid' 'Mantid Bite' tooltip lists bites as having a range of 30 with +12% hit bonus per tile. What?
  • 'Alien Magnetic Weapons' Xenopedia entry, 4th paragraph, the word 'resemblence' should be spelled 'resemblance' unless it is a UK English thing like with the 's's and 'z's.
  • Transferring items to a base with a storeroom over capacity yields message 'Base [name of base] does not have a storeroom' instead of 'Base [name of base] storeroom is full/has no room/etc.'
  • Completing 'Cleaner Headquarters' research project yields 'Cleaner Base Mission' which when completed yields 'Quantum Transmitter' research project which speaks of an 'analysis of the Cleaner infiltrator' and locating 'headquarters' of Cleaner organization. What infiltrator? What headquarters that we just destroyed?  The Cleaners feel like a momentary bother lacking depth.  Maybe it is because I don't get the quantum transmitter researched before a new build comes out and I start over. 


  • I have a hard time distinguishing the selected aircraft on the 'Aircraft' screen. The grey highlight is too close to the unselected grey background. Might be my monitor. Maybe add a thin black border or other distinguishing characteristic on the selected?
  • Storage capacity x/y indication on 'Base Stores' 'Transfer Items' screen for both locations.
  • If there is going to be a sell price penalty each time something is sold from a base, a provision is added for selling the items in aggregate across all bases.
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