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  1. So, I have yet to lose a plane (it's still the first month of my play through, I'm a pro yet ), and I heard someone say something about the undying planes being added in this build (v19 Exp. HF2). Is that true? Or did I simply misunderstand? If it's true, that planes simply get repaired after they're shot down, how come when I was messing around I "lost" two condors when I had them continue a fight (that they had already won, mind you) with no fuel? Wouldn't they just show up in my hangers, then? I mean, an unpowered landing is much more easily salvaged than an unpowered landing with the fuselage shot to pieces, right?
  2. I've searched and searched the forums and don't see anyone asking this. I'm early in the game. I have the initial planes which I think are called Condors. I can't replace the cannon with the laser one I built. There's nothing obvious the way it is for the soliders or the small scout tank - those are easy to figure out. If I click on the cannon itself it just makes a clicking noise but nothing happens. Please advise. I'm far enough in the game already to the point where I need this upgrade. Thanks.
  3. I'd like to see the separate tabs for dropships and interceptors go away. It's an extra level of organization that doesn't bring much to the table, particularly since you could easily have all your interceptors and dropships visible at once. It's an extra click for everyone. It makes it harder for new players to figure out how to rearrange their troops, as well (especially if they don't know it's an option. Sure wasn't in the OG).
  4. For example, when I want to attack a UFO, hide the dropship from the list. If I want to land on a crash-site, hide the fighters from my list. Or is there a reason to allow it I have not thought of?
  5. I haven't played in quite a few months so maybe I'm just being stupid, but I can't work out how to buy things in the beta (weapons, planes etc). Can someone point out the stupid mistake I'm making? :-)
  6. Sorry guys lf this is not the correct section for this question, but i'm playing and after i have finaly intercepted a battleship i was asking to myself lf i can now get the Fury, but i can't see the research for them. The Fury is available or still in development?
  7. Sorry if this is a stupid question but I tried some searches to find out which files I need to edit to change price and build time but wasnt able to find which ones. A post said items.xml but I cant find any aircraft in there.
  8. (on Steam) 1. So I ordered a nice new Condor, and it came with Sidewinders not the Alenium Missiles fitted to my existing fleet. Is there an interface option to bring it into line? I went out and unloaded the sidewinders into a handy nearby ufo, and it rearmed with more sidewinders. 2. How do I rotate the 2x1 base structures? 3. In the equipment screen how can tell what rocket type is loaded into an equipped rocket launcher?
  9. I have a weird bug, I don't know if fixed or if it is happening more often but as I reassigned a built Mig-32 to my secondary base the Mig ended up with negative fuel and remained so for ages now aka it is completely unusable. My bases were in Central Russia and the US. Might this happen when the bases are farther apart than aircraft interception ranges since I saw the aircraft fly from one base to the other? Transit flights shouldn't be really covered by the interception system to begin with (and possibly regulated via the store transfer system) since aircraft wouldn't be sent combat ready from A to B. This is on the Steam early buy version so it might be different than any on site releases.
