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Found 8 results

  1. Like with the facilities in the base building tetris game, I'd really want inventory items to be rotatable, so that a character can have both a shield and a rifle in their bag as easily as they can have two shields or two rifles. Having a system where you can have a one-handed item in your hand that you cannot put in your bag by replacing it with a two-handed one becomes annoying as it means you have to leave open bag space that you would otherwise use if you want your shieldbearers to carry other weapons. This further reduces the weight a shieldbearer may carry, thus reducing the ability to train strength, especially late-game. The problem is particularly noticeable now that shields are only 3kg. Furthermore, I suggest the size and shape of the actual inventory (as opposed to the space used by the items) to be defined in config files for mod developers to use. This might be there already, but I haunted through the config files and couldn't find it.
  2. So I go to make some plane hangars in my 2nd base, and decide to change the layout a bit. I rotate two hangars to face sideways and place them, and everything seems fine. UNTIL the planes ship in, as they are surprisingly squat. That's when I realize that this happens with all the base room art. The rotation effect doesn't actually rotate the images, but just squishes them, as seen in the following two pictures: Steps to reproduce: 1) In either your initial base or a new base, build a new room that is two by one squares. 2) "Rotate" the room in the planning phase by turning your mousewheel. 3) Select the location of the room by clicking on two unoccupied horizontal squares. 4) Notice the room's art is the same rotation of the initial art, but just flattened. Suggested fixes: Well, obviously, actual rotation of the art would be be preferred. But while on the subject, is there any way to get a tool tip here on rotating the pieces of the base? I mean, I had no clue I could do this for quite some time. Additionally, some overlay arrows showing the facing of the rooms would be helpful once rotation is in.
  3. Now, I understand that this is the way it's always been done since the original X-com, but is having it cost 1TU to rotate a Soldier 1 tile really worth having in the game? You might say that it's unrealistic to have free rotation, but to that I say that the current system doesn't allow for all kinds of things, like facing sideways while running a different direction, walking backwards, etc... In some ways free rotation would be more realistic because it could be an umbrella functionality that could account for any number of ways soldiers would walk around in combat other than marching straight forward. So if not for the purpose of "realism" why is this part of the game? Does it add any gameplay function? It's just another idiosyncrasy leftover from X-com. I remember my first time playing X-com and carefully calculating in my head how many TU's I needed to arm and throw a grenade, only to fail to take into account the cost for rotating, leaving my poor rookie standing there with a live grenade. New players are unlikely to grasp how rotation works right away, I think. I know I didn't. It's not like soldiers wouldn't still have cones of vision, giving the AI opportunities to blindside the player and good stuff like that. I think it would be interesting to at least give it a go just to see how it feels gameplay-wise without it. TL;DR: TU cost for rotating adds nothing to the game except x-com nostalgia flavor and it should be removed.
  4. Probably out due to needing to rotate the sprite, but any chance of being able to rotate say the combat shield in your inventory using the mousewheel, like we can rotate hangers etc in base construction?
  5. (on Steam) 1. So I ordered a nice new Condor, and it came with Sidewinders not the Alenium Missiles fitted to my existing fleet. Is there an interface option to bring it into line? I went out and unloaded the sidewinders into a handy nearby ufo, and it rearmed with more sidewinders. 2. How do I rotate the 2x1 base structures? 3. In the equipment screen how can tell what rocket type is loaded into an equipped rocket launcher?
  6. I know I read it some place but for the life of me I can not find it and do not remember--- How do you rotate the 2 tile rooms to go up and down vrs left to right?
  7. 1. Can we rotate the map so you can see your troops when they are moving along the right side of a wall? 2. I like the pilot chatter during air combat . I think you ought have them say "Engaging bandit", "I have tone ", "Fox Two" and "I'm RTB". At the appropriate times in combat. 3. Aircraft should gain experience with each successful combat. 4. There ought to at least one other missile option for all aircraft . Even in the 70's there were longer ranged missiles than the Sidewinder. Sparrow or AARAM would be good. 5. Please show a cone indicating the maximum range of the aircraft's missiles and gun.
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