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  1. I love smoke grenades. Let me say that again, I LOVE smoke grenades. However with the recent changes I think they feel a bit too gimmicky and granted I havent had a bunch of time to test them, it seems like you could REALLY exploit them now. Previously they seemed to work by reducing per tile the Alien's Accuracy...and if it was low enough they simply wouldnt fire at you. This however required 1-2 smoke grenades and being at long range. If you tried to use a smoke to protect yourself in close range it didnt work too well...you needed distance (Reduces accuracy) and a bunch of smoke tiles between you and the Alien (further reduced accuracy). The only problem with them was that they didnt do anything to reaction shots. The new ones block Line of Sight (LOS) and thus reaction shots, and maybe it was dumb luck but I was able to have the door open in a small scout and all of my soldiers in that tiny room with 2 Caesans and spent 2-3 turns without being shot at or reaction fire being used. It seems to create a situation of you "know" where the Aliens are and you can just force fire at that tile and it seems to be effective at killing them, although accuracy suffers. I assume this is designed around allowing you to use them to create a safer close ranged combat environment. Personally I think having an accuracy modifier per tile, and a reaction fire modifier per tile would be better though. So if you kept your distance and used 1-2 depending on the Alien's Stats/type you could greatly reduce the Alien's accuracy and their reflex skill so they would have a much smaller chance to reaction fire. However they WOULD still take shots, but they couldnt hit the broad side of a barn through smoke, and they COULD take a reaction shot, but their reflex skill would be greatly penalized making it occur much less often...not to mention their accuracy with said reaction shot would be diminished. Being 2 tiles away and not being shot at just seems a little cheesy and ripe for exploitation, there ARE pros and cons for both versions but... I still have to play test them some more (Been busy the last two weeks, and didnt try 19-7 because they were bugged) so for me the jury is still out. What are your thoughts so far with 19 SC?
  2. Just asking for people's opinions of Smoke Grenades, curious what players think about them. Do you bring any? If so how many per soldier?
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