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Found 2 results

  1. First let me start by saying "Thank you." Xcom; & the followup Terror From the Deep are still among my most beloved of games from my early twenties. Your effort to re-create them, not only for the current generation of gamers, but for those of us who enjoyed Microprose' take on the game, & were underwhelmed by the most recent additions to the title is appreciated more than I can say. That being said, obviously; everyone has a different opinion as to what made those games kick so much ass, even by todays' Farcry (ha) standards; they hold well to the test of time. I would like to say that I absolutely love your take on interception of alien aircraft, the air combat mode is much better obviously, & has received some interesting changes. The hot spot messages add an interesting flavor to the game, excellent idea! I would like them to be investigatable in the future? Is that already planned & I missed it? The straight-forward encumberance/vs TU points is a welcome change also, making it easy to decide "Who carries John's extra magazines" & the like. Nicely implemented, in fact, the entire squad equipment screen is well done, if a work in progress. (placeholders on descriptions etc.) A few things I wonder: The time listed...What time zone is it? I've tried to follow the "dawn" & figure out when it's five am & the sun is rising ...where?... The cities listed are woefully few, PLEASE, even if they are simply there for flavor, never intending to be terror sites or the like, show more than a few chosen metropolis' on the global map. I disagree with your inability (stated in the forum sticky) to sell items garnered from missions, & to be honest the overall "Corpses destroyed" & lack of saleable items irks me greatly. There should be a "regular" market for things, & a "Black market" for things, (both weapons & corpses) An arbitrary "Two alien pistols recovered, you get $45,000," & your assertion that your income should only come from the nations supporting you is a HUGE step away from Xcom, & a massive crimp in the game I believe. (The overall assertion that governments would be lax in pouring funds into such a project were a threat like this truly materializing is preposterous, we all know funding would be for all intents & purposes "unlimited" the first time (extraterrestrial) aliens landed in a major city & shot it up.) That always was a bogus part of Xcom to begin with & you think it's a point to take even further? While overall well done so far, (please take this the right way) several of your 'reports' sound plebian. They lack 'official' prose, have multiple misspellings, & rely on hyperbole & other misuse of the English language. They SHOULD be scientific or technical reports of a very specific nature. Regarding not only the aliens, but equipment. Even for (dare I say 'especially for' 1979) they are substandard at this point in the game. Consider allowing interceptors to hopscotch, (Even perhaps landing craft) along a chain of bases with open hangers to refuel for a long flight. ( Say to reach an anomaly listed? check it out & maybe find something....did I mention that's an awesome idea? ) ... in-flight refueling was already well in use by this time & to limit aircraft to a circle around their home-base equaling 50% of their fuel doesn't make sense. Please, please, don't think I don't like the game; it is an 'advanced' xcom even at it's stage of completion, & with the promise of more work, perhaps even an undersea sequel? You've got not only my $20 & that of my friends'; but you've got a HUGE word of mouth fanbase for the continued evolution of your game. One other thing; the "reports" would benefit from fleshing out the world map abit as well. recently an attack "Near Anchorage Alaska" left several dead & several more suspected abducted...The actual location of the incident was WELL into Canada; nearly as far away from Anchorage (wherin I live btw) as Boulder is from say, New England. Even if unable to DO anything about them, accurate information helps suspend disbelief. Thanks for the spectacular work so far you guys, if there is ever anything I can do to help I'd be pleased to lend a hand. ~Jim McMaster
  2. This is something that seems really easy to add, so easy that I might do it myself, in point of fact. It wont look as good as if someone with better image editing skills/programs did it, but it would work. Anyway, the actual suggestion: Add 24 lines on the globe images, evenly spaced, representing hour marks. These would be for people, such as myself, who have a distinct preference for certain mission times. Me? I hate night missions. I much prefer to do day missions if possible, so I try and time my Chinook launches to arrive before dusk/after dawn. Basically the way it would work is you would get a crash site, and the ETA of the Chinook. Then, wait for the terminator to be the appropriate number of lines away from the crash site. (If you've got a 2:30 ETA, then 2 1/2 sections away, etc.) Launch at that point and you'll arrive at the desired time! Yes, you can ballpark this now, and I do so constantly. But having a visual aid would be nice. EDIT: Started work myself. It really is far cruder than what someone better than I could do, but it works.
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