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Found 3 results

  1. As part of the celebrations for reaching our 100% funding on Kickstarter, we've announced a digital novella for all the Premium Preorderers and above (you'll recieve it if you Premium Preordered prior to Kickstarter too). This might be anything from 7,000/8,000 words up to 20,000 words. It might take a few months to arrive, but it'll arrive before the game does. It will tell the story of the Iceland Incident, humanity's first contact with extraterrestrials and the event that led to the foundation of the Xenonauts. It will tell the story of a Russian commander involved in the battle for the crashed UFO. It shouldn't be spoilerific - really it should just set some of the background for the game. It is to be written by Lee Stephen, who is the author of the Epic Universe series of books - they are currently the top selling independent sci-fi series in America. Writing is a very subjective thing, so but Lee has offered to write this for free - if you love what he writes, great! If you don't, fair enough - but it hasn't diverted any funds away from the game. So this can only be a good thing for us. Lee is a huge X-Com fan (hence why he's working for free), and I've pointed him at this thread. Please make him feel welcome and I'm sure he'll be happy to answer any questions you have. Alternatively, if you just want to wait and see what comes out of his brain over the next few months, that'll be fine too!
  2. Hi, I found the demo on my own... got my mind blown and bought the premium pack immediately. If i would have known of the kick starter... Cant wait to check the newest build. My only question is how do i get the shinny "premium pre-orderer" badge of awesomeness on this forum? I cant seem to locate any "register game here" or anything similar. Keep up the good work, Ran.
  3. What I want to know if is there going to be anything other than forum related extras for the premium pre-order. I really want everything this game has to offer but I don't really want to spend $10 on forum stuff even if it is to support them. Times are Rough.
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