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  1. Here, fellow Xenonauts, is my humble submission to the greatness that is the true XCom successor. It's a mod for a pure recon plane, the E-3 AWACs (That's the plane with the huge radar disc on it's back) This explains the concept: FOR THE TLDR CROWD: Unarmed, slow, long range radar plane that is great for covering areas getting hit by a wave or continents underserved by your bases. Unarmed means it needs an escort & more radar means more targets, forcing you to reevaluate your fighter assignments to cover the new area. IMHO this plane adds more action and more strategy to the game. DL: http://db.orangedox.com/UmJ1U0gGo3xg79ahgA/xenonauts-airplane-awacs.zip /TLDR Here are links to full screen resolution images https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/28665072/mods/2014-06-19_00001.jpg - AWACS Xenopedia (Thanks again Sandyxx!) https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/28665072/mods/2014-06-19_00002.jpg - AWACS Equip Screen (Pretty but useless). Maybe future expansion will allow for equipping radar units. That would be neat! Lol I guess I'm "a sucker for surveillance" https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/28665072/mods/2014-06-19_00003.jpg - Base w/ AWACS in hangar https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/28665072/mods/2014-06-19_00004.jpg - AWACS patrolling on the other side of the globe. This shows the radar range. It can stick around there for a good 6 hours or so, if I calculated correctly! My thought for the AWACS is for it to be used as a mobile radar post. Since bases are ridiculously expensive, and even a solid base network probably won't cover all regions, this provides a cost effective alternative that also happens to add an additional layer of complexity & strategy in the air superiority game. Say when you get all those messages about trains being strafed and people being abducted, etc, but its outside of your base's radar range; or say you have a good base network across the rich Northern Hemisphere and don't want to commit to building a base in Africa or S America. Well - AWACS to the rescue! You can station the slow, but long ranged AWACS over there to find out what the heck is going on. As I mentioned, the AWACS is slow - about half speed of the F17 - unarmed, and delicate. But has a ton of fuel and excellent radar coverage. So you find a spot that needs some radar coverage. Send out the bird. But it's a sitting duck, especially since you are sending it into a hot zone. So you need an escort. But you also need to have fighters ready to intercept the craft the AWACS finds. Plus this will be some distance from your base - should you send out the AWACS + escort and an additional fighting squadron? Just the AWACS + escort? Maybe you can send the AWACS in, followed up with fighters then pull out the bird after handing off the contacts to the fighters' radar systems. Plus it's a great alien base hunter. Of course, alien bases always have increased traffic levels. So should you send your spotter out there and hope you don't come across a supply ship, or send it with an escort pulling needed fighters away from your bases where you know you will find UFOs? Like I said, a whole new aspect of air-to-air strategy. Note, I doubled all the aircraft ranges in the game, under the assumption that each bird would get at least 1 midflight refueling. The extra range plays very well with the strategic options presented by the AWACS. Note - One thing I can't seem to get working is to list it in the xenopedia! It should show up on start, like the Condor and the Chinook, but it just wont seem to do it! Would love some help there! You can download it from my dropbox: http://db.orangedox.com/UmJ1U0gGo3xg79ahgA/xenonauts-airplane-awacs.zip NOTE - I also included a file _readme_what_to_add.xlsx which has the lines and which files they were added to, so you can manually add the stuff in yourself. Which is helpful if you have like the Lore Mod, you can go in and add all the acas stuff easily. I hope that this becomes the norm for mods, because installing one mod that overwrites all your changes sucks! This lets you see what to add and where. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments! This is still in beta, so please would love feedback! My email is in the readme file.
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