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Bases, Chinook cargo and crouched soldiers

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Firstly I just want to say how much I'm enjoying the current build - as a long time X-Com fan its nice to see this sort of thing done right! I do have a couple of questions however and I've been over the forums and couldn't see anything similar (if I've missed something or if this is the wrong place feel free to move the thread)

#1 - In previous X-Com games the troop transport could carry extra supplies, like ammunition, grenades etc, which was left on the floor of the troop bay. Is/will this be possible?

#2 - If I have a soldier crouched in front and a standing soldier one space behind, when I try to have the soldier standing directly behind fire he inevitably shoots the guy crouched in front, 100% of the time. This strikes me as a strange thing for elite troops to do especially when they are so close.

#3 - Having started several games now I've found that, with north america in particular, even though I have my base in the region there are still events occurring outside of my radar range within that region (i.e. one base can't cover all of north america). Given that you can't extend your radar range without buying another base I've had a few games where I've shot down every UFO and completed every ground mission without loss, but still lost funding from the region my first base is in at the end of month. I found this more than a little frustrating, and while I could build a second base to give full coverage of the north american land mass that seems a bit wasteful (considering I'm meant to be defending the whole planet :P). Is there a way to extend the total radar range, rather than just the detection %, without splashing out on an whole extra base?


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1: It is not currently possible but I would like to see it.

2: currently the crouncing soldier occupies the entire space of that square. you can't shoot over him. I guess crouching impacts the calculation if you are trying to hit him but you can't shoot past him.

3: Asfar as I know not in the current version. Probably will when we get access to more of the tech tree.

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I'm sure there are better radar installations to be created down the road. Also one idea being tossed around is to have some typical air force bases around the world that will help out before being destroyed after a few months. You're also not supposed to be able to stop everything. :P

I've found the best option is to build my main base in north africa, a secondary one in central america (radar+hangar in month 1, supporting troops in month 2), and a hangar + 2 radars base on the chinese coast opposite taiwan... bad stuff still happens, but I can shoot down enough UFOs etc that I still have an overall positive score in most regions.

#2 should be fixed

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Hi all,

to #1:

I've been meaning to talk about that, too. Although large parts of the transport are probably taken up by the stuff the soldiers have on them, there is bound to be some room left to store more exotic equipment. Things like rocket launchers or special ammo or other stuff that is dependent on certain terrain or enemies. The stash shouldn't be too large. Two backpacks worth of stuff at the most.

to #2:

Noticed that when scalping one of my guys with a machine gun in a narrow doorway when he couldn't get out of the way and so just crouched. -_-

It's not much of an issue when known, but would be nice if it were fixed anyway.

to #3:

This one is very much dependant on how many bases one is able to afford. I would certainly hope that it is possible to have several outposts to add radar coverage but I'm betting on better tech and buildings, too.

Maybe after some time the nations would be able/willing to add some capacities of their own.


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