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  1. Hokay so I've been playing Xenonauts off and on for months, and now it's hit v1 I figured I'd try to put on my modding shoes and kick it into the shape I want it to be. And I figured I'd ask you guys for help, because other than a few config tweaks I don't know what the funge I'm doing. I've tested a basic version of this mod out, but I want to go to the next level with it. So here is the concept. I want to make Xenonauts less a small scale group and beef the whole thing up to being more like how I imagine it might be, a bloated, supremely well funded and heavily staffed operation. The caveat here of course, is that the best humanity has to offer might as well be Mayans against heavily armed alien conquistadors. The duration of the game and the number of missions involved would increase, because you'd be able to set up global coverage very quickly and intercept most if not everything that comes in. What I'm hoping to change is: 1. Funding. Loads of money. Absolutely tons of the stuff. The point here is that the Xenonaut program should want for nothing on Earth. This means more personnel, more bases in operation, and from the get-go a general sense that you are running a full blown military operation. I love Xenonauts as is, but this will be a change to a grander, more epic fight. The challenge would not so much be survival and victory, because you'd probably have no problem achieving those goals eventually, the challenge would be to do it with the minimum loss of human life. 2. More soldiers per transport, I'm thinking 16 per vehicle is a good number. This means you are just about rolling in with a platoon, or an overstrength squad, depending on how you look at it. This means more troops on the ground, larger scale fights, and yes, it means you will win more missions however the flip side of this is more casualties. Troops get in each others way, XP levels drop as the fighting is done by more troops. Enemy numbers will also be increased to balance this out a bit too. 3. Chinook range reduction. This would mean that rather than having a main base you would essentially play this game by managing a succession of regional branches. Somebody brings down an alien ship in Japan, you're going to need a response team based in Asia to handle it. This again reduces the experience level of your squads, because your regional teams will only get involved if there's something they can reach. Regions where the enemy are coming at you strongly will see teams grow and develop, but one squad doesn't see action for months, then finds they are the only thing stopped a terror mission, you've got a real fight on your hands. Newer transports have normal range. 4. New weapons. I will elaborate on the specifics later, but the jist is that I want to expand the utility of the Xenonauts weaponry, so rather than adding a few more rifles or whatever I want to add the weapons I've thought, "Hang on, why don't I have one of these?" 5. More armed locals on missions, I figure unless you get to the scene of an alien fracas immediately, you won't find many of the unarmed civilians, aliens would have killed them or they'd have legged it. However I would expect any populated area to be pretty well populated with cops, soldiers, militias and armed civilians trying to do their bit for the species. I want there to be a good give and take between aliens and locals that the Xenonauts pile into. 6. Longer vision ranges, maybe a shade less accuracy. Would have longer, less decisive long range firefights, which would necessitate suppressive fire and flanking attacks more of the time. So that's the outline. The specific weapons I want to add are: 1. Incendiary grenades and rockets. Because who hasn't wanted to just open the doors to an alien ship and purge it with fire like the Emperor intended am I right? Would add a flamethrower too but that's probably really hard to do and much less practical anyway. 2. A multipurpose grenade launcher. Smaller than a rocket launcher. Able to fire gas, frag, incendiary and smoke grenades. All the grenades would be smaller and weaker than normal, EMPs wouldn't be useable because they'd not be able to be shrunk down (and it'd make things too easy). What I'm wondering though guys, is does this sound like a very difficult thing to set up? Can it all be done with config changes or am I going to have to roll up my sleeves and learn to do stuff? I have close to zero graphics skills, so the plan is to basically do what I can with what I have, but I would like to eventually learn how to add stuff properly. Any help much appreciated.
