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Xenonauts: Community Edition 0.34.3

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2 minutes ago, Guy said:


What is the difference between badon files to yours?

I dont know.

The only thing you have to know about it that those files are the ones which come naturally for steam users. Only the GOG version didnt get the fixed ones, which is why i uploaded them.

  • Thanks 1
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On 5/3/2018 at 9:04 AM, Charon said:

I uploaded the fixed files.


I apologise for the inconvinience the forums download section is causing.


23 hours ago, Guy said:


What is the difference between badon files to yours?


23 hours ago, Charon said:

I dont know.

The only thing you have to know about it that those files are the ones which come naturally for steam users. Only the GOG version didnt get the fixed ones, which is why i uploaded them.

Are you saying the "badon files" come from Steam, and your "fixed badon files" come from GOG? Here are the links and hashes for the "fixed badon files", good for at least 30 days:




MD5: 03f1485191e84df33fa1896c8275aa04

SHA1: 03ae545d4a07d8ba2851f5c85256ab8a3b4ec9f6

SHA256: b3ea37902a9bcfcee9a18b42713f0f92ac15d481af8c353adabb8cd0bebaf614

Edited by badon
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First of all thank you for your great work of mods! its makes you want !

I installed xenonaute, then the following mods:

Xenonauts Community Edition 0.34.3 xce-034-3.zip
Xenonauts Community Edition Pack Mod 0.34.3 xcemods-034-3.zip
Xenonauts Community Edition Fixed Pack Mod 0.34.3 xcemods-034-3.zip
X-Division 0.99.40
X-Division 0.99.45

But I can see that "X: CE Base Mod" is missing from the Modding Tools Mods list

watch my screenshot:


Additional question, The loading order of the mods is good?

I want to keep the game to the maximum in French!

Thank you in advance :)


D’abord merci pour votre super travail de mods ! ça donne envie !

J'ai installé xenonaute, puis les mods suivant :

  • Xenonauts Community Edition 0.34.3 xce-034-3.zip
  • Xenonauts Community Edition Mod Pack 0.34.3 xcemods-034-3.zip
  • Xenonauts Community Edition Fixed Mod Pack 0.34.3 xcemods-034-3.zip
  • X-Division 0.99.40
  • X-Division 0.99.45

Mais je vois bien qu'il manque "X:CE Base Mod" dans la liste de Mods de Modding Tools

regarder ma capture d'écran :


Question supplémentaire, L'ordre de chargement des mods est bon ?

Je souhaite garder le jeux au maximum en français!

Merci d’avance :)

Edited by xeno1789
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On 5/9/2018 at 2:44 AM, AssQuack said:

Hey, any chance someone could provide a direct download link to the 0.34.3 version of the base mod since the download section of the forum seems to be unavailable at the moment? 

Look back a few posts and you will see my drive.google.com links to all the files you need, complete with hashes so you can verify data integrity.

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7 hours ago, badon said:

Look back a few posts and you will see my drive.google.com links to all the files you need, complete with hashes so you can verify data integrity.

Damn my bad... I've searched this forum for like half an hour... must have overlooked that post. Thanks man

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On 5/3/2018 at 9:04 AM, Charon said:

I uploaded the fixed files.


I apologise for the inconvinience the forums download section is causing.


On 5/3/2018 at 4:17 PM, badon said:

What was fixed?


On 5/5/2018 at 10:13 PM, Guy said:


What is the difference between badon files to yours?


On 5/5/2018 at 10:17 PM, Charon said:

I dont know.

The only thing you have to know about it that those files are the ones which come naturally for steam users. Only the GOG version didnt get the fixed ones, which is why i uploaded them.


