So I go to make some plane hangars in my 2nd base, and decide to change the layout a bit. I rotate two hangars to face sideways and place them, and everything seems fine.
UNTIL the planes ship in, as they are surprisingly squat. That's when I realize that this happens with all the base room art. The rotation effect doesn't actually rotate the images, but just squishes them, as seen in the following two pictures:
Steps to reproduce:
1) In either your initial base or a new base, build a new room that is two by one squares.
2) "Rotate" the room in the planning phase by turning your mousewheel.
3) Select the location of the room by clicking on two unoccupied horizontal squares.
4) Notice the room's art is the same rotation of the initial art, but just flattened.
Suggested fixes:
Well, obviously, actual rotation of the art would be be preferred. But while on the subject, is there any way to get a tool tip here on rotating the pieces of the base? I mean, I had no clue I could do this for quite some time. Additionally, some overlay arrows showing the facing of the rooms would be helpful once rotation is in.