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Found 7 results

  1. would be nice to have a one click possibility. I need the option to equip the default set far more often than setting it. It would be fine if you just switch the positions, so that you need to enter the menu for setting the new default (would be more of a save confirmation too by the way). Another suggestion on the fly: in the hire and fire screen for the troops (dont know the name there at the moment) it would be to be able to use the multiselect for assigning to the airships too. Because if i want the rookies to train some ranks i could easily select all troops to be unassigned, and then the troops i want to fit in the airship. and one not so important suggestion: Marking wounded soldier names in red is great! I would also like it if there is a color (green maybe) to show the soldier which is currently customly outfitted (not like the default for the given class).
  2. Bugs aside, you don't need to make enough laser weapons or armour to equip every soldier (at least not right away). Of course, it's also very costly to make that much armour and weaponry. What I find myself doing is making 4-5 rifles, and 2-3 each of the other weapons, plus enough armour to equip an entire squad. If your soldiers get wounded and removed from the ship, they are unequipped--all well and good. However, if I want to rotate troops through for experience, there's no simple method to return their gear to the stores. It would be handy if the personnel screen offered a button to remove all gear. Another option might be unequipping troops who aren't assigned to a ship, but that might be annoying if I actually had enough stuff to equip everyone.
  3. I don't get the point of making it so you have to click 'Equip Default Loadout' when you change Roles. It's tedious and only slightly faster than simply deleting the weapon/ammo and switching them out.
  4. I request this feature to be implemented on the game, cause it's really annoying when you have to click and drag every item for every soldier.
  5. Soldier kits are just standard equipment sets that players can customize to fit their needs, and will make equipping your soldiers a snap. Set up the kit, then just apply it to all soldiers set to use that kit, and voila - you only need to do the equipment management for one sniper to have it take effect for all of your snipers. I think these are planned in some form, but I have some ideas for their implementation. 1. Have a customizable default soldier kit that soldiers can revert to if there aren't currently enough stores to re-equip their standard equipment (this kit should be restricted to infinite items only). 2. Let players create / name their own kits as needed rather than providing a default set. Players will already want to customize the default set, so you might as well go all the way.
  6. When you hire a bunch of new recruits, they all come with the Assault rifle, medkit in their backpack, ammo clips on the belt...etc. I always put medkits on the belt, remove the extra ammo clips, add a couple grenades. Hiring 16 soldiers requires something close to 100 keystrokes to do all that. It would be nice to have a New Recruit Template system where you can set the default soldier equipment...It would be even nicer still if you could set If-Then conditions based on a soldier's stats (high AP/STR soldiers get equipped with MG or rocket launchers, high Accuracy soldiers get precision rifles, high morale get shotgun and grenades, etc.)!
  7. I'd like to see option to removal whole equipment from soldier in base by one click. EXAMPLE: Maybe somebody mentioned about it already....
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