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Found 9 results

  1. There's two major UI screens still to be updated from V20, the month-end funding screen and the mission-end debrief screen. I've concepted up the mission-end screen and it can be viewed below. Comments are welcome, but please read the post before commenting: This screen combines both the debrief screen and the soldier progression screen without actually reducing the information displayed. The removed lines from the debrief screens were either duplicates (you don't need a "civilians killed" AND a "civilians survived" line) or pointless information we originally put in just to fill space. The numbers on this concept are largely random, so please don't tell us that they don't add up etc. Same with formatting (and the screen frame graphics), if things aren't centred etc then save those comments for if it's actually misaligned / wrong in-game. This is a "worst case" screen, displaying pretty much every soldier status at once. This makes it very busy in terms of colour, but in most cases it won't be as bright. You can view the image here: http://www.xenonauts.com/devimages/combat_debrief.jpg
  2. It took me AGES to understand / be sure about the fact that the new numbers of the post-mission screen are improvements in their skills. Yeah, a bit stupid of me - but can we please have a "before-after" comparison? That would also explain the amount of increase: Maybe the way to display it would be 64->65
  3. I would like to see the number of kills each soldier got added to that second end-of-combat summary screen. The medals are really cool, by the way.
  4. Hey there, apologies if this has already been posted. Amazing game by the way. It'd be cool to see exactly by how much characters have boosted their stats, post-mission. At the moment (unless I'm missing something) you only see their stats post-level up, so you can't tell how much they've been boosted.
  5. I know a lot has been said on this already, and all the +1/+2s have been turned down due to having to fit 16 soldiers on that screen eventually, with the potential for a lot of stat increases. Well, how about we add no extra space? Right now we have one color, green. Stat gains are capped at what, +2 per battle? So all we would need is a yellow +1 and a green +2 in some corner, or stated during a tutorial, and then just colorcode the increases. No size changes, no rearranging... Information density.
  6. I don't think it is as clear and obvious what happens to who on the post screen after battle and I figured it could be improved a bit simply by adding icons, like the picture below. You quickly see who got promoted and who got injured. Just an idea anyway.
  7. I just purchased the game on Steam. I'm sure I will have more improvement advice in the near future. On the post-battle screen: - Instead of it just stating what the soldiers' ranks are I would prefer to see some kind of symbol or upward arrow next to each person's rank that got promoted. - Also, instead of it just stating what their character attributes are I would prefer to see it indicate exactly what increment each attribute went up by. Example: Accuracy 55 (+5)
  8. When I finish a mission I like to look over my squad and see what changes to their stats and medals they got, as well as check the wounded and dead. One thing I personally would love to see is more detailed wounded and dead soldier information given post mission, as well as later on when you want to review wounded data from earlier missions. A quick example would be showing how a person died, so you would say they took 3 plasma pistol shots to their body and a plasma gun finished them off. Or that a wounded soldier took a plasma rifle shot to the chest but survived. This could have several uses, one being allowing players to see how much damage a alien weapon can deal and act to it accordingly, and establish an average damage per shot for a weapon to determine how many shots kill a soldier on average based on their Armour. Another allowing you to gloat over how your soldier took multiple plasma rounds to their person and still pull through.
  9. Hi all, so after "testing" xenonauts for about 2 weeks I finally reach my personal critical mass to actively use the forum And guess what it's a bug report (if that won't overly strain myself suggestions might follow ) So I went through this terror mission (missing tiles bug, missing weapons images bug, xenonauts looking the wrong direction inside their chinhook all good and well ). But after defeating the last of dem critters the missen debriefing informed me that 2 of my xenonauts just went to 100strength (from like 60). Both hat only been scouting the entire mission (that is running 60%ap forth 40% back, spotting aliens for the rest to snipe). Both were subsequently promoted skipping at least one rank. All in all the stat increases of my soldiers during this mission seemed much more than I am was used to. But these two clearly stood out.
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