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[1.65/X.CE V0.35.0] X-Division 1.00 Beta (1.00.11c)


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Well.... i managed to capture 1 ceaser green dude  i was missing it from a different corvette corvette  ,  and i got all the research done.  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..... captured all xenos too!!!!! except 1 that explodes... no matter what, and  got the praetor.........   

Now i need to find  a suitable psychic...... Another praetor???, where????

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10 hours ago, cyllan said:



Well.... i managed to capture 1 ceaser green dude  i was missing it from a different corvette corvette  ,  and i got all the research done.  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..... captured all xenos too!!!!! except 1 that explodes... no matter what, and  got the praetor.........   

Now i need to find  a suitable psychic...... Another praetor???, where????

You need "super praetor", you should find one in UFO that you cannot shoot down. If you haven't yet encountered one, keep on playing.

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As the current creative content holder following announcements and clarifications have been added:



 3.4 Explanation for the installation technology used

The 3 rar parts of the installation are called a Multivolume RAR Archive. We shall further refer to this as MRAR archive, or simply MRAR.


Each MRAR archive is sensitive, or can be sensitive, to the process it got created from. While the endproduct should be the same we found that unpacking the MRAR with the same tool it got created from yields the best result. In this case the tool used to create it was peazip. Therefore in case of doubt, use peazip. WinRAR has been confirmed to work as well.

Each part of an MRAR contains an "archive is finished" or "archive is not finished" flag at the end of its volume. If an unpacking tool finds such flag, it looks for the next part. The information of where the next part is, is not saved inside the current volume, because the next part could literally be on another pc, in another country, on a different continent. The unpacking tool searches its paths for the same named entity with ".partX" before the .rar specifier, where X is the current part + 1. Shall it find such entity it will repeat the same process until it finds an archive with the "archive is finished" flag. If it doesnt find the next volume it will throw an error, or worse, throw no error and assume its a standalone rar while opening a half backed archive. You start the whole process from the first archive, that is .part1.rar, and the unpacking tool will find the rest, if it can.

At the time of writing this (2.6.24) the first part has a size of 2,5gb. If you want to check whether or not your unpacking tool openend the archive correctly you can look at the total size of the archive, which should be displayed somewhere in the GUI of your tool. The total size of the archive is ~7gb. If it says so, it found all volumes of its MRAR.

All patches are distributed as standalone RARs.

All data pertaining X-Division is contained in assets.7z. It is therefore entirely possible to install X-Division without the use of the installer, as well as rehosting X-Division without including the installer. The installer only automates steps the user could take themself.



3.5 Licenses and Copyright Notices

All original copyright holders are still the original copyright holders of the creative works used in this combined work, especially including, but not limited to, Goldhawk Interactive™. All original work of the X-Division project is owned by the creative content holder of the project, at the current moment @Charon. All contributions towards X-Division implicitely issue the current creative content holder a revocable license, which allows the useage,  copying, altering and distrubtion of such content, unless otherwisely stated, issued in a written form.

As it pertains to the original creative content of the X-Division project, you may:
[] rehost such content
unless otherwise stated (revocable), as long as the original authors and contributors are prominently displayed.
You are not allowed to:
[] modifiy the content and redistribute it under your own name
You are encouraged to:
[] Create your own creative content based on this project, host it and name this project as its prerequisite.
[] When such standalone creative content has proven to not cause gameplay instabilities, is useful and desired by the  community you may request the integration of your content into the project by issueing a revocable license for your creative content to use, copy, alter and distribute it, as well as make yourself heard that you desire such integration.


The installer is proprietary software of the development team for which the X-Division team paid and holds a license for. Its use, copying and redistribution is allowed under the following, revocable license:

--- License Terms start

Revocable permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to use, copy and redistribute the Software subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


--- License Terms end

These are also known as the "Dont sue me when your PC catches on fire" terms.



These clarifications have been added to address installation questions as well as removing ambiguity of how to reuse creative content of the project.

Cheers !

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Hi again,

So, nine years gone (if you know)...

I re-made the X-Division (.11c now) research tree analysis as I found nothing.

reseaches.xml --> CSV --> AWK script --> .dot file --> .gml file --> yEd (graphml saved & attached)

Have fun!

Question to modders:

There is "Researches.Dummy" a bit all around. It is unlocked by "items.Drages". It is really something in use or only for placeholder / debug reasons?

If not needed, then I could clean up the graph by a lot.



