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[v6.3 Ground combat] Strange firing trajectories


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I encountered a map where strange trajectories happen around a building. After some attempts I reproduced a troop placement that makes it somewhat reproducible from a save file. Just end the turn in the save, but a few different results can be seen depending on how the randomness of the shots goes. Some explanatory screenshots:


This building is where weirdness happens. First note the Psyon inside, and the red dot in front of the couch. From that red dot tile, seems like the Psyon can shoot at strange places, including at the soldier just below the wall, here from another angle:


As far as I'm concerned, the couch is blocking the window and the soldier should be totally safe.

Further, behind the building there's another circled area. An alien will appear there, outside that window, during the alien turn, and will shoot. Sometimes the shot seems to go through the entire building (both windows?) and hit one of the two circled soldiers in the chopper. Especially given that the alien is standing outside, so below the window, it doesn't feel like he should be able to shoot through the building whatsoever, let alone hit anyone.

Could be bugs here, or just classic cases of LOS not matching the intuition from the graphics, but either way, something's weird. 


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Thanks for the report. So there's a couple of issues here. A little bit of this seems to be caused by the fact that we've got a 1-cell tile rather than a 9-cell tile, so the shot paths are a bit imprecise at the moment.

I think the main thing though is that the building is just a bit confusing in design terms. The floor is 1m off the ground but it's treated like it's standard ground height. That sofa is visually blocking the window (which is bad map design that we should change) but it's just offering a standard 40% blocking chance, and there's no limitations in place about shooting through the building - it's just like shooting through two windows in any other building.

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I realized the floor thing later, it's definitely confusing how visually the floor is above the ground but is ground-level mechanically.

What's going on with walking through walls though, as in my second post here? Also the inner light-coloured walls can be walked through, like in the first screenshot that inner wall separating a smaller room, you can just walk through the wall from the bigger room.

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