  10. Hello folks! First of all, I want to thank you for making this jewel of a game. I'm a tremendous fan of xcom ufo and tftd as well as jagged alliance 2. I sincerely hope this game outdoes those in popularity (and sales!!) and resuscitates the genre. I'm sorry for this whine, but there are four relatively minor gripes I have with this game which make it nearly impossible for me to enjoy it. I'll keep with the numbered list format of other suggestions on this board: 1) The game has no brightness/contrast option and this is horrible. My monitor isn't very bright so I effectively can't complete night time missions because a good 30% of the flares' radius is pitch black. I frequently get the alien spotted warning, but can't see the vicinity of the alien because it happens to be at the edge of the flare's range. This makes it very difficult to execute any kind of tactics, such as flanking, because I can't tell what the surrounding terrain looks like, whereas my troopers obviously can. This is very frustrating. Also, I can't tell what I have selected in the intercept menu aircraft selection prompt due to low contrast between the selected unit and the box background. 2) The F17 and MiG32 are mislabeled as such because their frames are obviously those of the F16 and MiG31. Please rename them to "interceptor" and "heavy interceptor" to keep with the theme of the naming and to make this less comical. After all: you don't call the M16 an M17, you call it an assault rifle in the game. I think you could apply this theme to all vehicles, missiles and weapons. This is a very minor suggestion, but it would go far to improve the serious atmosphere of the game. 3) This game suffers a serious lack of a serious plane. You see: the Americans have already invented, built and flown a plane made to dogfight extraterrestrial aliens, with nuclear A2A missiles to boot, in the 60s and yet it isn't included in this game for some mysterious reason. You should consider adding this plane as a research option to supplant the MiG, while making the MiG a plane available by default. This would have the added benefit of making this game harder to lose due to one silly air combat mistake. Just read this awesome mod thread here. 4) Jagged alliance allowed a merc to safely shoot past squaddies that were within 3? squares of the (friendly) shooter regardless of stance. This was good. IIRC another thing JaggedAl did right was to allow mercs to get a bonus to their starting TUs in a turn proportionally to the TUs they had left in the previous turn. Ex: Gus would have 10 extra TUs at the start of next round if he takes no action this round. This added even more incentive to have mercs watch a lane of fire for a few turns while others advanced among other cool things. This was very good.
  11. Firstly i have a few questions; When does the AI decide when to use large ships ? Im not to far into the first year and Iv detected Massive size craft with Large escorts. I have a fleet of interceptors that are still no match for these vessels. Would you consider making the whole base defense process a little more interesting ? I noticed theres a panel on the Personnel/Training screen "#####", once soldiers are placed in training for 10 days there unable to be reassigned. Is this intended ? At the moment is there any benefit to using burst vs single ? I dont expect an answer to this last question because its of low relevance, I just thought id ask incase you wanted to comment.; I see the F 17 Condor(based off the F 16) was chosen, Wouldnt the F 14(Tomcat) be better suited for air to air combat ? If im not mistaken I think its capable of longer range and has a wider weapon payload. A few suggestions: -One of the first things i noticed, some buttons dont have tooltip overlays. This could be very helpful by providing useful information for new players. -Alot of dialogs seem to display cut short and are difficult to read. -The Ballistic Rifle info show a 30rd mag but only gives 20 ingame, the same with the Precision Rifle, info shows a 15rd clip but only 10 are of use. -The CH 48, Xenopedia states it can accompany 10 soldiers but you can actually only assign 8. -Regrading the Xenopedia info on facility's are absent. -There seems to be room for two vehicles in the CH 48 instead of only having one. -I like the idea of of having two square hangers instead of the initial 4 square like in the legendary X-Com but if there are going to be 2 square Living Quarters, Labs, and Workshops why not be able to select between horizontal & vertical during placement giving the player the option to utilize space.
  12. A couple of UI tweak suggestions. 1. Eight portraits. I'm still using the Chinook, so I don't know if troop numbers change later in the game. Even if they do, 8 makes more sense than 6. 2. Dropships first. Most of my visits to this page are to reposition troops in the Chinook, especially when I start regularly taking heavy casualties, so it makes more sense for me to have dropships as the default display. Might not be the case for the majority though; perhaps they fiddle with the loadout of the interceptors more than I do, in which case leave it as it is. 3. Troop class. I'd like to see the class on the green troop icons in the dropship, as that'd make it quicker to position R or C types near the exits. My current equipment strategies have the best players with the heavy weapons (inc. snipers), so I prefer to send my rifle and pistol redshirts out first. Perhaps a green circle overlay, like the number one but in the top right. 4. Streamlining placements. Probably too late to include anything like this, but ideally I'd like to be able to specify a template that the game would try to fit my units too without me having to micromanage. So if I always have 3 C/R, 3 H (inc. rockets) and 2S, I'd like to know that, troop-types permitting, one of the light infantry will be at each side door and one in the middle of the main door (with the two snipers flanking him) and the 3 heavies will be lined up in the second tier. You'd assign it by right clicking the tile, at which point a red circle would be placed in the bottom right (perhaps as an underlay?) with the appropriate letter in it. Obviously, manually assigning a position to a troop would override the automatic placement. 5. Chinook range. Doesn't really belong here, as it's not a UI issue, but please increase the Chinook range to 41K (or whatever is necessary to reach the exact other side of the world). I know that part of the fun of the game is going to be trying to get the base on the other land mass set up in time to prevent the governments there from leaving, but failing a terror mission because you're in Mongolia and it's in Peru isn't fun. If you need to justify it, most governments would allow the refueling of a helicopter on the way to save a city from the aliens and there's (probably, AFAIK) fewer operational barriers to refueling a long distance chopper mission compared to a fast interceptor one.
