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[X:CE 0.34.1] Hidden not localizable strings


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I'm stuck with a minor concern that could perhaps be solved in next X:CE version (even if due to vanilla game). It looks like (but I'm not sure) that some character strings don't come from the strings.xml file as they should (if I'm not mistaken, that is). I suspect this because I can't find why I keep getting them not translated in my localized version (0.34.1).

I'm not speaking about text in pictures such as the 'Suppressed!' icon and the 'End Turn' button (though it would be nice if a solution could be found, better than asking translators to play with their preferred picture editor).

It's about words that appear in message boxes.

  1. Each time when a transport reaches a spotted alien base, I get this message: "(Named transport) has reached Alien Base". ('Alien Base' is in English every thing else is in French). According to strings.xml, it should be a value in GCBeginConfirm label. I'm pretty sure it's not caused by a localized string that would be too long, because I translated all the 'Alien Base'  (in strings.xml) as either 'Enclave ET', 'Base ET', or 'Forteresse ET', which are no longer than their English xce.balance version ('Alien Outpost', 'Alien Base', and 'Alien Fortress'). Moreover, Geoscape locations and targeting menus are correctly localized. Or could this be a problem with xce.balance which changed the value of AlienBase.Small/Medium/Large? (Next base, I set them all to 'Base ET', and see).
  2. I also keep having one 'HP' (Hit Point) display in some box, but I took less attention to the context. Again, all the occurrences in strings.xml have been translated by 'PV', and all base management and inventory UI are correctly localized.

Do you think that the correct string is not passed on the display script? Despite my poor indications, I hope case 1 might help you tracking down case 2.

Edited by Rodmar18
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25 minutes ago, Rodmar18 said:

Each time when a transport reaches a spotted alien base, I get this message: "(Named transport) has reached Alien Base".

Yeah, that is a hardcoded name. The localized size strings are only used for the blue Geoscape icon displaying the base. Just coded a probable fix. Thanks for mentioning this.

28 minutes ago, Rodmar18 said:

I also keep having one 'HP' (Hit Point) display in some box, but I took less attention to the context. Again, all the occurrences in strings.xml have been translated by 'PV', and all base management and inventory UI are correctly localized.

I'll need to know where in the game this happens to fix.

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