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Change of Save Game location?

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G'afternoon, this is only a small request, but is there any reason for the save games to default to My Documents/Xenonauts apart from a design choice?

Microsoft handily supply a My Games folder inside My Documents where *most* games tend to keep save games.

I'm quite fond of RockPaperShotgun's initiative to place them in a common location, mostly because it can get very annoying trying to track them all down.

Food for thought :)

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I prefer to keep my saves as far away from windows as possible.

If I need to reinstall I can still easily get my saves back.

Not that I break my OS very often by fiddling with stuff.


It is nice to keep things together though.

If you cant choose where to store your saves then documents/my games works as a default location better than most.

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In a nice clean PC this seems fine. In practice, I find I want my saved games as near to my other files to be backed up as possible. That's pretty much always in My Documents.

Yes. Exactly.

So My Documents\My Games is better than just having another folder cluttering up My Documents.

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It would also be great to have the name entered in the save game dialog were used also as the file name. Today the file name is the date of the save. I find it not very informative.

In Windows explorer files can be easily sorted by creation date.

I would also appreciate the following changes to the save/load dialogs:

1) An icon in the save/load list to show if the save was in geoscape or in tactical mode

2) An auto populated progressive name in the new save file, so that saving requires just a couple of clicks. The save name template should be very simple, something like 'Geoscape - <auto incrementing number>' for the geoscape saves, and 'Tactical Turn x - <auto incrementing number>' for tactical missions

Just a suggestion, as always.

These are minor suggestions, but many software developers underestimate them. While playing, a user should spend very little time messing in the save/load file dialogs.

I've used some games were the saved files weren't even ordered in the save dialog....

Last saved game should always be the first.

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