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[V1.3 Ground Combat] Game freeze on alien hidden movement phase... AGAIN!

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Yeah so that happened.

First time this happened to me on february (can't remember the version back then) in a place in the game when I had operation End Game ready to go, but decided to do some extra missions just in case. Game stuck on alien hidden movement and every time I reloaded the game, it started alien turn from the begining and got stuck after few aliens had moved. Mouse moves and the music keeps playing but nuthing...

You prolly can imagine how livid I was that 2 weeks of gaming GONE.

Well I got over it and decided to wait until proper release of the game. Now today after 5 hours of gaming the same thing happens! Jesus I'm angry!!

The first time it happened I thought ok, you played unfinished version of the game in Ironman and stuff happens, but now the game is supposed to be complete, fixd, launchable??

Do. Not. Play. This. Game. In. Ironman. Mode!!!! :mad:

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Yeaaaaaaahh Ironman Mode is certainly a shaky investment when bugs are still being patched on an essentially constant basis...Having been in a similar bind before where a glitch destroys the necessary stability required for an ironman game, I feel your pain...I trust GoldHawk to fix them by the final release (which you may see as v1.0, but I see as the version they stop marking as early access on steam), but until then you should probably stay away from ironman just in case.

I mean, in a non-ironman game, one load could've gotten you past this glitch with the only hassle of restarting the mission. After all, you made it pretty damn far in the game without any problems it seems!

Anyway, do you have the save for this? Chris can fix this a lot easier if you do...you never know, the next patch might make your save playable! :D

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Thank you for the consolidating reply. I have calmed down now, but man was I angry that it happened again... Sure I have the save, might as well upload it also here, but hopefully some patch is gonna get it working also. I dunno... I think I give Xenonauts a pass for a while now. This is just mighty annoying cause I have been waiting patiently for this game for over a year now and now this happens twice.

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Giljs-Jan already confirmed this for me, but the new patch got my save working automatically. So yeah that's one option to get it working, but hopefully they find the general reason for this happening as it seems that I'm not the only one with this problem.

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