  2. This mod is currently version 3 and has been tested in v19 experimental, hotfix 2. The mod launcher is currently not working, as far as I know. To install the mod, you'll have to extract the files into your Xenonauts folder. Sadly, this mod will not work with Sathra's, WalrusJones', or anything else that alters the same files. When I get closer to what I want, maybe I (or they? I'm not sure of the etiquette) will merge mods. Download. Mod description: I find lightscout and scout ground missions to be a bit on the dull side. Yes, Caesans are different from Sebilians. But they're both using the same plasma pistol or rifle, and it gets old. There's none of the variety that the mix of alien weaponry later on provides. This mod tries to change that a bit. Introducing the overloaded, stabilized and focused versions of alien plasma pistols and plasma rifles. Overloaded guns: these guns have had various safety mechanisms disabled, making them deadlier, but also making them rather unreliable. The result is that they now deliver an explosive blast. It also means that the user cannot snap shot, take reaction fire, or burst fire, for fear of the gun exploding in their hands and eradicating all matter within a respectable radius. Stabilized guns: These guns have been modified to deliver a near-constant stream of plasma. To achieve this, the punch of each individual shot is notably weaker than a typical version of the weapon. The upside is that they can pump out blasts without worrying about the reliability of the gun, granting lower TU costs, higher suppression (in terms of suppression value and suppression radius) as well as a 6-shot burst fire. The shots do now have armour mitigation, though, so don't underestimate anyone using a stabilized plasma pistol or rifle. Focused guns: this modification delivers a charged, tight beam; this grants a bonus to the weapon's range, higher suppression and a more accurate standard/aimed shot. The downside is that snap shot is less accurate, the charge-up time makes burst fire impossible. Version 3 introduces feral sebillians. They can withstand impressive amounts of damage, but have regressed to an even more bestial state, so they cannot use items. --- Files modified: in assets\ aiprops.xml items.xml weapons_gc.xml weapons.xml strings.xml in assets\ufocontents airplane.alien.lightscout.caesan airplane.alien.scout.caesan airplane.alien.corvette.caesan airplane.alien.lightscout.sebilian airplane.alien.scout.sebilian airplane.alien.corvette.sebilian To-do list: I need to play around with (I reckon) strings.xml so that the different plasma weapons don't show up as "weapon.StabilizedAlienPlasmaPistol" and the like. [Done as of v2] I need to sort out graphics for human soldiers who want to use these guns.
  3. This was for v20 stable candidate 4, but it seems to work fine with cand. 5 (which will probably be v20 stable). Edit: yep. If you want a simple mod to make the AI take shots at distance, have human survivors follow Xeno soldiers, and try and make reapers less likely to dance in and out of sight, try this. Install it by extracting the .zip into your Xenonaut dir (e.g. "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Xenonauts\"). You should be asked to overwrite the existing aiprops.xml. Note that alien grenades have effectively been removed, since the alternatives are aliens that can throw for miles, or no AI improvement at all. I imagine this AI bug will be officially fixed after the holidays, but for now this helps. I've also cooked up a version of weapons_gc.xml here that removes alien overdamage and changes the alien heavy plasma rifle so that it has a use at long range (suppression). The changes are that its range increases from 5 to 20. Its accuracy decreases from 40/80/120 (snap/normal/aimed) to 20/75/100, and its damage goes from 35 damage per hit down to 30. --- Boxing day update. GJ's shown that there's a bug with the alien weapon accuracy variable in config.xml, so I've put up a fixed version here. Installation is as normal for my stuff: extract into your Xenonauts dir. Good luck!
  4. I have proposed this change here, but decided not to wait until it will be implemented by devs, and do it myself. It requires small edits to 2 files: assets/scripts/rolemenu.lua and assets/scripts/sequipview.lua. In assets/scripts/rolemenu.lua you need to change 2 lines: line 38 (button label) from : label = "SEQ.Role.EquipDefault", to: label = "SEQ.Role.ChangeDefault", and line 45 (button click action) from: EquipLoadout(); to: EditLoadout(); In file assets/scripts/sequipview.lua you need to change 2 lines too: Line 1558 (button label) from: label = "#Set equipment as default loadout", to: label = "SEQ.Role.EquipDefault", and line 1563 (button click action) from: EditLoadout(); to: EquipLoadout(); If you do not want to do this changes yourself, you can download modded files here. Just unzip contents of archive into game folder and replace all files when asked.