On 5/6/2018 at 10:07 PM, badon said:



Are you saying the "badon files" come from Steam, and your "fixed badon files" come from GOG? Here are the links and hashes for the "fixed badon files", good for at least 30 days:




MD5: 03f1485191e84df33fa1896c8275aa04

SHA1: 03ae545d4a07d8ba2851f5c85256ab8a3b4ec9f6

SHA256: b3ea37902a9bcfcee9a18b42713f0f92ac15d481af8c353adabb8cd0bebaf614


I finished analyzing the "fixed" mod pack, and my results show the difference is mostly a lot of stuff removed: 


Xenonauts Community Edition Fixed Mod Pack 0.34.3 xcemods-034-3.zip
Compared to the (normal, regular, standard)
Xenonauts Community Edition Mod Pack 0.34.3 xcemods-034-3.zip

\Xenonauts Fix Pack\modinfo.xml  CHANGED: 1.41 TO 1.41X
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\sounds_gc.xml  CHANGED: MODMERGE="update" added to <Sounds> and <Destruction>, removed from <Damaged> and <Destroyed>, and <General MODMERGE="update"> added too.
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\_README.txt  RENAMED: TO _README-X.txt
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\readme.txt  ADDED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\aircraftweapons.xml  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\corpseprops.xml  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\researches.xml  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\strings.xml  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\xenopedia.xml  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\scripts\_basebuilt.lua  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\xenopediaimages\fusionmissile.jpg  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\soldierimages\armour.basic\med10.png  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\soldierimages\armour.basic\nor32.png  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\soldierimages\armour.buzzard\med10.png  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\soldierimages\armour.buzzard\nor32.png  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\soldierimages\armour.jackal\med10.png  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\soldierimages\armour.jackal\nor32.png  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\soldierimages\armour.sentinel\med10.png  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\soldierimages\armour.sentinel\nor32.png  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\soldierimages\armour.wolf\med10.png  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\soldierimages\armour.wolf\nor32.png  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\backgrounds\mainmenu\animations\Lower-CRT-Center.xml  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\units\xenonaut\armour.basic\weapon.alienadvancedgrenade\soldier_spectre.xml  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\units\xenonaut\armour.basic\weapon.aliengrenade\soldier_spectre.xml  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\units\xenonaut\armour.basic\weapon.assaultshield.alienadvancedgrenade\soldier_spectre.xml  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\units\xenonaut\armour.basic\weapon.assaultshield.aliengrenade\soldier_spectre.xml  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\units\xenonaut\armour.basic\weapon.combatshield.alienadvancedgrenade\soldier_spectre.xml  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\units\xenonaut\armour.basic\weapon.combatshield.aliengrenade\soldier_spectre.xml  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\units\xenonaut\armour.buzzard\weapon.alienadvancedgrenade\soldier_spectre.xml  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\units\xenonaut\armour.buzzard\weapon.aliengrenade\soldier_spectre.xml  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\units\xenonaut\armour.buzzard\weapon.assaultshield.alienadvancedgrenade\soldier_spectre.xml  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\units\xenonaut\armour.buzzard\weapon.assaultshield.aliengrenade\soldier_spectre.xml  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\units\xenonaut\armour.buzzard\weapon.combatshield.alienadvancedgrenade\soldier_spectre.xml  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\units\xenonaut\armour.buzzard\weapon.combatshield.aliengrenade\soldier_spectre.xml  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\units\xenonaut\armour.jackal\weapon.alienadvancedgrenade\soldier_spectre.xml  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\units\xenonaut\armour.jackal\weapon.aliengrenade\soldier_spectre.xml  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\units\xenonaut\armour.jackal\weapon.assaultshield.alienadvancedgrenade\soldier_spectre.xml  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\units\xenonaut\armour.jackal\weapon.assaultshield.aliengrenade\soldier_spectre.xml  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\units\xenonaut\armour.jackal\weapon.combatshield.alienadvancedgrenade\soldier_spectre.xml  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\units\xenonaut\armour.jackal\weapon.combatshield.aliengrenade\soldier_spectre.xml  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\units\xenonaut\armour.sentinel\weapon.alienadvancedgrenade\soldier_spectre.xml  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\units\xenonaut\armour.sentinel\weapon.aliengrenade\soldier_spectre.xml  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\units\xenonaut\armour.sentinel\weapon.assaultshield.alienadvancedgrenade\soldier_spectre.xml  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\units\xenonaut\armour.sentinel\weapon.assaultshield.aliengrenade\soldier_spectre.xml  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\units\xenonaut\armour.sentinel\weapon.combatshield.alienadvancedgrenade\soldier_spectre.xml  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\units\xenonaut\armour.sentinel\weapon.combatshield.aliengrenade\soldier_spectre.xml  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\units\xenonaut\armour.wolf\weapon.alienadvancedgrenade\soldier_spectre.xml  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\units\xenonaut\armour.wolf\weapon.aliengrenade\soldier_spectre.xml  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\units\xenonaut\armour.wolf\weapon.assaultshield.alienadvancedgrenade\soldier_spectre.xml  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\units\xenonaut\armour.wolf\weapon.assaultshield.aliengrenade\soldier_spectre.xml  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\units\xenonaut\armour.wolf\weapon.combatshield.alienadvancedgrenade\soldier_spectre.xml  REMOVED
\Xenonauts Fix Pack\units\xenonaut\armour.wolf\weapon.combatshield.aliengrenade\soldier_spectre.xml  REMOVED


