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Linux Users Needed!

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OK, I'd like to test a few of the newly-ported Linux builds out, but I don't have Linux - so we need some volunteers! I'd like to get together 5 or 6 regular Linux users with a variety of different Linux distros so we can check the port works before we upload it on Desura.

So, if you're interested in helping us, please post in the comments thread with what distro you can test it on. If nobody before you in the comments has posted up that particular distro, please drop me an email at chris@xenonauts.com and I'll hook you up with the correct build.

If someone above you has said they'll test that distro, we'll be in touch with you if they're not able to test it for whatever reason!

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Just did an initial quick battle to see what I could find. I have only tried the .deb version (Debain/Ubuntu)

Game installed ok, though it took a while for the .deb file to load in fully. The wrapper pulled in settings from my local winecfg configuration (i've been using a virtual desktop to prevent having to hard reset my computer should it hard lock), but not sure if it's supposed to do that (assuming that it is in fact utilizing a wrapper)

In game performed identical to my manual installation i run through wine anyway, but I did notice a few things. I didn't get any screenshots as this was just a blind run to see if I encountered any horrific crashes.

1.) Upon loading into a quick battle, after starting the game and selecting europe, I received an error stating that "precursors could not be saved". I clicked the provided OK button, and the battle loaded apparently as normal.

2.) Some previously documented clipping issues with characters and walls, as well as the half erased wall bug when a wild shotgun blast hit a house wall next to a window.

3.) Late in the battle, I had a unit jump a hedge and run to another hedge beyond it, while carrying a medi-kit. The game did not remove the pathing tiles as the unit ran, instead keeping the whole path lit, and progressively turning red from the end of the path towards the start of the path. Also, the AP left counter kept counting down as the unit moved, eventually ending up at -44 AP when the unit arrived at the second hedge. At this point the path tiles were completely red briefly, then disappeared along with the counter when the move order was fully completed. The unit's AP was where it should have been after the move, as opposed to the -44 AP listed.

I'll try to see if I can duplicate the first and third issue before filing a proper bug report. Ideally with either video or screenshots.

~Dudeman Jones

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  • 5 weeks later...

I'm running Gentoo (64 bit) linux; I'm up for some basic testing. A non-RPM version is going to be required for gentoo (there are ways to install RPMs, but my experience is that it's rarely as simple or straightforward as it should be). My preference, frankly, is for a tarball that just contains the game directory, with all necessary files in it. If the game wants to create a .xenonauts directory in my homedir for config files, it should do that when the game is run (e.g. if it should look for config files, and if it can't find them, create defaults).

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I'm running Gentoo (64 bit) linux; I'm up for some basic testing. A non-RPM version is going to be required for gentoo (there are ways to install RPMs, but my experience is that it's rarely as simple or straightforward as it should be). My preference, frankly, is for a tarball that just contains the game directory, with all necessary files in it. If the game wants to create a .xenonauts directory in my homedir for config files, it should do that when the game is run (e.g. if it should look for config files, and if it can't find them, create defaults).

The windows version can already be downloaded as a zip file you can just extract to play. The Linux version will take care of extracting the files and a script that calls wine for you, so as long as you have wine installed you can play instantly after installing.

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