  5. New ranks system and rank insignia; New roles images; New title of medals and new medals; New images of game difficulty. WG Mod will be updated... Old version WG Mod for build V19 stable_hotfix 02\09\2013 http://www.sendspace.com/file/xp2fws New version WG Mod Mark II for build V19 stable_hotfix 02\09\2013 http://www.sendspace.com/file/6kabn7 - Roles images changed; - Basic armour (male) changed;
  6. EDIT: As of 19.1 Stable, this mod is redundant due to changes to the actual game. Download from https://www.dropbox.com/sh/8nrent2z14exqo6/MeJmrrgI4J It's the one under Aircraft Balance Mod. To install, overwrite aircraftweapons.xml and gameconfig.xml with the downloaded files. Premise: There's been some discussion about how to stop Foxtrots from dominating the air game. This mod is my attempt to resolve that problem. Changes: - The evade ability is buffed considerably. It now only has a 1 second cooldown, occurs slightly quicker and moves the aircraft a little further. - Torpedoes are nerfed. Their speed and turning ability have been halved. - Missiles buffed slightly. Missiles (both Xenonaut and alien) have a higher speed and each weapon slot contains 2 missiles rather than 1. Missiles on alien fighters, heavy fighters and interceptors have also been doubled (from 2 to 4). Consequences: - Torpedoes are practically useless against any UFO which can evade (fighter, heavy fighter, interceptor and light scout). You *can* score hits with torpedoes against such UFOs, but this happens as a result of a UFO dodging one attack into another (and therefore can't be relied upon). As such, it is no longer possible to rely on Foxtrots to bring down all alien squadrons. - Condors and later fighter craft are now significantly better. They can take on alien fighters and win with little or no damage if played well. Against larger UFOs like Landing Craft, they still lack the firepower to take them down. - As such, aircraft diversity is now important. Feedback and suggestions very much welcome.
  7. DOWNLOAD HERE Note: maps are now playable but some of the teleporters won't work. I'm not sure if this is a "bug" (in which case I won't have to modify my maps) or if teleporters are working fine (in which case I will have to make adjustment. Regardless, you should still be able to complete the levels. Just posting stuff here for interest's sake. I plan to make at least half a dozen of each type of map, and a few extra submaps as well. Current version: 2013-09-09 Current map count: 18 (2 complete sets. A set is one map of each size for each alien species). ------------------------ Description This is a level pack containing several map layouts and many submaps. Most of the submaps are just variants on the existing game content. None of these maps have been tested yet, and many are still "empty," so they aren't quite playable yet. (I'll remedy this shortly.) Design principle. Alien base missions are unique because they can be completed by blowing up the power core and leaving, or by killing everything that moves. They're also the only tileset with extensive corridors and the potential for creative teleporter use. Many of my maps are designed as "courses," designed to force the player through several stages before he reaches the command room. Inspired by the Xenopedia entry on base analysis, the power core is usually easier to reach, only requiring the player to go through one or two rooms (if he uses the vents properly). Cool things you can do with alien bases. Use ventilation ducts and locked doors to flank aliens Use random submaps to block off certain corridors, thus enhancing replay value Use teleporter tiles to make one corridor pass "over" another, similar to how elevators worked in XCOM1 Use locked doors to separate the base into "sectors," for aliens will not shoot through locked doors to come after you. Level styles Small bases: Staffed by corvette-tier aliens, the player must make his way through 75-100% of the base to reach the command room. The power core is located near the command room, so destroying it and leaving is a worse option than simply killing everything inside. The level is a slog-fest with few corridors. Large bases: Staffed by battleship-tier aliens, many of them elites, these labyrinthine maps are difficult to complete in their entirety, at least in the midgame when they appear. To reach the command-room, the player must make it through several rooms, each with 2-4 aliens. The power core, however, can usually be reached by sending one "commando" to sneak through the ventilation ducts. While he may pass through a room with aliens in it, the main force can draw their attention by firing from the opposite side of the room. Medium bases: Staffed by landingship-tier aliens, these levels offer an easier route to the powercore, but the level itself is smaller and less catacombic than the large bases.
