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Xenonauts: Community Edition 0.34.1


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Linux user here (I must be only one), but the XCE off steam installs just Windows binaries and tries to run them, while the game runs and all it does mean its going via Wine thus has text/ui rasterizing issues and sound distortion. Solution?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah, I am familiar with that thread :)

The situation in there is indeed the biggest difficulty change between vanilla and X:CE. Going up teleporters is harder for sure. In the vanilla game, assaulting UFOs became quite simple once you figured out the door open/close thing and how to use teleporters safely. X:CE does make a couple of safe tactics much less safe, adding to the challenge.

I think though it also highlights why it was a good idea to make X:CE balance changes optional. X:CE isn't X-Division or anything like that, it was never intended to be a huge makeover of the game. It was intended to fix bugs, to enhance modding, and to further polish the game mechanics along the lines of what Goldhawk initially released.

At the same time, it's important to respect that some people only want the bug fixes and want to retain the vanilla gameplay. They may prefer to play with some very effective tactics that exist in vanilla, such as safe and fast opening of doors. This is why just about everything that's not clearly a bug is controlled by the X:CE Balance Mod. People who don't want those changes should play without the Balance Mod (which does, to be fair, make certain things easier and not just harder), and then they get an experience extremely close to vanilla. 

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After Chris took all what he wanted from XCE and made the 1.59, i think there is no need for XCE for people who wants only vanilla experience.

BUT as i always say, there is HUGE potential at Xenonauts even it's made on a crapy game engine. There is so many possibility to add many fantastic things.. 

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That's not correct, even for vanilla gameplay, X:CE offers superior experience - most of the bug fixes are in the official patches, but not all of them. Likewise with user interface improvements such as more space on some screens, additional hotkeys, etc. These don't affect the gameplay but only exist in X:CE.

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1 minute ago, Solver said:

That's not correct, even for vanilla gameplay, X:CE offers superior experience - most of the bug fixes are in the official patches, but not all of them. Likewise with user interface improvements such as more space on some screens, additional hotkeys, etc. These don't affect the gameplay but only exist in X:CE.

Did not now the details.. I am using XCE since 0.23 :)

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1 hour ago, Solver said:

Yeah, I am familiar with that thread :)

The situation in there is indeed the biggest difficulty change between vanilla and X:CE. Going up teleporters is harder for sure. In the vanilla game, assaulting UFOs became quite simple once you figured out the door open/close thing and how to use teleporters safely. X:CE does make a couple of safe tactics much less safe, adding to the challenge.


I haven't tested the save myself but my concern is that there may in fact exist literally impossible situations (that's what the op claims). 


Again, if you were able to see my savefile, you'd know that the doors to the cockpit are open and broken by Androns, making it possible for Harridans to reaction fire at anybody who appears from the teleporter from long range. This plus the fact that using the teleporter cuts a big chunk of a unit's TU down really hampers its Initiative stats, making it almost impossible to not lose 2-4 troops every single turn with everyone else either suppressed or panicking.

Difficulty, even in the extreme, is fine (especially on insane difficulty which this was) but absolute gamestoppers should be avoided imo. Or, I dunno, maybe he just should've brought more shields. Or maybe one should just accept non-winnable scenarios and retreat + airstrike? I just don't want an exploit fix to be a game breaking bug (not claiming it's necessarily the case here). 

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I think exploits are not so problem at single play games. It's up to you to use them or not. Maybe you never use, meybe you use it when only extremely needed.. It's same as saving and loading.. I like to save/load.. it's up to me..


Ilunak got an idea to implement to next version of XCE, only alien openable doors.. It's a brilliant idea for me especially for base and command room doors..

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I've played with those fixes enough to know that most of the time those assaults are still possible, even if difficult. Sending up a guy with a shield, then another with a rocket launcher often works. "Heavy scouts" - soldiers in Predator armour with good HP can almost always survive a hit.

