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Found 5 results

  1. I have played an earlier build and I will be buying the Steam version on Tuesday. What I would like to know is what nations have been added since the 17 build... It's not important but it is a little thing I like to see in these games; like Israeli Soldiers fighting alongside Turks, or Brits with Argentinians.
  2. Hi Guys. I have this situation: I am in the 3. month now day 10 i think. Udssr found is 54360 $ but I have also a minus 54360 $ . This means, after ending the mounth I will lose this nation. The question is, if I will catch some ufos in the next 20 days, do I will safe this nation or do I will lost in anyway??? I dont sure if you can safe a nation if your are at this point that you have exact the minus like the found.
  3. There should be a chance (albeit small one) to regain lost regions. Down enough sausers, kill enough aliens, clear out enough alien bases, add some spesific missions for this purpose, but some possibility to win a region back would be cool...
  4. Different regions have different funding levels. It seems to me that it probably refers to that region's base payment to X Command (or whatever it's called in Xenonauts), but does whether or not you have a base in the region make any difference? For example, I can still cover just about all of Europe with my base in Egypt, but the N. Africa funding level is lower than Europe. Does if make any difference in that sense where I put my base? Should I have gone ahead and put my base on the other side of the Mediterranean?
  5. It kinda goes with as you gain rep with nations you can get more solders from them and so on..... Say you build a base in north america, not only do you get solders from there, but the interceptors and squad carrier are based on the american and canadian tech of the time, and say you build in europe or russia, you get the equivilant of what they have, same with weapons, so like say the US has the best transports, and the interceptors are slow but kick ass dogfighters, and like the mig is russian, or europe has a good mix interceptor of speed and durability, you can get this as your rep with the nations goes up, kinda like tiers as they like you more. same with the soldier equipment, would be cool. or maybe one of them has a slow transport that can carry wepons to defend itself.
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