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Geographic Addition's expansion


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I wish to contribute and expand Axiomatic's Geographic Addition mod by adding even more cities, at least at the greater zoom levels. In short, the goal is to reflect a satellite view in the 1980s, whatever the zoom level, and not (only) to place missing capitals on a Risk-like board. In order to append the city list, I had a few questions. As I will work on population data, I would greatly benefit later from advice from everywhere on Earth about what location are/aren't pertinent in 1980s, and about critical assets (mostly military bases, research or economical centres) to add (such as Churchill in Canada, or Tiksi in Yakutia, mere "villages" at the planetary level).

  1. Is there a limit to the total number of cities in cities.xml the game can handle, besides visual cluttering considerations? For example, is 990 safe?
  2. Would you only place as many as cities per region as they initially (or potentially) contribute the funding, so that terror missions would impact more often the most important regions? (or do we have to adapt the boundaries, if we want to go realistic?)
  3. Are the population numbers ever used? There are the same throughout cities.xml. Are they a criteria to select a terror target? Does a nuking really alter them (it looks like it kills circa 20,000 hab)? Shouldn't a nuke strike, or a number of, remove a city (out of the scope of the mod)?

By the way, I sent Axiomatic a PM a month ago. Does he still is in activity?


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There is no explicit limit on cities, though with the way the game is coded, I wouldn't be surprised if some subtle problems appeared with several hundred cities.

Funding comes from regions, not cities, but you have to be careful with the balance of terror missions. A terror UFO will choose a random city, ignoring regions that have been lost. So if you have too many cities in one region, then that particular region could see too many terror missions.

You can ignore the population numbers, they do not get used in any way.

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