This is not what I expected for something that's supposedly "fixed" to get it to work on GOG's version of Xenonauts. There should be more file changes, but instead it's just a bunch of stuff missing and a few trivial changes. The readme.txt says there should be more sophisticated changes, if our expectations were not wrong:


Xenonauts Fix Pack
- Fixed the missing orientation data on certain bookshelves so you can stand near them
- Adjusted the sortpoint data on certain bookshelves so they render behind units instead of in front of them
- Fixed two windows in the wooden farmhouse set in the Restored Community Map Pack that started floating in the air after breaking them
- Added destruction to the wooden farmhouse set in the Restored Community Map Pack
- Made it possible to stand next to toilet sinks
- Fixed the graphical layering issues with bookshelves and fridges next to open doors in house_small_LR and house_small_UD submaps in the town tileset
- Made it possible to walk on flowerbeds without stone planters and removed their cover value


All of those changes are in both versions, so that's obviously not something that was "fixed". I'm guessing that's because the "fixed" version is probably NOT based on the current normal mod pack. I'm also guessing the "fixed" version is actually NOT based on anything at all, and is more likely to be a spurious old version of something nobody needs. The most interesting clue I noticed is all these differences are part of the "Xenonauts Fix Pack" mod included in both versions. I think it's likely the idea of a "fixed" version was somehow confused with the Xenonauts Fix Pack, which is in both versions. I'm going to use Occam's Razor and hypothesize that nobody needs the "fixed" version, and until we can find a reason why we need it, we shouldn't use it. In other words, if it isn't broken, don't fix it.


I had a few crashes on startup with the "normal" version of the mod pack, but I haven't experienced any crashes on startup with the "fixed" version of the mod pack. I suspect the crashing is not specific to one of the mods. I'm going to try the normal version again, and if every thing runs OK, I'm going to ignore the "fixed" version. I have attached a screenshot of the most significant changes I could find, in sounds_gc.xml. That should be more clear than my text description, and it also shows that so little changed, it looks more like minor maintenance instead of fixing some major issue between the Steam platform and the GOG platform.


If anyone has more information or insights based on my research, please share.

Xenonauts Community Edition Fixed Mod Pack 0.34.3 xcemods-034-3 sounds_gc.xml changes 2018-05-12-Sat-11-37-10_256 colors.png

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47 minutes ago, badon said:

This is not what I expected for something that's supposedly "fixed" to get it to work on GOG's version of Xenonauts. There should be more file changes, but instead it's just a bunch of stuff missing and a few trivial changes. The readme.txt says there should be more sophisticated changes, if our expectations were not wrong:

46 minutes ago, badon said:

All of those changes are in both versions, so that's obviously not something that was "fixed". I'm guessing that's because the "fixed" version is probably NOT based on the current normal mod pack. I'm also guessing the "fixed" version is actually NOT based on anything at all, and is more likely to be a spurious old version of something nobody needs. The most interesting clue I noticed is all these differences are part of the "Xenonauts Fix Pack" mod included in both versions. I think it's likely the idea of a "fixed" version was somehow confused with the Xenonauts Fix Pack, which is in both versions. I'm going to use Occam's Razor and hypothesize that nobody needs the "fixed" version, and until we can find a reason why we need it, we shouldn't use it. In other words, if it isn't broken, don't fix it.


