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Found 3 results

  1. I'm absolutely baffled, I must be the biggest retard or something else is wrong. I've been trying to add chinese soldiers to the game, and I have tried several different ways to accomplish this, but i can't seem to get them to show up even after hiring/firing dozens of soldiers http://pastebin.com/MUsQfUvT this is what i have been trying to use. I put the male list at the top of soldiernames.xml (beneath the database tag) above the nation below it, and the female list at the top of soldiernamesfemale.xml. I add the regiment and experience strings to strings.xml this doesn't seem to worth whether i use the vanilla game's files or if i place the nation itself into a mod (names of the world for example) i've tried modmerge deleteall and modmerge insert (like I saw in the files for "Names of the World" but that does not seem to work either https://i.gyazo.com/653c2fa5ea1cf674c0ec9c665a7d981b.png I'm still convinced that i'm missing something important and I would be grateful to anyone who can help me out.
  2. I don't get this. Every soldier in this game is either American, Russian or Japanese. Names often repeat themselves, and they all involve anglo-saxon, soviet or japanese ascendances. Why is that? What about the rest of the nations, do they have no troops to offer? I find this not only inconvenient for emotional involvement, but slightly xenophobic. As a Brazilian, I feel - I don't know - excluded, I guess. Here's a great tool for generating names: http://www.behindthename.com/random/ Do you guys think you could fetch a couple of each country and throw it in the mix? It's a bit silly, but there's a very deep, irrational urge for people outside those three countries to see themselves represented.
  3. I've added Australian and New Zealand soldiers to the available nationalities. They should show up fairly regularly, Aussie and Kiwi soldiers were pretty experienced troops in the 70's with all the little wars in SE Asia so it figures that some would become Xenonauts. Unzip into the assets folder. Back up soldiernames.xml and strings.xml first though. UPDATE: I've changed the combat experience for the anzacs to Malaya, Borneo and Vietnam. I've also split the Germans into East and West to give it a real Cold War flavour. The West German regiments are GSG 9 (A counter-terrorist unit. Also gives a chance for combat experience in Mogadishu, where they stormed a hijacked plane in 1977), FSLK200 (A long range recon unit), and the 26th Fallschirmjager Brigade. The East German units are unchanged but they have a chance for some combat experience in Angola and Congo, where they were pretty active in the '60s and '70s as advisors. (Banner courtesy of Wolfy)
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