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(Mod Concept/Outline) - Xenonauts: Our Last Hope


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I hope u help me balancing my conversation.

I could probably do that, but at present the amount of work that I will or won't complete is completely unpredictable and unreliable. Been recovering from a major depressive episode while too poor to buy antidepressants. Modding Xenonauts is the first work-like task of any kind which I have been able to focus on for any length of time in several months. So you'd better believe I'm going to put in some effort. Problem is if I push myself too hard I'll just end up back mostly dead in the Pit of Despair. So.... balancing act. How far out on this particular tree branch can I walk without snapping it clean off....

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you could use a torrent site to share it , not everything there has to be pirated content :),

ok so my thoughts about this mod , its a very cool idea and i think its a more intresting one that the actual base game but the main problem i have is with the air war , i think it should be scraped all together and have the dropship changed to a vehicle ( this would require some major changes since water ), or have them changed to as someone said stolen alien aircrafts later in the game, the idea that you can run a air force when the Earth has been lost is kinda sily

also is there any way to re-add regions after they were lost ? couse if it would be cool if you started with NO regions and you would have to do "terror" Missions where a local resistance force is fighting the aliens in a city and you need to save them(less civies a lot of militia) , after the mission they start proving you resurces also the ability to buy alien alloys and other basic components from the Black market after you do a terror mission

Edited by fall19
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