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  1. Strategic "Action points" I looked at the reviews on YouTube. https://youtu.be/haTy-Hbr86w https://youtu.be/dJ4caSvQj0U To be honest, I haven't been able to figure out how this strategy works. However, I have some ideas: In a tactical battle, each unit, on the battlefield, has action points (AP), which can be spent on certain actions. For example: to increase your morale. Regions on the planet (Africa, Australia, Asia, Europe, North America, South America) are also losing morale, cities, and population under the influence of aliens. Why don't these regions (Africa, Australia, Asia, Europe, North America, South America), as well as aliens, also get "Action Points"? Or let money play the role of "Action Points". Every month, each region (Africa, Australia, Asia, Europe, North America, South America) receives "Action Points" that they can spend: - either to finance Xenonauts; - or to eliminate damage from alien attacks; - or spend AP on activities aimed at reducing panic among the population; - or spend AP on the development of your own economy (which will bring profit next month); - or spend AP to evacuate the population and production to other regions of the planet; - or spend AP on building outposts to repel an alien attack; Each region on the planet has an "instinct of self-preservation" and, obeying it, chooses exactly the strategy of behavior (using its AP) that neutralizes the influence of aliens as much as possible. Every month, each region (Africa, Australia, Asia, Europe, North America, South America) gives a report on what actions their finances were spent on (Action Points). The player's task: 1. To preserve the economy of the region, (so that each month the region has a lot of AP). 2. Counteract the threat of aliens more effectively (across the entire list and type of threats) than the region itself is capable of doing (The appearance of UFOs in the sky, UFO attacks on cities, UFO landings, the elimination of UFO crash sites, alien terror missions, other). In other words: the more missions (tasks) to eliminate threats Xenonauts miss - the less their funding. Aliens can also have their own "Action Points" that are increasing every day. (Replacing the timer in the game). These AP aliens spend on building UFOs and on raids on the planet. Non-downed alien UFOs participate in the following raids. If you do not destroy the alien factory, then sooner or later there comes a moment in the game when the player is no longer able to destroy all the alien ships (UFO) that attack the planet. Non-destroyed UFOs are added to new ones, and a huge number of UFOs attack the planet in the next wave of attack. If there are unclear details, I can discuss.
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