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Found 5 results

  1. Would it be possible to add a column (area outlined in red) which stated the Role that the soldier is currently fulfilling, eg rifleman, medic etc. Currently I have to open each soldiers inventory/equip screen to see this information. It would be easier to manage who is assigned to each dropship from this screen without having to look at each soldier manually. Also please could you (it maybe something your already working on) change the role symbols currently CRASHX are pretty basic and also limited. I would prefer to see the role symbols a similar design to the ones at the top of the base page that depict the various departments (eg the tank for vehicles, plane for aircraft). Something like a crosshair for snipers, cross for medic, rifle for rifleman etc. Something else I noticed also, very minor but you may want to consider it is the abbreviations for the ranks used by the xenonauts. Major is abbreviated to Maj not Mjr as it currently is and Captain is Capt not Cpt. At least that's how we do it in the british army. With regards to Colonel and Commander its Col and Comd usually.
  2. Can't seem to get Mrs. Got-Herself-Shot-and-has-to-recuperate-for-20-days out of that precious WOLF BATTLE ARMOR. Right now she gets miraculously cured once the next mission starts but when that's fixed she'll be lying in bed hogging a vital military asset Not to mention peeing into a bottle while wrapped in some pounds of alien alloy seems unnecessarily uncomfortable The Armor is displayed in the BASE PERSONNEL TAB. Just add a combobox there .. or remove the armor just like the rest of the gear once the soldier gets removed from active duty.
  3. Until now I was fairly sure these numbers (and yellowish name) indicated a wounded yet deployable soldier. After my last mission almost all my soldiers went to 89% but none of them were wounded. However multiple stat increased occurred including resilience. As it is a common bug/design flaw to have "max hp" increase upon "level up" but leave "actual hp" at it's previous level ("Hey I'm tougher now! Ouch that hurt!!). I am carefully concluding this might be the case. If so please move to bugreports. If not one may please enlighten me about these cute yellow percent values inside those shapely brackets.
  4. Currently, we can click entries on the personnel screen, but it doesn't do anything. I generally go there hoping for a squad-level overview of their weapon loadout and I'll occasionally click a name hoping it will take me to his inventory screen. Of course, it doesn't and then I wonder why I expected it to work this time.
  5. I wrote a long explanation for this screen but the forums ate it so this post will be brief. Basically this screen replaces the existing Personnel screen, and is geared towards managing the soldiers. The hiring of personnel will now be conducted on the relevant page (labs, workshop, barracks) rather than all together on a single page as I think it makes more sense that way. The training functionality is more than likely to be canned. I've thought about it and I don't really see it being particularly useful, it's really just adding an extra layer of complexity for no real gain. People get confused by the fact it only works on Privates (so none of the starting troops) and the fact it has very limited functionality. Levelling troops up in battle shouldn't be difficult enough to make it that useful either. Anyway, onto the screen itself. The first screen is the soldier management screen (clipboard "paper" obvious still WIP): http://www.xenonauts.com/devimages/barracks1.jpg There will be functionality to "look down" which would let you see more troops on the clipboard but that'll hide the navigation menu on the wall and the speech bubble menu. Quite how it'll be triggered, I'm not fully sure yet. I quite like the colour coding of the numbers too - it's just a question of not making the screen look like a kaleidoscope. EDIT - the colour coding is basically done at random in that image but essentially numbers will start backed in yellow at 50 and then will move up to the darker greens as the soldier gets closer to 100. For the chinook, the lighter green indicates a soldier not on full health who has still been assigned to a Chinook (details on his injury would be shown on mouseover). The second screen is the soldier hiring screen: http://www.xenonauts.com/devimages/Barracks2.jpg This basically incorporates the current soldier pool hiring system direct into the UI. We'll probably colour-code the stats there too.
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