I had a few crashes on startup with the "normal" version of the mod pack, but I haven't experienced any crashes on startup with the "fixed" version of the mod pack. I suspect the crashing is not specific to one of the mods. I'm going to try the normal version again, and if every thing runs OK, I'm going to ignore the "fixed" version. I have attached a screenshot of the most significant changes I could find, in sounds_gc.xml. That should be more clear than my text description, and it also shows that so little changed, it looks more like minor maintenance instead of fixing some major issue between the Steam platform and the GOG platform.


Hm, quite the analysis, i think i forgot what i changed there myself. Thanks for the reminder ( although i cant take the analysis literally - just as a general note for me )

Uuuh .. i forgot what i wanted to write here, something about selfimportance and stuff. The  thing your ananlysis is missing is "knowledge".

In the end i dont really mind if GOG users use the fixed version or not, its their game they screw up, not mine. We had some severe cases with an emergency response to fix the stuff, but dont expect me to dig that up, its somewhere in this forum.

The fixed files are required for X-Division and for steam, so thats just that.

Happy May :).

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1 hour ago, Charon said:


Hm, quite the analysis, i think i forgot what i changed there myself. Thanks for the reminder ( although i cant take the analysis literally - just as a general note for me )

Uuuh .. i forgot what i wanted to write here, something about selfimportance and stuff. The  thing your ananlysis is missing is "knowledge".

In the end i dont really mind if GOG users use the fixed version or not, its their game they screw up, not mine. We had some severe cases with an emergency response to fix the stuff, but dont expect me to dig that up, its somewhere in this forum.

The fixed files are required for X-Division and for steam, so thats just that.

Happy May :).

OK, now that I have invested a day or two to become somewhat more familiar with what's going on in the mods, if you remember any details in the future please let me know. I can contribute improved documentation, setup instructions, and probably other things, in addition to the file stewardship I have been doing with my download links, checksums, and virus checks. Since I'm not getting much help (usually no response to direct questions), I'm forced to figure it out by trial and error. I can do that, no problem, and one of the first things I want to learn are the specifics that should replace the vague parts of the setup instructions.


I normally do a lot of bug testing as a hobby, so if anyone cares to help me speed this process along (answer my questions maybe?), I might be able to contribute more directly with improving the quality of the mods, and possibly eliminating the need for mysterious separate versions. I haven't even played the game yet, so I'm getting ahead of myself here, but I just want to make it clear cooperating with me will probably result in good things, especially with me taking some of the burden of helping other users.

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On 5/10/2018 at 7:20 AM, xeno1789 said:

First of all thank you for your great work of mods! its makes you want !

I installed xenonaute, then the following mods:

Xenonauts Community Edition 0.34.3 xce-034-3.zip
Xenonauts Community Edition Pack Mod 0.34.3 xcemods-034-3.zip
Xenonauts Community Edition Fixed Pack Mod 0.34.3 xcemods-034-3.zip
X-Division 0.99.40
X-Division 0.99.45

But I can see that "X: CE Base Mod" is missing from the Modding Tools Mods list

watch my screenshot:


Additional question, The loading order of the mods is good?

I want to keep the game to the maximum in French!

Thank you in advance :)

I'm sorry no one has answered your question yet. I wasn't prepared to answer it at the time you posted, but while I have been studying the mods I have kept you in mind, and I think I can help you now. You can see in my screenshots (after a fresh install) I have the base mod as #29. I looked closely at your screenshots, and you have the base mod there too, as #20.

Xenonauts Community Edition 0.34.3 mod manager after setup 2018-05-12-Sat-15-01-08 1_256 colors.png

Xenonauts Community Edition 0.34.3 mod manager after setup 2018-05-12-Sat-15-01-08 2_256 colors.png

Edited by badon
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10 hours ago, badon said:

OK, now that I have invested a day or two to become somewhat more familiar with what's going on in the mods, if you remember any details in the future please let me know. I can contribute improved documentation, setup instructions, and probably other things, in addition to the file stewardship I have been doing with my download links, checksums, and virus checks. Since I'm not getting much help (usually no response to direct questions), I'm forced to figure it out by trial and error. I can do that, no problem, and one of the first things I want to learn are the specifics that should replace the vague parts of the setup instructions.