  8. Since I've gone beyond the character limit in the Mod List thread, I've decided to archive some of the older Mods here. If you feel they should still be on the main list, please let me know. Aircraft/ Interception [table=width: 730, class: grid, align: left] [tr] [td] Name [/td] [td] Author [/td] [td] Compatible [/td] [td] Date [/td] [td] Comment [/td] [td] Forum [/td] [td] Download [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] Kabill's Air Combat Balance Mod [/td] [td] Kabill [/td] [td] v0.19 [/td] [td] 21/08/2013 [/td] [td] Reduces Foxtrot air dominance - Redundant as of v19.1 [/td] [td] Forum Post [/td] [td] Mod Download [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] Aircraft Loadouts [/td] [td] Gazz [/td] [td] ? [/td] [td] 09/09/2012 [/td] [td] Alters missiles [/td] [td] Forum Post [/td] [td] Download [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] Adding more scouts and less fighter craft [/td] [td] Max_Caine [/td] [td] ? [/td] [td] 07/07/2012 [/td] [td] Reduces large numbers of fighter craft. [/td] [td] Forum Post [/td] [td] Details in forum post [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] More aggressive Fighter [/td] [td] Amiga4ever [/td] [td] ? [/td] [td] 04/04/2012 [/td] [td] Alters fighters so they use missiles from distance more often. [/td] [td] Forum Post [/td] [td] Download - DOWN [/td] [/tr] [/table] Battlescape [table=width: 730, class: grid, align: left] [tr] [td] Name [/td] [td] Author [/td] [td] Compatible [/td] [td] Date [/td] [td] Comment [/td] [td] Forum [/td] [td] Download [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] Window Vaulting 0.2 [/td] [td] dJm [/td] [td] ? [/td] [td] 06/10/2012 [/td] [td] Allows vaulting through windows [/td] [td] Forum Post [/td] [td] Download [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] More Realistic Gunpowder Weapons v 1.0 [/td] [td] StellarRat [/td] [td] ? [/td] [td] 22/08/2012 [/td] [td] modifies pistol, shotgun and assault rifle [/td] [td] Forum Post [/td] [td] Details in forum post [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] Fix for xenonauts using weapons [/td] [td] craftomega [/td] [td] 9.4 [/td] [td] 25/04/2012 [/td] [td] prevents the game crashing when using an alien weapon. Note: BUG NOW FIXED [/td] [td] Forum Post [/td] [td] Download -DOWN [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] Cursors in 3D [/td] [td] Gauddlike [/td] [td] ? [/td] [td] 02/02/2012 [/td] [td] Alternative cursors for people and vehicles. [/td] [td] Forum Post [/td] [td] Details in forum post [/td] [/tr] [/table] Soldiers [table=width: 730, class: grid, align: left] [tr] [td] Name [/td] [td] Author [/td] [td] Compatible [/td] [td] Date [/td] [td] Comment [/td] [td] Forum [/td] [td] Download [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] Extended Female Names & Strings [/td] [td] eltharion [/td] [td] ? [/td] [td] 23/07/2012 [/td] [td] Increases number of female soldier names. [/td] [td] Forum Post [/td] [td] Download - DOWN [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] Face Mod [/td] [td] anotherdevil [/td] [td] All [/td] [td] 05/03/2012 [/td] [td] Breaks up NoIdidnt’s face into component parts (ouch) [/td] [td] Forum Post [/td] [td] Download [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] Israeli Soldiers [/td] [td] TheTuninator [/td] [td] 8.61 [/td] [td] 18/01/2012 [/td] [td] Adds Israeli names and backgrounds. [/td] [td] Forum Post [/td] [td]Download [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] ANZAC Soldiers [/td] [td] Pinetree [/td] [td] 8.5 [/td] [td] 30/12/2011 [/td] [td] Adds Anzacs into the game – Now part of the Extended Soldier Background Mod [/td] [td] Forum Post [/td] [td] Download [/td] [/tr] [/table] Vehicles [table=width: 730, class: grid, align: left] [tr] [td] Name [/td] [td] Author [/td] [td] Compatible [/td] [td] Date [/td] [td] Comment [/td] [td] Forum Post[/td] [td] Download [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] Hunter with primary and secondary weapons (Rocket Launcher/ .50 Cal Machinegun) [/td] [td] XenoNut [/td] [td] ? [/td] [td] 22/04/2012 [/td] [td] Provides Hunter with both primary & secondary weapons to use. [/td] [td] Forum Post [/td] [td] Download [/td] [/tr] [/table] Weapons & Equipment [table=width: 730, class: grid, align: left] [tr] [td] Name [/td] [td] Author [/td] [td] Compatible [/td] [td] Date [/td] [td] Comment [/td] [td] Forum Post[/td] [td] Download [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] Weapon Balance Mod v1.0 [/td] [td] Belmakor [/td] [td] 8.5 [/td] [td] 28/12/2011 [/td] [td] Alters details of base Xenonaut weapons [/td] [td] Forum Post [/td] [td] Details in forum post [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] Modding the Machinegun's ClipSize for 5 Bursts [/td] [td] Quartermaster [/td] [td] 8.4 [/td] [td] 13/12/2011 [/td] [td] modifies machine gun to 5 round burst, instead of 3 [/td] [td] Forum Post [/td] [td] Details in forum post [/td] [/tr] [/table]
  9. This is not really a mod, but I know others, like me, were having issues with the hidden movement screen getting on the way. There is nothing more annoying like getting killed and not being able to see what happened, or getting a kill off a reaction shot and you don't even know who got the lucky shot. In any case, here is the link to the transparent PNG: http://www.imageshack.com/scaled/large/203/3o7f.png First make a back-up, then replace this file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Xenonauts\assets\gui\ GroundCombat\hiddenmovement\hiddenmovement.png Here is what it looks like in-game:
  10. I am not sure what particular use this would have, but I would really love a small animation every time you send your interceptors in for a fight.
