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Found 2 results

  1. Hi, I received an info about a terror attack across the globe. That was far beyond the range of Condors, so I sent my poor Charlie without escort. The resut was easy to predict. 2/3 of my trained team perished and the attack resulted in a minor nuclear explosion, claiming some 30k lives. As I'm a Xenonauts newbie, there's a couple of questions about the incident: * The attack was within the radar range of my second base, where only intercepors resided. I guess that terror attacks are only detected if they happen within radar range. Am I right? * If so, do I have any chance of escorting Charlie for such distant missions, or I should assemble an assault team within every base? * How about unanswered terror missions? At the end of the month I got surprising funding increase from the attacked region, while a huge penalty appeared from another region where I left alien base to be. Does it mean that terror attacks are low-priority? * As I had my base already attacked twice, I'm just wondering what happens if aliens attack it with Charlie and the team being out?
  2. So...I was just trying out my first (short-lived) play-through of the demo yesterday, and things started going to crap pretty quickly. I kept asploding all of the enemy craft instead of forcing them to crash, and I was slow on the up-take as to how air combat worked, so I was burning through a lot of MiGs and F17s, which meant I was also burning through lots of cash. My base was on Crete, which gave me great coverage of Europe (including Iceland) and Northern Africa, as well as much of the Middle East. However, the alien presence in the western hemisphere was running rampant, completely unchecked, and eastern Asia was getting pounded. Ah well. Guess they shoulda given me more money so I could have made some bases! Anyway, after a good month of just getting embarrassed by the aliens, and maybe 2 months since my last ground mission occurred, a Terror Mission erupts in Cuba! Oh happy day, calloo, callay! Finally something I can send my troops to handle! Ah. Hold on. About 90% of the way there, my Chinook has to turn around because it's low on fuel. That sucks. So my questions are thus: are Terror Missions more likely to break out in areas of the world which are receiving no UFO defense, or is it random? Seeing as how Chinooks do have a limited flight range, at what point should I start thinking about building another base? I read an FAQ on X-Com suggesting that once you have a "spare" $4 million, that would be a good time to make another base. However, while many things in Xenonauts seem to translate directly from X-Com, it does seem like the Xenonauts budget is bit tighter than its predecessor. Considering that alien activity moves along happily whether you have a base in an area or not, it seems like the game should encourage (enable) us to expand. I understand why your funding decreases if you perform crappily, but perhaps early-game, countries which are getting a lot of alien attention would want to increase funding to try and entice the player to build a base in their area, and provide some protection? (And one other kind of throw-away thought I had was about alternate funding-sources. Perhaps the player could opt to sell alien tech to evil corporations for a great profit, but at the risk of those corporations making demands on the Xenonauts down the road. Probably too much trouble to implement for not enough reward, but I'm getting pretty desperate for cash, so...wishful thinking!)
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