  13. I searched the forums for this, sorry if it needs to be redirected. V18 with HF3 looks beautiful btw, great work. Ive noticed this issue before and am not sure if its an intended feature. When starting a new game, after researching the high speed interceptor, trying to build one (setting the production quantity from 0/1 to 1/1) results in the error 'no hangar space available' or somesuch. I've just started, and there is a free hangar. However, in the vehicle loadout screen under interceptors the high speed interceptor being built is shown (with rad art I might add). Something doesn't seem to be reporting correctly or I am missing it. Can someone help collect my marbles? Cheers ~Katz
  14. I've tried simply changing the xml file, which does change the price that is reflected in-game... but then I get the message that XXX is paused due to financial resources and nothing happens. fwiw I'm simply trying to fix the marauder costing 7.5mil (instead of 750k), after my xml change to the price the game will subtract 750k money but will pop up the above error... I figure I'm missing some edit somewhere.
  15. Hi Guys First time poster As the title suggests I have a few thoughts Id put out there and see what you think. If anything I have suggested has been posted I apologize. I'm not sure if any of have played Ufo: Alien Invasion, Its a Open source game with alot of ideas I like and was wondering if it was plausible to add and if not why don't you think it would work. 1. Jets Customizable. Basically you can add electronics to your craft IE: Weapon tracking systems that give 25% hit chance or ECM Jammer so you could dodge incoming threats or even Advanced Composite Components that might give extra Armor that would make your craft last longer but the downside make there Top speed or cruise speed slower. 2. Weapons. I thought this was quite a cool idea. Grenade launchers for example have more modes of fire such and Air-burst basically there's an alien behind cover you can shoot it releasing a hail of metal on him. Another mode of fire was timed in which the gun was fired and the Projectile didnt explode until it stopped and Ufo:AI some maps are uneven and follow the path of least resistance.. I even had a "oh shit.. well.. Should have known that would happen" moment where I shot it inside a House only to kill my squad and a few Civies 3. Pilots. I know this is in the FAQ on why you guys don't think it would work I'm just putting it out there. Pilots that would gain experience therefore becoming better at dog fighting with the enemy. Which brings another idea if your pilot has been shot down and if he survives (Ejection seat -could be another customization where if your craft is shot down has something like 15% chance to live) there could be a Search and Rescue mission to bring him home before the Aliens find him. Like something where you have full vision of where he is and you can control him. The pilot only equipped with a Handgun or nothing where you have to bring him back to your craft for extraction or just kill everything. 4. Weapon Proficiency . In Ufo:AI the more you use a weapon class the more proficient you get with it. Just say you use Assault rifles exclusively for 1 of your soldiers he will go in time from Poor to good to great or even Not Competent to Competent. Gaining modifiers such as slight aiming bonuses to better reaction times. Thats all I can think of to add atm if I come across anymore things in which may improve this game Ill just add it to this as of now Id like to know what you think of these ideas
  16. I did ask this in the bug thread but also putting it here. So if i have my troop transport out of the base when the base is attacked and i lose that base, what will happen to my troop transport? I mean I might have another base but it might not have space for my aircraft or my personal or even my equipment. How will the game deal with this? Persoanlly I would be happy if the game just deleted my aircraft when my base is desotryed, but i don't think other people would be happy with that.