I normally do a lot of bug testing as a hobby, so if anyone cares to help me speed this process along (answer my questions maybe?), I might be able to contribute more directly with improving the quality of the mods, and possibly eliminating the need for mysterious separate versions. I haven't even played the game yet, so I'm getting ahead of myself here, but I just want to make it clear cooperating with me will probably result in good things, especially with me taking some of the burden of helping other users.

This is unofficial and unaccountable:

The fix pack is like a sore wound and it everytime it comes up salts gets rubbed in. The only reason we bother because the map assets are worth all the trouble, but the coding of the files is severely lacking. @Policenaut makes great content, his coding on the other hand breaks everything. The irony of the situation is that the "Fix Pack" actually breaks, and alters a lot of content, contrary to the name. If you make a mod give it a clear purpose, put the fixing stuff all in one mod, and altering stuff in another one.

  1. @Policenaut and I have long been working on stabilising the game together, where we found out that the sounds_gc should need proper coding, since it statistically decreases crashing after a a GC load. There was still no proper coding present in the file. I wrote a whole guide about how to make a mod here: https://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/forums/index.php?/topic/19387-the-comprehensive-guide-to-modding-and-the-modmerging-system-for-xce/
  2. The aircraftweapons were removed because the file introduced weapons which werent dublicated in the items file. If you do that the game can no longer modmerge inserted aircraftweapons content with an higher priority than the fix pack. You might now say its easy, its written there that it should have the highest priority. A. Bad coding isnt an excuse, the modding scene of Xenonauts will constantly change and B. you cant give it the highest priority everytime.
    For arguments sake lets say somebody wants to play the "Dreadnaught" mod. The Fix Pack will have to be on a lower priority. Vóila, the aircraftweapons the Dreadnaught mod is adding wont get taken. And thats just a quick and easy example.
    Now normally i wouldnt bother with custom mods that break something, thats just part of the fun. But @Solver wanted to have it as a part of the official XCE release, which put me on DEFCON 2. If that would have gone unnoticed there would literally only be 4 people on this earth who know how to fix it and 3 left the forum already. We are talking about official releases here and a friendly reminder to @Solver why he pays me so much :p.
  3. Dont even let me get started on the researches file. Lets just say it breaks backwards compability with advanced save games. Among other things.
  4. The scripts, different missile picture and the the different mainemenu animation were removed because if you want to alter the game put it in another mod.
  5. The different armour folders were removed because they had certain mod dependencies in order to fix anything. Again this is bad modding practices.

I just went down your analysis list, so the answers are only as comprehensive as the analysis is.


EDIT: If you want to learn something you should read up on these things here:

Edited by Charon
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10 hours ago, badon said:

I'm sorry no one has answered your question yet. I wasn't prepared to answer it at the time you posted, but while I have been studying the mods I have kept you in mind, and I think I can help you now. You can see in my screenshots (after a fresh install) I have the base mod as #29. I looked closely at your screenshots, and you have the base mod there too, as #20.

No, it isnt. The (FR) versions are only translations of the said mods, not the content. The real mod seems to be missing indeed. @badon please dont give wrong advice.


1. You are in the wrong thread.

2. You propably need to make a total reinstallation of the game. Delete your mods folder as well, and if any problems arise, post in the right thread again.

Edited by Charon
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Xeno1789, you should follow the instructions in the X:CE sub-forum to install X:CE first, and then those in the X-Division sub-forum to install X-Division (You'll find additional information about the mods in the Mod Pack).

As Charon says, (FR) "mods" contain only translations that override the textual content of English mods, themselves overriding/ supplementing content of lower priority mods and X:CE base, themselves overriding/supplementing vanilla content. You shouldn't have any (FR) mod without its original version (e.g. 'Fire in the Hole (FR)' without 'Fire in the Hole').

Stay tuned because next version of X:CE should come out with a brand revisited set of all those (FR) translation files. In due time, I would be very interested by your feedback but just post in the right thread.

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Merci de votre aide badon, Charon, Rodmar18 !
 ça marche ! Après une bonne réinstallation de tous.
J’avais dézippé manuellement au lieu d’installer avec moddingtools un des zip.


Thank you for your help badon, Charon, Rodmar18!
  it works ! After a good resettlement of all.
I unzipped manually instead of installing a zip with moddingtools.


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