Could an assault that is basically impossible come up? Probably yes, on rare occasions. Personally, I'm fine with that being possible on those rare occasions since the game mechanics do support you pulling out - it's one of the important mechanics of ground combat. There are no specific UFO crash sites that you must complete to progress in the game. The chance of aliens dying in the crash is one of the things affecting how hard the mission is. Take an Andron Carrier. Crew size can vary from 19 to 25. In a very unlucky scenario, you could encounter a fully-crewed Carrier that only suffered 10% casualties in the crash, so you're looking at 22 aliens. In a very lucky scenario, you have a minimally crewed carrier with a 37% killed-on-impact rate, leaving just 12 aliens. The distribution of casualties also plays a role, things get significantly easier if a couple dead aliens happen to be in the command room.

So my response would be that EvilEagles ran into one of the worst possible scenarios in the game, and in that assault the right choice would be to cut losses and retreat. A Harridan with a powerful and suppressive weapon, in a perfect position to reaction fire due to some destroyed props, is one of the worst things that can happen. I am also not claiming that the X:CE Balance Mod is perfectly balanced (although I consider it more balanced than vanilla on the whole). I've been involved in game balancing for more than 10 years, in several different games, and I know it's very difficult to get right. So I read feedback with interest, and that particular situation makes me also think that it should be possible to throw smoke grenades up teleporters, giving players one more tactical choice to deal with multi-level UFO breaches.

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Por favor ayuda. el juego no funciona!

instalé el "xce 0.34.1 mod" sin ningún problema. también instale el "mod pack". Pero al momento de jugar, apareció una alerta que no existe "xce base mod".

entonces instalé el unico "mod" que pude descargar como "xce base mod": xce 0.26HF2

En ese momento corriĂł el juego de manera normal pero al llegar a la pantalla principal hago click en los botones de "start game" o "load game" o "options" y no pasa nada. incluso hago click en el botĂłn de "exit game" y no responde. la mĂşsica de fondo se escucha bien, los botones hacen su sonido pero el juego no responde.

alguna idea de lo que está pasando? donde consigo el verdadero "xce base mod" sin error 404?

mi version original es xenonauts 1.05HF (codex)
Perdon por mi ingles. hablo español y uso el traductor de google.


Please help. the game does not work!

I installed the "XCE 0.34.1 mod" without any problem. also install the "mod pack". But when playing, he appeared an alert that does not exist "mod XCE base".

Then I installed the only "mod" I could download as "mod XCE base": XCE 0.26HF2

At that time he ran the game normally but when you get to the main screen I click on the button "start game" or "load game" or "options" and nothing happens. even I click on the button "exit game" and unresponsive. the background music sounds good, the buttons make sound but the game does not respond.

any idea what's going on? where I get the real "XCE mod base" without error 404?

my original version is Xenonauts 1.05HF (codex)
Sorry for my English. I speak Spanish and use google translator.

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Creo es una instalación mala... por qué instalaste base mod 0.26? Es una version muy vieja, aprox 2 años tal vez?

Elimina tu instalación de X:CE, descarga X:CE 0.34.1 y Mod Pack también de aquí.

Te sugiero también a actualizar tu Xenonauts original, 1.05. Es posible cambiar tu version a la version Steam, que es siempre la version última del juego (y del X:CE).

Perdon por mi español - no uso autotraducción pero sólo escribo mal :)

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Gracias! pero el problema no es xce 0.34.1. ese mod ya lo tengo.

el problema es que para ejecutarlo me pide un xce base mod.

por eso instalé como base mod el 0.26HF2 porque es el único que pude descargar, pues el link de xc base mod me da error 404.

al hacer esto, pude hacer correr el 0.34.1 pero ahora se queda trabado en la pantalla principal..

por eso pido, si es posible, que vuelvan a poner el link de xce base..

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Sorry if someone already asked but, i've not found the answers:
1) Does CE 0.34.1 inclued all the fixes of 1.65 experimental? (I know that, usually it's all the way around, but the changelog are different.
2) Are all the included MOD updated? I remembered that Skitso's art tile had an update not included in 0.34 if i am correct.

Thanks for the reply, eventually. 

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0.34.1 and 1.65 are very closely related, and 1.65 includes changes also from some earlier X:CE versions. So the changelogs are a bit difficult. But yes, 0.34.1 should include all of those fixes.

There's at least one mod update in 0.35, to the Community Mod pack.

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