  11. New version, at present only for the Stable build. I'll add one for experimental once I understand the changes to resource income (alloys/alenium, or if someone posts them it would be faster). It doesn't include the air combat rebalance of V5X.2. Changes: -All advanced human infantry and vehicle weapons use components of broken down alien weapons. The manufacture project to break down an alien weapon unlocks after the weapon is researched. Also provides some alloys. -Manufactured weapons cost less cash to build. -Scimitar and Hyperion use alien weapon parts (as they are built with pulse laser as standard) -Aircraft cannons now need alenium to build as well. -Slight drop in sale price of alien weapons, to vanilla standard due to -> -Alien Corpses are sold for money -Alien weapons now need to be manually sold, or broken down for parts. -AK47 has a new image (Thanks to WalrusJones). Minor damage boost. -New projectile images thanks to Lightgemini -Alien Analysis mod thanks to Max_Caine and A333 Link here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rr5joukaewfx8qz/Sathra%27s%20Mod%20V6.zip Probably best to start a new game with this. Might not crash if you don't, but stuff won't unlock properly.
  12. Okay, I had an idea for V6 of my mod, but not sure if its a good idea. The basic plan is that Plasma and MAG weapons would require the alien version of the weapon to build i.e a plasma sniper would need 1 alien sniper, and a MAG rifle would need 2 alien plasma rifles. Heavy plasmas are basically machineguns already, and Carbines can just use rifles. Pretty similar. Might add laser weapons to this too, but at the moment thinking no. There's a problem though, alien pistols and rifles become extremely rare around mid-game. The workaround I'm thinking of is to have a greater mix of alien ranks in the larger UFO's so you always get a few of the various kinds of weapons in nearly any ship (well, not snipers but Harridans are common enough if you don't try to equip half your team with sniper weapons). The thing is, it would make the later ships much easier due to the number of Guards/Soldiers I'd have to replace Warriors with to get a good number of plasma rifles to spawn. Especially noticeable with Androns and Sebillians. You could save the rifles from early game, but I don't like to work on the basis of players knowing stuff like that. Also just tons of Heavy Plasma. You'd also not get much or any income on the end mission screen, but I can just make corpses saleable and reduce the income from weapons to vanilla levels to compensate. And players would have to sell the alien weapons manually. So, thoughts.
  13. New day, and a new version! This mod is for the Stable version of the game (so not the experimental version 19X), and while it might work with it, it won't be designed for it. Changes are as follows: -All the stuff from V4.1.3 -New Xenopedia reports for Nervegas and particle weapons. -Changed the various explosives entries to account for manufacturing. -Added Power Cores. These are use for aircraft and advanced vehicles in varying amounts (more advanced craft, more Cores). -Changed the entries for the aircraft to account for Cores. -Higher alien ranks are less resistant to suppression (depends on race) -Machineguns suppress more. Power Cores can be made from scratch, or by converting an alien power core into one (or two or three). They can also be sold for a reasonable profit if you are so inclined. EDIT: My bad, here's the link for V5: https://www.dropbox.com/s/q5i9kmylhrabj61/Sathra%27s%20Mod%20V5.zip Version 5X for the Experimental branch: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9bj1uhpdd6...0Mod%20V5X.zip Changes: -All the stuffs from V5 -All weapons cost the same amount of alloys to manufacture, but now have increased alenium costs. Laser weaponry got a slight increase to alloy cost to the same as the rest. -Power cores cost less Alenium to make now, and should now actually be somewhat profitable. Only a small profit though (~10k) -AK-47 added. Its basically a Carbine for the ballistic era. -Shield 'ammo' increased. They can block more shots (roughly a full plasma rifle burst for the Combat). -Some damage rebalancing (MG's do rifle damage but sniper penetration mostly) -Grenade base range increased to 6. -Damage text lasts longer before fading. -Teleport cost increased to 30, so Wraiths don't jump around so damn much. Further changelogs for the various updates are later in the thread. Now includes both Lightgemini's Projectile Images mod, and Max_Caine and a333's Alien Analysis mod.
