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  1. So, some folks wanted a breaching charge. Not sure whether I do, but I figured the best way to find out was to make one! And having done so, I figured I might as well make the files available here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/8nrent2z14exqo6/MeJmrrgI4J To download, click on the gear icon in the top corner and "download as .zip" To install, replace the default items.xml, strings.xml, weapons.xml and weapons_gc.xml with the downloaded files. Add Breach.png to the Weapons/Misc folder. Alternatively to combine with a mod, copy the breaching charge entry from weapons_gc.xml into your own file, and copy the last line of the other files into your own corresponding one. The image goes in the same place, obviously! The charge has been tested and works. It is used exactly like C4, but it has a higher damage, a very small radius and no suppression. Also, the throwing distance is heavily reduced, so you can't just use it like a better grenade. Since you can't place it on props, it has to have a radius 2 blast size. It's not ideal, but I'm not sure there's another (easy) way to do it.
  2. IDEA: Add another explosive charge "Breaching Charge" that has a very small radius (3x3) that is very well suited to blowing small holes into walls, or blowing UFO doors, without damaging hardly anything around them. BACKGROUND INFO: ATTRIBUTES: Size: The breaching charge should be smaller than the normal C4; 1x1 backpack slot and 0.5 kg is what I've come up with. However, to differentiate between the two of them, perhaps the normal C4 should have a larger weight, 2kg perhaps. Just because it's kinda really powerful for the current weight, you know? (Taking distance compression into account) Primary effect: It'd deal damage in a 3x3 area, and destroy the center tile (where the charge is placed) and a wall bordering that tile. The walls on either side should be just over half damaged, but unless it's a picket fence they shouldn't be destroyed outright. This would allow the placing of two breaching charges against a wall with an empty tile between them to create a 3 wide hole in the wall, enough for a vehicle to fit through (as the overlapping over-half damage would destroy the center wall). Secondary effect: If possible, it'd be cool to have some suppression and light smoke (like, the frag grenade smoke, not smoke grenade smoke) out to maybe a 4x4 or a 5x5 area. This is because a breaching charge would kick up dust and suppress people near it, even if it didn't damage them. This'd make using them more useful, as it would automatically put out some light smoke and suppression for when you blow the door and not just open the door. BALANCE CONCERNS: CONCLUSION: So, in essence, there's a large gap in our possible tactics, which is blowing open a door/wall without a) using tons of bullets, or b) destroying stuff around the one wall we want to breach through. This would fill that gap, allowing us to breach walls and doors without destroying everything around them. Thoughts?
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