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Found 4 results

  1. Ok, after looking through the suggested features section I found the discussion regarding Medkits and got it into my head to see if I could create a mod that adds a new item "Trauma Kit" to the game Premise Modify the game so that when a civilian/local force/Xenonaut is taken down/killed instead of dropping the corpse prop it instead drops a Wounded Prop which has a duration of a few rounds. During that time if a friendly unit uses the trauma kit on the square containing the wounded prop it would instead convert the Wounded Prop to a Stabilized Prop At the end of ground combat any Wounded Props automatically convert to Corpse Props and Stabilized Props would get treated similar to Stunned Props for game mechanics. the games internal mechanics should then be able to determine wounded time based on the remaining hit points which in this case would be 0 and thus would get the maximum wounded time allowable. However I have run into obvious mechanical issues and would like to get some feed back from the Dev team 1) is the mechanic I am discussing possible without going into the source code of the game? 2) if so does the Props File allow for a duration variable? and a command to convert from one prop to another? My guess is that much of this will end up being in the source code which would be frustrating but I would like to get some verification from the Dev's
  2. I ran a mission and shot my own guy in the back, he gained hit points in the next two missions. I should not be rewarded for shooting my own men in the back. Health should be trained in some other way. Maybe when aliens shoot my guys, but I think it would be better if it was simply tied to strength.
  3. Until now I was fairly sure these numbers (and yellowish name) indicated a wounded yet deployable soldier. After my last mission almost all my soldiers went to 89% but none of them were wounded. However multiple stat increased occurred including resilience. As it is a common bug/design flaw to have "max hp" increase upon "level up" but leave "actual hp" at it's previous level ("Hey I'm tougher now! Ouch that hurt!!). I am carefully concluding this might be the case. If so please move to bugreports. If not one may please enlighten me about these cute yellow percent values inside those shapely brackets.
  4. How big was that survival chance? I lost my prime sniper, only to see him at 1% health in the soldier advancement tab. I was so happy! (I had spotted what I thought was the last alien, and flanked him with the sniper. The rest was on the opposite side. So I just walk him in to knock off the alien, just to find that there's another one right next to it. So I figure, I have to shoot that one, because the others have a shot at the intended target. Got killed by reaction fire. >.<)
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