  14. This is an announcement of plans for a mod to help expand and replace the current armoury used by the Xenonauts in order to make for a more immersive game. It'll also make some game balance changes that I'll attest to later in this post. The idea came to me when I relaised, as many seem to have, that NATO equipment was pretty much the default of the Xenonauts, despite their multinational nature and their willingness to bring in not just NATO countries but also numerous other nations, unaligned, Warsaw Pact, and just Communist in general. At first, I considered creating a mirrored set of Ballistic weapons for the Warsaw Pact, and then simply go with that to equip my Russians, Ukrainians, Czechs, Hungarians, and others from the East. Upon that realisation, I figured that it'd probably make sense that instead of repurposing existing tech, that the Xenonauts would probably use their own series of kit, so I decided to get to work on that. I plan on starting with the gear and weapon mods to start, then adding more changes from there. Currently, my gear plans include the following, all with new weapon art, at least on the equipment screen. Animations will...be figured out later on, if possible, depending on what is needed: Sniper Rifle Battle Rifle Carbine PDW (9mm Variant) Flamethrower Grenade Launcher Flare Gun Mortar Load Bearing Vest Currently, for existing weapons (the sniper rifle and battle rifle in particular), there won't be any status changes, mostly just an art swap to bring the weapons in line, with the battle rifle replacing the assault rifle. I'm considering the same for the MG and shotgun as well, but all the other weapons are going to be 'new'. The carbine will be a light battle rifle, with an increased rate of fire, small caliber (less damage), and greatly decreased weight, allowing them to be a more practical weapon for assault and other CQB forces. Additionally, the light weight makes them a possible secondary weapon for heavy weapons carriers who are dragging around a rocket launcher or the new grenade launcher as their main weapon. The PDW is basically your standard SMG, a very light, short-ranged weapon for snipers and the assistants for a crew-served weapon (should there be an easy way to implement them). Provided there's also a way to require an actual crew for the Hunter, or add actual crew to the transport chopper, it'd also be their primary weapon...though of course that's a long ways off. Now, while snipers can fire their scoped weapons at close-ish range without any penalty that I've seen, I'm considering doing an XCom2012 style bell curve for the sniper rifle, so that the SMG is a practical weapon for anything within, say, 5 tiles. The flamethrower will be self-explanatory, an incendiary heavy weapon that carries dangers of its own. It is an excellent area denial weapon, and can easily suppress those enemies that it doesn't outright kill with the wall of flames, trapping them in their positions. However (and I'm still working out how this will occur), should the operator be hit, there is a moderate chance (greater if shot from behind or the flanks) for him to be killed instantly as his fuel tank is detonated, frying the operator in a massive ball of flame. Very dangerous to operate, just as lethal to the user as it is to the enemy, but invaluable at times for urban combat. The grenade launcher is pretty self explanatory, an M79-type weapon that can fire a variety of grenades. It'd be less accurate, and have far less range than the rocket launcher, but it's much lighter, allowing for a scout team to carry one with them in order to create their own entrances into buildings or engage the enemy with some higher-powered weaponry. It'd come with a full range of grenades, including tear gas (designed to suppress civilians to keep them from running around into the line of fire), smoke, incendiaries, frags, as well as chemical weapons of various types. Advanced grenades are avialable through research, things such as 'sticky' grenades that deploy a sticky substance via air-burst to slow down the enemy, or plasma grenades. Rounds will be the usual size, but incompatible with regular grenades, so they can't be thrown, or regular grenades shot from the launcher. Like it's big-brother, the flare gun fires projectiles in a wide arc, however, it can only fire illumination rounds and is no larger or heavier than a pistol. Though planned right now, in all likelihood, I'm going to remove this eventually and make it one with the grenade launcher, adding illumination rounds to it. Due to the addition of the grenade launcher, the rocket launcher will be gaining a significant range boost likely, as well as an expansion in its explosion radius in order to make its niche as a long-range direct-fire weapon a little more noticeable. The mortar is a weapon that I'd like to add, to fill in the heavy weapons niche that the rocket