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[V1.1 - Ground Combat] Burst fire crash

wulf 21

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Not sure if it's reproducable (probably depends on exact random number generator result), but anyhow, that's what I did:

Second gound engagement, right from the start an alien was an alien in plain sight near the lower right corner

  1. kneeled with a rifleman (not sure why I did it though as I know it doesn't get me an accuracy bonus in X2)
  2. right clicked until burst fire was selected
  3. clicked the alien

If I read the Log correctly, it shows that the first 2 shots were supposed to go off the playing field, the 3rd to hit an environment tile, after that it somehow fails to find the target point where the Human targeting animation should point the gun:

2018-12-03 22:48:22,358 [INFO] (D:\Jenkins\workspace\X2 (Build)\release-0.33.0\Assets\Code\Screens\GroundCombat\Factories\Abilities\FirearmAbility.cs:540) 
Projectile TrajectoryMissOffBoard (rolled 44% (<= is success) against 21.6%) on -1 from (23.1, 1.2, 8.1) to (0.0, 2.4, 10.2) ([F:1, I:0, J:20] / [X:0, Y:1, Z:10], ID:19221 Type:Corner), impacted at: [F:1, I:0, J:20] / [X:0, Y:1, Z:10], ID:19221 Type:Corner

2018-12-03 22:48:22,362 [INFO] (D:\Jenkins\workspace\X2 (Build)\release-0.33.0\Assets\Code\Screens\GroundCombat\Factories\Abilities\FirearmAbility.cs:540) 
Projectile TrajectoryMissOffBoard (rolled 56% (<= is success) against 21.6%) on -1 from (23.1, 1.2, 8.1) to (0.0, 1.5, 9.9) ([F:0, I:0, J:20] / [X:0, Y:0, Z:10], ID:2580 Type:Corner), impacted at: [F:0, I:0, J:20] / [X:0, Y:0, Z:10], ID:2580 Type:Corner

2018-12-03 22:48:22,365 [INFO] (D:\Jenkins\workspace\X2 (Build)\release-0.33.0\Assets\Code\Screens\GroundCombat\Factories\Abilities\FirearmAbility.cs:540) 
Projectile TrajectoryHit (rolled 31% (<= is success) against 21.6%) on 3904 from (23.1, 1.2, 8.1) to (2.4, 0.0, 6.7) ([F:0, I:5, J:13] / [X:2, Y:0, Z:6], ID:1682 Type:Centre), impacted at: [F:0, I:29, J:15] / [X:14, Y:0, Z:7], ID:1964 Type:Centre

2018-12-03 22:48:22,408 [FATAL] (D:\Jenkins\workspace\X2 (Build)\release-0.33.0\Assets\Code\Screens\XenonautsMain.cs:439) 
A fatal error occurred during Update() - 
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.GameObject:get_transform ()
  at Xenonauts.GroundCombat.Scripts.AIkControl.get_Target () [0x0003e] in D:\Jenkins\workspace\X2 (Build)\release-0.33.0\Assets\Code\Screens\GroundCombat\Scripts\Ik\AIkControl.cs:19 
  at Xenonauts.GroundCombat.Scripts.HumanIkControl.StartAiming (Vector3 targetPos, Single timeAvailable) [0x00002] in D:\Jenkins\workspace\X2 (Build)\release-0.33.0\Assets\Code\Screens\GroundCombat\Scripts\Ik\HumanIkControl.cs:180 
  at Xenonauts.GroundCombat.IkSystem.StartTargeting (Artitas.Entity comb, Common.Components.IkShootTargetComponent ikTarget) [0x00067] in D:\Jenkins\workspace\X2 (Build)\release-0.33.0\Assets\Code\Screens\GroundCombat\Systems\Rendering\IkSystem.cs:79 
  at Xenonauts.GroundCombat.IkSystem.TargetChanged (Artitas.Entity comb, Common.Components.IkShootTargetComponent oldComponent, Common.Components.IkShootTargetComponent newComponent) [0x0000b] in D:\Jenkins\workspace\X2 (Build)\release-0.33.0\Assets\Code\Screens\GroundCombat\Systems\Rendering\IkSystem.cs:60 

Attached the complete content of Documents\My Games\Xenonauts 2 (saves, logs)

... at least I tried to, forum keeps showing me "There was a problem processing the uploaded file. -200 ". Will try again after submitting the new Topic.


edit: It somehow won't let me upload any files to the forum today, uploaded it to mediafire instead: https://www.mediafire.com/file/j6mh6y6hql0u64h/Xenonauts2.zip/file

Edited by wulf 21
added data link
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