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can I offer a free korean translation for Xenonauts 2?

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hi I've ordered the soldier pack for the pre-order for this game


I really like the idea of this game and wish i could share it with my friends.


So was thinking if I could give a helping hand for the translation for this game in korean


I might not be able to give you a 100% translation, and I'm not a professional translator.


but I think I could manage a rough translation for the core of this game If you provide me with the text files. I do have some experience on translating games.


It might still be on closed beta but I believe there are core game parts that will not be altered to the full release. I will focus on those parts.

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We are going to be producing tools that allow the community to translate the game before release, yeah - but they're not ready yet, and we need to get the core parts of the game done first. I'd love it if you could do a translation but you'll have to wait a bit longer before it'll be possible :)

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