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[X:CE 0.35] French localization


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Hello to all,

Let this thread opened to any remark, suggestion and criticism about the brand new French version I've worked on for several month.

First of all, it wasn't made from scratch, as the unofficial patches then X:CE have long been accompanied by several French translators, the last but not the least being @Arnonymous (v1.59 and CE translation, released in 2015). Secondly, this should eventually become community-based, why not, and I can provide post-release follow-up, at least for a few month.

As in the official localization forum, French should be tolerated in this thread, when coming down to specific language topics.

Ce fil de discussion est ouvert à tous pour collecter tout rapport d'erreurs (orthographe, grammaire, formatage, compréhension) et également pour discuter de certains choix de traduction (comme par exemple, la traduction du nom d'une espèce extraterrestre ou d'une arme sci-fi), concernant la nouvelle traduction française accompagnant Xenonauts Community Edition v0.35. Vous pouvez y poster un message en français mais le mieux serait d'inclure une présentation en anglais de façon à ce qu'un anglophone comprenne de quoi il y est question.

If any set of corrections can be formulated before the eventual X:CE v0.35.1 correction version, it will be integrated; if not, a localization mod will have to be made.

Edited by Rodmar18
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