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Found 8 results

  1. I'm on the second or third mission or so that asks you to "Recover additional alien corpses for study". Am I supposed to carry the corpses of aliens I kill in a Xenonauts inventory for this? Because I was under the impression everything is automatically collected at the end of successful missions...I've had 2 or 3 ground operations since the "recover additional corpses" message appeared, and at the end of each one it listed all the alien corpses as destroyed.
  2. So I was doing a terror mission when I saw a really strange alien with a purple shirt and pistol (as a posed to rifles or other higher tier weapons) So I knock it out and learn its a psionic alien but the end mission report said Destroyed. So do psionics (for humans) exist in Xenonauts or is capturing aliens just worthless after the first one.
  3. Hi, I'm new to Xenonauts (but a big original X-Com fan) and just wondering if this is a bug: I started a new game and just happened to get a really early landed UFO that happened prior to researching the initial Invasion. When I got back with the Light Scout and corpse (forgot the name) they both automatically got researched and popped up as results some time later. This is without me having to select them, and happened before the Invasion initial research was complete. Is that meant to happen?
  4. I hope when the alien autopsy report pictures are added, they will be proper autopsy pictures of the aliens laying on a cold steel slab with their guts opened, brains exposed etc. The miniscule pictures of the aliens' wireframe models on the autopsies in the new X-COM:EU just reminded me how I disliked the pictures of X-COM:Apocalypse as they were just the aliens sawn in random bits and pieces, floating in the air. In the original UFO:EU I especially liked the sectoid, who looked so happy in interrogation picture and sad on the pathologists slab.
  5. Post Ground combat summary: Caesan corpse destroyed... What does this mean. I only hit aliens and killed, them, I did not choose to destroy the corpses....
  6. I'm playing alpha v 9.1, if any of the things 've been implemented since then and I don't know about it, sorry. Here are my humble suggestions: 1. Securing a ufo after tactical mission. I read here that you have to hold a unit "in" the UFO for several turns (I assume the number specified on the splash screen for tactical mission, i.e. 5 turns). However: - if I hold a unit there and kill all the aliens, the mission ends and the ufo is not secured - if I hold the unit there and intently do NOT kill any aliens, aliens escape, and the ufo is not secured The ufo crash-lands, a supra-governmental military body moves in, kills all aliens; now that'd pretty much assume they can "secure" the ufo and do whatever they want with it, just like in the original x-com and in clones such as ufo:ai, ufo afterlight etc. 2. Unlike the original, there's no way to see "behind the buildings" when you have a soldier there. Unlike clones, map can't be rotated. So if there's a building obstructing the view, and I have both a soldier and an alien behind it, I can't target, although the soldier has LOS to the enemy. The only workaround is to have another soldier _enter_ the first floor of the building in question and approach a door to the "showdown", if available, then the building becomes "transparent" and I can finally see what's going on and target the enemy with the original soldier. Very unplayable in this respect, less of a problem now while there's generally a single tactical map, more so when there'll be more maps... 3. "Corpse destroyed" - isn't it overly simplistic? Yes, the thing is not alive, but something tells me that unloading a pistol\AR\shotgun into an alien would render a pretty much intact and researchable corpse. I'd guess the alternative approach where researching corpses give access to certain tech, while researching\interrogating live specimens gives access to even more tech. 4. Furthermore, wouldn't it be possible to capture a live alien before developing ranged stun weapons by e.g. approaching the alien with e.g. 2 or more units which would "overpower" it? This would introduce an element of high risk\high reward early in the game. You either lose these guys, or have them overpower the alien together if you plan correctly. Neat idea, no? 5. "Hidden movement" between turns - I'd assume the aliens in LOS of soldiers would move without this sign and their movement would be visible to the player, not only their end state. This is logical, no? Only truly hidden movement (i.e., of the units not in the LOS of PC's) should be hidden. 7. Any chance to enhance civilians' behavior? Two obvious choices: introduce panic mode where they move uncontrollably, and allow soldiers to direct them to the dropship, so that they would not get in the way. Directing them would cost TUs, but still, realistic, no?[/b]
  7. I'm not sure if this has been mentioned or implemented, but I really like how in the original games, you would come across the downed alien craft, find random pieces of it broken off, and some dead (and maybe even injured) aliens around.
  8. I have noticed that with every successful mission, all alien corpses that come out of the mission are 'destroyed' rather than stored to allow research. Now while this is because the part of Xenonauts dealing with alien corpses and prisoners isn't complete yet, I am just curious as to how this part of the X-COM games will be handled in Xenonauts.
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