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Found 14 results

  1. im just making random arrow to the knee jokes about xenonauts and x-com I used to be Xenonaut like you, but then I took a plasma bolt to the knee.................
  2. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/617187 http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/613020 http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/600467
  3. Okay so here is my biggest gripe with the game. We have the Xenonaut team, cream of the cream, savior of humanity, the last shot we got against the alien menace. They die by the dozen to get our research staff much needed technology and protect civilians for the same salary as everyone else on the base. And we have our research center, acting like 12 year old in the reports with the nerd vs jock quips and flippant remarks. Honestly if I was commander of this base I would send whoever wrote this report on the front lines with a shock baton, even if that meant I'd have to fight aliens with sticks from this point on. Really, I like most of the reports, but please lose the out of character jokes and flippant attitude, this is serious alien killing business
  4. I thought it would be nice to have some screenshots from the game - especially funny ones. (If this is a little too edgy, I apologize, it's just a joke and the game happen to play out this way - it is not a mod, bug, or game mechanic, or meant to express the opinions of anyone). Affirmative action fail in the Xenonauts project:
  5. Thread for internet funnies. Pictures. Memes. 1 per post, preferably posted as an answer to the first one. I shall start:
  6. Ssstay back, or the lady getsss it! Don't worry, everyone made it. Well, except for the terrorist -- I MEAN -- alien. (P.S. why are there no strikethrough tags for this forum?!)
  7. Oh the irony.... EDIT: Hmm.. looks like the site is down. Oh well, Here's the Destructoid article that lead me to it. EDIT 2: Ow. Either the developer's site got buried under people who want to read it, or someone got upset. It's totes gone now!
  8. I DARE you all not to laugh at how horribly cringe-worthy this movie is! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5DZhDH8eew
  9. Documents from Xenonauts development! I have found several hidden documents from the ongoing development of Xenonauts. I have to split it up into different parts. Introducing female soldiers: New armour and introducing experience: Aircraft and vehicles upgrade: Alien weapons: Combat movements:
  10. So these forums can get a bit serious sometimes (myself included) so I thought I’d post up this light hearted topic to sprinkle some love and joy around, because no matter our view of this game, and all the bits that make it up, we all love the fact that it has aliens in it (if you don’t… you may be in the wrong place =p) I thought of starting this when I made a horrible pun this morning. I was making pancakes with blackberries in them, and because the blackberries were too large when the pancakes were flipped over they looked, as my girlfriend said “like spaceships.” So I said they must be ‘unidentified frying objects’… Lame, I know, but it got me thinking. So do you have any UFO or alien related humour? It can be anything from knock-knock jokes, to (good or bad) puns, to funny things that have occurred during a mission in X-COM, to anything related to where no man has gone before! So come one and all and share the joy of the great unknown in what hopefully stays a light hearted and on topic thread =p
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