launcher simply can't, namely that of being able to fire a wider variety of munitions than what the rocket launcher is capable of mounting in its warheads. It'd require a proper crew due to its weight (easily 20-25 kilos for the weapon itself, never mind ammo), and it'd be costly enough in TUs that almost no one will be able to fire it after moving, even the slightest amount. Snap shot will be its only fire mode, to represent the necessary rapidity in firing the weapon, and also the fact that the weapon, even if sighted properly, will still be quite inaccurate due to the vagaries of wind and weather. It's much more of an indirect area-denial weapon than any of the others. Due to their minimum range and accuracy issues, using them as close-support weapons within a 'useful' distance of your own soldiers to push back a force already in contact with your men would be dangerous at best. Aside from the weight, the ammo would be large, perhaps a bit more than the rocket. To compare the three explosive weapon systems: grenade launchers are the new assault launchers, used for breaching and assaulting fortified positions, rocket launchers are useful for softening up the enemy prior to an assault, and mortars are primarily designed for area suppression and flushing out the enemy. Oh, and regarding load-bearing vests and similar: if possible I'll likely have it produce a minor but noticeable negative weight to represent the more even distribution of gear across the wearer's body, at the expense of a significant number of backpack slots. Which brings me to a question - is it possible to have a negative encumbrance value, and if so...does it actually reduce the encumbrance? I've got a few other ideas that'll be elaborated on in time as the mod progresses. Anyone interested in something along these lines? By the by, the mod will likely be balanced around a sight mod of some sort, to help make the range differences in some of the new weapons a little more noticeable. == Pardon the rambling here by the way, I hadn't expected the post to come out nearly as long as it did, but it is what it is. Watch this post for future updates/news.
  15. Just wondering, would people want a modified strings.xml file that would have the manufacture costs (alloys/alenium) in the description box? I'd probably add the missing strings fixes to it as well. This would just be till the new UI is done.
  16. New Mod. This one took a few hours. Since the game is being balanced I may have gone a bit crazy with the changes. https://www.dropbox.com/s/skhs4r4oiztk3sb/Sathra%27s%20Mod%20V4.zip Changes: -All the various weapon changes. Accuracy has dropped in general. Includes vehicle weapons. -Heavy Plasma Rifle now has single-shot option. This is due to large numbers of aliens (especially Sebillians) only having the Heavy Plasma as a weapon option. -2 Plasma missiles will kill a Heavy Fighter (this was done by increasing the damage to 195, and the HF armour to 20) -Costs and build times of Corsair, Shrike, Marauder, Valkyrie and Foxtrot reduced. -Jackal, Sentinel and Predator armour build time reduced. -Advanced missiles and torpedoes must be manufactured (a single unit is unlimited, but they have hefty Alenium costs) -Advanced grenades and rockets need to be manufactured (fast and cheap though they do cost resources). -Things that were missing a resource cost now have them. Weapons cost alenium to manufacture as well. -String fixes (Battle rifles, stunned Reapers, Drone autopsies and Scimitar) -Alien Electronics can be unlocked by capturing a Corvette. -More aliens in ships up to Landing Ship (Cruiser spawns are still bugged). -More cash per alien weapon. -Score changes (50 from secure, 25 from capture) -Aliens have armour, with support variants having more, except for Harridans -->Caesans have low base armour, poor chemical defense and poor incendiary defense. -->Sebillians have good base armour, poor chemical defense and good incendiary defense. -->Androns have heavy armour, good chemical defense, and excellent incendiary defense. -->Harridans have good base armour, poor incendiary and excellent chemical defense. -->Wraiths have good to excellent armour, ok incendiary and poor chemical defense. -To go with this, Nervegas and Toxin grenades have been added (well, added and filled in, including silly Xenopedia entry). To unlock them, well...(hint: You should capture live aliens for testing). They also need to be manufactured, but use no resources -Vehicles got armour upgrades. Its directional too. They also got an AP boost (but not as high as they used to be) -Its called Weaponry in the research screen now (it annoyed me). I think that's all of it. Give me a shout if it causes crashes, and some feedback would be nice. Remember, play the vanilla game first and give Aaron feedback on vanilla balance! Also, you'll probably really need to get a manufacturing base up pretty quick.
