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Found 2 results

  1. Hi everyone, I just wanted to throw an idea out there that occurred to me when playing the game last night, to see what people think and also whether it's feasible from a coding point of view. The idea is that each Alien type has certain traits, that effect it's behaviour and capabilities in ways beyond certain species just having more health, or better accuracy etc. Some examples of traits could be: (these will largely depend on the alien AI in the final version I'd imagine, I don't think there's anything here that's flat out unrealistic though) Cautious - While not afraid to die for the Alien's cause, this creature understands that it's of more benefit alive than dead. Lacking the defensive prowess of some other species, it therefore takes particular care to protect itself on the battlefield. The alien receives a bonus defensive benefit from taking cover (could apply to Caesans) Sniper - An expert at finding a strong defensive position and lying in wait for Xenonaut troops to enter it's kill zone... The alien favours reserving action points for reaction shots over movement during it's own turn and recieves a bonus to it's reaction fire accuracy when firing from a cover position. Enraged! - As this beast charges the Xenonaut lines, their panicked reaction fire only succeeds in enraging it further. It's pace quickens, ever more eager for carnage... Reaction shots made against this alien add 4 ap to his movement during that turn. I'm thinking this could apply to Xenonauts version of the Chrysallid) Nocturnal - A night time predator who strikes from the darkness to prey on the Xenonaut troopers. The alien's perception is not affected by night time missions. Elite - A war weathered veteran who's experience helps them keep focussed and on mission, even in the face of stiff resistance. The alien is less likely to panic. Warrior's Pride - Rather than skulking in the shadows, this alien strides openly toward the humans, intent on being the one to claim the honour of the first kill. If the alien ends it's turn in the open it automatically gains the required amount of action points to make a snap shot reaction fire action, regardless of how many action points it expended during it's turn. (thinking of the Muton equivelent here) So, would something like this add a bit more variety to the engagements do people think? Would there be balance issues? And most importantly, is it a practical possibilty to code? Cheers all.
  2. I have written up the entire concept once more... with a lot more structure and without all the half-baked ideas that lead to this version. All numbers were made up on the spot and only serve to demonstrate the intent. Too many unknowns to scale anything just yet. Of course others are invited to add summaries of their systems. (maybe use a different colour for the "headline"?) Please don't start a discussion about bits and pieces of either. I simplified several obscure mechanics from the discussion thread. More transparent and predictable now, which should make it easy for the player to balance his troopers' advancement vs the specialist abilities they acquire. Give everyone 10 special training courses and they will advance their stats more slowly - but have all the special perks. Yet, the player can build his army of universal soldiers if he so desires... Even training strategies become a possibility! "Hang on" with less educated grunts who increase their skills faster... or train them right away and get slower advancement long term. How cool is that? That is gameplay the players can and will argue about. Real choices! =) It makes replaying the game a real possibility because you could play with a different strategy. Recruiting soldiers and other personnel is in many ways related because it also takes a look at the starting stats of soldier and the potential change to the importance of training. The "Alternate Training Concept" is a far more "condensed" concept which is more suited to a strategic approach to training without micromanaging individual soldiers on a regular base.
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