  17. I think of several features: 1) Dynamical (in air) squadron management: - possibility to split squadron in air (example: low-fueled F's come home while MiG continues pursuit) - possibility to join several planes (even from different bases) in a squadron to allow them attack UFO together (of course, planes to-be-joined must be in same waypoint or tailing same UFO) 2) Dynamical (in air) base/hangar reallocation: - if a base have a free hangar and my plane (from another base) is near it - why I cannot land it here? - why do I need unarmed C-17 to move my MiG from base to base, when distance is less then MiG range? (Interface: when selected waypoint for squadron is base but not home, and have enough free hangars, popup "Fly to waypoint/Land and set as homebase/Cancel") I do not know if these features are possible, and if possible how hard to implement. But IMHO they are useful and give even more reality without breaking game balance. Maybe in add-on if not in final release?
  18. Cant change the aircraft equipment while refueling. I think it should be allowed in parallel
  19. Now that I attmpeted to mod the aircraft, I've hit a very big brick wall regarding the weapons loadout. Only 2 weapon systems are allowed per aircraft (GUI restriction I wager), which is major downer. You can't have an aircraft with 2 cannons. I mean, you can, but it won't be able to carry any missiles You can't have 4 missiles and 1 cannon. When normal aircraft have 10-11 missile hardpoints + cannons, it really feels restrictive ot be limited to jsut 2 weapon systems...
  20. Title said it all. A Chinook can't reach Siberia from Italy? Fair enough. Please let us know that in the UI.
  21. Just a question why are there no pilots in the game? Should they at least not take up space in your base? To be honest I don’t really care if this happens it’s more of just like... Huh? Ghost pilots!
  22. Hi chaps and chapettes, I've been playing Xenonauts for a while and wondered - do we get any other aircraft than the initial Chinook and the first two types of figher plane? Will we see a different drop ship, more advanced fighter craft etc.? If so, what are they and are they in the game yet? Cheers!
  23. i think ive written about this before(a while back) but playing v14 it is anoying when the aliens fire and hit your aircraft 1 time and unless its a short trip(unlikely) it prevents you from using your slightly used aircraft till it is repaired 100% the reason for this is not that the plane cant fight or fly its becouse the ground crews wont refuel a damaged plane i can see how any aircraft under a certain % of damage can not be tasked another mission till its repaired enough but i have even near begining of the game had the situation where i cant use a plane due to this issue its all about the timing. here is my example, 3 aircraft vs light scout= scout runs 2 aircraft vs light scout= scout fights what happens is only using 2 fighters = 1 fighter gets hit once causing an additional 2-4 hours(game time) untill the base will refuel the plane allowing the multipul ufos to escape becouse whil the plane can fly and fight at 95% of health its fuel lvl will stay at 0 untill the fighter is repaired 100% i think the order for the base should be rearm refuel repair allowing us to decide weather or not to risk a damaged fighter surviving its next encounter (*i think the current flyable cutoff is 50% damage-which is fine)
  24. I've looked up the F-16 and according to the specifications, it can carry 6 Sidewinder missiles. I'm going to increase the ammo count on the Sidewinders to 3x on each wing, when I get Xenonauts running again. However, I didn't find the missile counts for the MiG-31, but it should be able to carry at least 2x Sidewinders on the wing tips and either 2x or 3x Sidewinders in the middle pylons, what do you think? Also since I didn't find an equivalent for the avalanche missile, I don't know how many of these should the MiG-31 carry, do 2x Avalanche missiles in the middle pylons and 1x Avalanche missiles on the wing tip pylons or no Avalanche missiles on the wing tips? EDIT: The Avalanche equivalent would be the R-33 (russian) or the AIM-54 (American)?
  25. I'm trying to change the layout of the weapons on the Mig31. First, I want to shuffle the missile hardpoints back to the wing areas and add a cannon to the nose. Second I want to have the wing tip mounts only have light missiles, and heavy missile mounts closer to the fuselage. I fiddled with the XML which yielded some success, but do I have to mod lua files to move/add graphics and mount points on an aircraft?
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