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Found 3 results

  1. I'm not entirely sure this is a bug, so much as an oversight, but I hope to Sol Invictus it isn't working-as-intended. This is my Hunter. Or rather, what's left of it. It had a laser cannon on it. (Side note: It would be nice if the xenopedia made it explicit in no uncertain terms that the laser cannon explodes like a HE shell, rather than, say, simply drilling through stuff with the expediency.) It may not be immediately obvious, because of the isometric view, but if you carefully look at the space immediately forward of my Hunter's wrecked chassis, you will see a pile of concrete rubble, formerly a jersey barrier like the one my squaddie is taking cover behind. Given that the bottom of the hunter's turret is higher than head height on a standing person, and the concrete barrier's maximum height is about the height of a crouching person, I assumed that my hunter would have no trouble firing over this obstacle to destroy an x-ray. I was mistaken, as what happened was that the laser discharge exited the barrel, immediately hung a 90 degree turn, and slammed into the concrete barrier with the force of an exploding 155 howitzer shell. The results are quite evident. This can't be working as intended. This isn't the first time this has happened to me: the Hunter's name of "Ladykiller" is intentional, given that it engaged in shennanigans like this before. I thought a good configuration for breaching a light scout would be three squaddies knealt in front of the door, with the Hunter behind them, ready to rock and roll on its dual .30s. I lost one of my favorite squaddies, but gained a name for the car in the process. However, I thought that surely, it wouldn't have this problem with a mere concrete barrier! I was mistaken.
  2. I like this vehicle because he is cheap, take only 2 space and he got a nice machine gun and a nice LOS even at night. What I don't like is the fact he only has 50 bullets. Your heavy troops can carry 200 bullets right at the start of the game. I wonder why the hunter only have so few bullet ?
  3. Hi! I'm aware in the originals vehicles didn't gain experience (for some reason) but I think its a shame that they don't here too. Unless they are robots, but at least the Hunter and Scimitar aren't. Hell, the hunter even has a couple of poor sods inside the damn thing. I see many people comment they don't ever use them because they don't gain experience of any sort so.. that's too bad really. I'd rather that what I view as an oversight in the original not be carried over here for mere traditions sake. It made no sense there and I don't think it does here either. Part of the fun is risking the units you've become attached too, and as it is you just don't care what happens to your vehicles. But actually more importantly.. anyone else find the Hunter missiles to be WAY more powerful and useful that then the pulse laser turret? Those hunter missiles are just a good time, let me tell you. When I got my scimitar the first time I was very disappointed to see there wasn't a missile turret for that since the pulse laser is basically crap. Its just too inaccurate, with the good old missiles you just have to get in the general vicinity -- also its great for blasting aliens hiding in thick cover, the pulse laser will just miss the alien and its cover entirely most of the time, even in burst fire. I suppose its possible that some people might prefer the pulse laser, although I honestly can't see this because its awful, so it would be nice to have missile options on the later vehicles too. Anyway, yes, I'd like to see the vehicles be a bit more fleshed out then they are now in general, to be honest.
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