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A thank you to Goldhawk

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I had this game for a while now, but due to some bugs i was never able to get the really new technology like laser or wolf armour.

Now in 9.5 it was finally possible again to get to those things and seeing them made me a lot more happy about the game.

The excitement in Ufo was great, learning about the aliens a little bit more and a little bit more and gaining new cool weapons.

Seeing that this is greatly the case in xenonauts too is really reliving and i think the idea, that you don't just start using alien weapons and armor, but rather research their stuff and build your own is really awesome.

It makes you really psyched to unlock new things, were in ufo you allready had the best weapon, after you researched the heavy plasma.

So great job you guys, i hope the kickstarter fund will be a great success.

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