Screenshot from 2024-06-06 21-31-43.png


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On 6/13/2024 at 12:42 PM, Rakiii said:

Hello, great mod overall.

Too bad I cannot continue my playthrough cos my save file has been corrupted (I cannot see it in game, been playing on IM).

Is it possible to fix it?


That's reason why I never recommend playing IM.

If your file is badly corrupted, there's probably nothing to be done. Make copy of file, open it on text editor and if you see only garbage, then file is probably gone. If you see something that makes sense, there might be small chance to recover it.

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22 hours ago, Ruthless Reuban said:

That's reason why I never recommend playing IM.

If your file is badly corrupted, there's probably nothing to be done. Make copy of file, open it on text editor and if you see only garbage, then file is probably gone. If you see something that makes sense, there might be small chance to recover it.

Hi, thank you for your answer but I have no idea what editor should I use and what to check. If you don´t mind checking it I have put it here.


Edited by Rakiii
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  • 2 weeks later...

I think, I have found a bug :)

X-Division/researches.xml, line 2171, to unlock Researches.railminigunmk3:


should be depending on SebillianDataHack10, not 1.


Btw, how can I get SebillianDataHack1 is I have missed the earliest sebillian scout operator (I am in mid/late game already)? Is there a way to hack in a missing research somehow?





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22 minutes ago, kubi said:

I think, I have found a bug :)

X-Division/researches.xml, line 2171, to unlock Researches.railminigunmk3:


should be depending on SebillianDataHack10, not 1.


Btw, how can I get SebillianDataHack1 is I have missed the earliest sebillian scout operator (I am in mid/late game already)? Is there a way to hack in a missing research somehow?


Probably easiest one is to modify file so that something you have not yet researched, grants you Researches.SebillianDataHack1

I think that should work but backup your save and researches.xml first.

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Something is still strange. I had Sebillian Operator Light Scout (OLS) missing, so I hacked the light the Light Scout aircraft into the current wave with two guaranteed OLS.

Captured & interrogated them successfully.

So now I have all prerequisites for Sebillian Data Hack 1 (OLS, OS, OC and chieftain) so, the randomizer should notbe an issue. But the data hack is still not in the Technologies xenopedia.

Is there a way to check it in the savefile?

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On 7/1/2024 at 5:53 PM, kubi said:

Something is still strange. I had Sebillian Operator Light Scout (OLS) missing, so I hacked the light the Light Scout aircraft into the current wave with two guaranteed OLS.

Captured & interrogated them successfully.

So now I have all prerequisites for Sebillian Data Hack 1 (OLS, OS, OC and chieftain) so, the randomizer should notbe an issue. But the data hack is still not in the Technologies xenopedia.

Is there a way to check it in the savefile?

Savefile structure is something I never checked.

Perhaps it's easier to change data hack into something that is surely available.

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  • 2 months later...
4 hours ago, Jebah said:

AutosaveIM2024-08-31_12.31.29.rar 97.16 kB · 0 downloads

This save file crashes Xenonauts when I hit end turn. I've tried end turning this 5 times now, and the crash happened each time. I was told to submit this save file here. Thank you for your time.

It seems you have Armored Assault mod activated. I loaded save file and battle was a bit mess. No items on inventory or anything. That is probably because of that mod.

Anyway, start Xenonauts_gc_editor.exe, load save and press V to end battle immediately. That is cheating but least you should be able to continue your game.

Edited by Ruthless Reuban
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On 9/10/2024 at 3:52 PM, Ruthless Reuban said:

It seems you have Armored Assault mod activated. I loaded save file and battle was a bit mess. No items on inventory or anything. That is probably because of that mod.

Anyway, start Xenonauts_gc_editor.exe, load save and press V to end battle immediately. That is cheating but least you should be able to continue your game.

It feels like I have Armored Assault mod activated, but it shows up as off in the mod section. I regret downloading that mod.

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  • 4 months later...
5 hours ago, sergey. said:

Laser weapons have no effects.

There is no shell


Oh, you mean you don't see bullet path, where bullet goes. That's normal for most laser weapons IIRC. If laser weapons damage aliens, everything should be OK.

Next energy weapons will have like "bullets" or such.

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I remember watching an old owesome video on YT where a player was showing a master class in air fight. One fight was like one Asyreus against two heavy fighters and another fight was like a sonda with hypermissile against terror dreadnought. Unfortunately I cannot remember where I found this video for the first time. Maybe someone knows this video and can share the link?

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