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Rezzed Computer Show In Brighton

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Just went to the Rezzed computer show and just wanted to say that I thought Xenonauts was game of the show! I'm so fed up with fps, mmo's and all of the other kind of games on show there. The only other game I thought looked promising was Borderlands 2 because that's trying to do something a bit different too. Prison Architect is a good original idea, but felt the implementation was lacking. However, I thought Xenonauts captured the feel of X-Com brilliantly and can't wait for it to come out. Best of luck with the game

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Prison Architect is a good original idea, but felt the implementation was lacking.

Did you attend their developer session? the version they were showing was "pre-alpha", just a little something to show what they are looking to do with it. Although they did borrow work done on other projects like the guards AI etc. Most of the comment I heard hanging around their booth was that it looked very polished for the amount of development that had gone into it so far. :cool:

One re-occurring thing I saw at the xenonauts booth was people not quite "getting" the AP idea, click-click-click "why isn't it firing?!". Guess thats more a comment on the current generation of instant gratification shooters and things. :rolleyes:

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