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Found 7 results

  1. COMMANDER, TAKE OUR MONEY, ALL OF IT. STOP THE ALIENS! ____________________________________________________________ ABOUT: You're basically swimming in money and alloys, plus get many quality of life improvements for Geoscape. This is the Deluxe Geoscape Cheat Mod. ____________________________________________________________ FEATURES: Ridiculous money (800 Million!!!) Tons of alloy/alenium loot from UFOs Better soldier stats Epic planes upgrades Luxury base buildings Efficient refuel and rearm for planes Mindcontrol psionics nefred to hell Super flares for night ops QuantumCryptology Center also a radar now (Ground combat unchanged, only flares buffed) ____________________________________________________________ DOWNLOAD: [ATTACH]6344[/ATTACH] Alt Download Link: http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=09252329631415343460 ____________________________________________________________ (People on Steam wanted this mod so I made it) Deluxe Geoscape Cheat R2.zip Deluxe Geoscape Cheat R2.zip
  2. I will try to explain the problem with my bad english. One day before ending of the month i have 600.000. Usd than month is ending, I see this picture whits nations which I lost und Nations where I get money from. And below i can see how much money all the nations pay me ( for example 1 million) and my profit in green color. ( for example 100.000. Usd.) But after the month is endig i dont have logakly 700.000 usd but -100.000 . Question: what the f... Going on hear? Can any budy tell me? It is normal or is this a bug? Hope you understand my problem and can help me volks.
  3. sorry for the apparently aggressive post but the new monetary system(ver 19.4),better than the stable version is still insufficient..ok ,cost are lowered,well but expecting that a dozen of underpaid mans save the world against an overwhelming alien force is...frustrating!!!!absolutely need(my personal opinion) to at least: 1)enhancing the monthly founding of at least 200k more than the actual... 2)ability to retake lost nations 3)the abatement of fighter and every ufos increase nation's rating?? in a my new game i have in 20 oct,8250$!!!2 condor,1foxtrot,14 mans,0 armour a 2nd base with a radar array and an hangar.. the world's founding trend in a costant drop(and all,apart uf USSR hate me),the only ufo's are fighters(high risk for no gain) can i do something in that conditions??? and more,the foxtrot are underpowered!!i prefer the older asset with 4 missiles..it granted a better results..
  4. I've played the game for a while now, mostly checking out the releases leading up to beta, and I've had a great time. When beta came, I decided to try and see how long I could survive, since I'm new to this type of games. I've clocked about 10 hours in my current game (according to steam), and so far I think I've done pretty good. I've done 4 terror missions, 2 or 3 medium ships, and countless scouts. My team has taken very few losses, and everyone have the wolf armour, and laser weapons. The biggest problem for me now is money, I've done all the missions I can, only lost a few aircraft, manufactured minimum amount of equipment, built an extra hangar, lab and workshop, yet I'm strapped for cash. I have focused on research and manufacturing, so that my soldiers have the best equipment, both armour and weapons. I don't feel that I have wasted my money, yet my money is constantly low. At this point in my game, UFOs are becoming rarer, which significantly hampers my money making capability. The money I make quickly gets eaten up by production of either new weapons (plasma), or into new aircraft (the condor replacement). I've read around, and while I get that money is a part of the difficulty in this game, I feel like I'm missing something when it comes to making money. Is this just me, if so, what can I do differently? if not, how do you cope with it? On a slight sidenote: When did they change it so that the helicopter can't carry 8 troops and an armoured car?, and what's up with the absurd manufacturing time on the 3rd aircraft (condor replacement)? I've just researched it, and I hope it's good, because that's a huge time investment. To those that have played for a few months into the game, how many labs/workshops and scientists/workers should I aim for? Thank you for reading my post, and I hope someone has any insight to my little problem. Have a good day regardless.
  5. Loving the game, but I would like to know how to start off with more money. I want to get an early second base established, without feeling too strained for funds. I have no clue where to look in the xenonauts folder or what to change. thx in advance =D
  6. Hello, I am new to Xenonauts and modding/editing but it intrests me. So I would like to start out with basics for a couple of reasons. 1. I am terrible at this game 2. I run out of money all the time. So is there anyway I can edit how much money I start with and/or how much I can sell things for. Any other hints tips would also be helpul to me. Thanks. Pete.
  7. Looking around at costs and such, I feel like multiplying many of the existing money amounts by 10 would better bring them in line with the true financial cost of that item - for instance, the MiG would cost 2.5 million instead of 250K, which is still probably on the cheap side, but feels more like the cost for a modern aircraft than 250K does. As for salaries, it's probably fine to be paying employees of this organization exorbitant amounts - you're getting the best of the best.
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