  17. Hi all, first post here. I'm a big fan of the old X-com series, and have been following this for some time. I saw this pop up on steam early access the other day so I knew I had to buy and play it. I love that the game right now is in a flat-file system. Nothing is more of a pain in the butt than dealing with proprietary archives to mod games. I know that pacing is still being worked on at this moment. So its a big part of some of the modding I've done so far to increase my enjoyment of the game. I'll basically list below the changes I've made below. (aiprops.xml) 1. Lowered "SightRange" parameter on all ranged aliens to 15. With the exception of Harridans who I changed to 16. 2. Changed above mentioned aliens from "PreferredRange" of long to medium or short depending on weapons. Pistol class will goto short now instead of Long, and dropped their accuracy 20 points across all ranks. 3. Lowered Reapers and zombie "SightRange" to 10. 4. Changed accuracy of melee on reapers and zombies from 100% to 75% (you can dodge melee now). 5. Significantly lowered the stats on all zombies. These are now very slow moving and bumbling creatures. (aircrafts.xml) 1. Raised HP of 1st and 2nd tier crafts. 2. Attempted to add weapon slots... but it kept causing bomb outs. Anyone know exactly how to edit "Weapon Positons", "Loadout", and "SlotPositions" fields? 3. Significantly lowered HP of corvette and landing ships so that at least 2 corsairs working together can take them out. Previously I was losing full deployments of aircraft to these alone. (aircraftweapons.xml) 1. Quadrupled ammo capacity of all autocannon class weapons. Also upped rate of fire by double, while lowering damage to 75%. (armours_gc.xml) 1. Increased all "VisualParams" range to to at least match aliens. Also modified coneAngle to "120", instead of 90... which is more inline with reality. 2. Also raised energy resistances on all armors. 3. The Hunter now has a much further visual range than all units, making it an ideal scout. 4. All vehicles have much higher resistance values, making them a very viable mobile shield for infantry. Though they do have a very weak back armor. *side note... there is a massive performance problem with increasing the site range too much. Especially on night levels. (buildings.xml) 1. Lowered construction times of the garage, hanger, living quarters. These are in reality pretty basic structures... a floor, walls, ceiling and a bit of basic equipment. 2. Increased damage output of all turrets. 2 now will do enough damage to take out a landing craft. I found the default levels mathematically would never make a difference on preventing a base incursion unless you had 5 or more. (config.xml) 1. Changed "MoveAP","TurnAP","KneelingAP","KneeledTurnAP" to 1 AP per tile instead of 4. You can now move a fair distance and shoot in the same turn. This makes moving into and out of cover to fire a much more viable option. 2. Changed "LOSAngle" to 120 3. Changed "DefaultViewRange" to 16. (gameconfig.xml) 1. Raised starting money by double. 2. Lowered new base cost to 250000 3. Upped "longwaveradarrange" to 1500 from 1000. You can track more, but early craft won't always be able to reach the target. 4. Lowered scientist cost to "1000", technician to "750" and soldiers to "500"... this is the 1970s, E-1s only made about $448 a month. While i'd like the ability to have different ranks charge more, there isn't a structure in the game for it. 5. Lowered female soldier % to 5%... again 1970s, Women were not in combat at this time. 6. Raised the "rankPoints" needed to reach upper ranks. 7. Adjusted all difficulty multipliers. Easy = 0.75, Normal = 0.85, veteran = 1.0, superhuman = 1.2. Currently the only thing that was scaling was alien attributes. They now do more damage, are harder to shoot down, and have higher stats on the higher difficulty. 8. Drastically raised the "alienWavePeriod" setting from 4000 to 15000. You can actually get something done between waves now. Though it will slow your progression a bit, and your monthly income increase / decrease will be lessened. 9. Lowered the "minMissionCount" value from 4 to 0. You can now have a wave where nothing happens. However I've upped the "maxMissionCount" to 8 from 6. So it can be anywhere from a relatively easy wave... or a god awful wave. *note - there are a whole lot of options in this file. I haven't played around with all of them yet. (manufactures.xml) 1. Lowered all unit costs by a factor of 10. Making money less of a burden on item creation and more on resources of alloys and alenium. Losing a plane now is not the end of the game, and it won't break the bank to replace it. 2. Lowered unit days for all items by half or more. Weapons and armor no longer take weeks or more to build or replace. (items.xml) 1. Lowered all sell value to reflect changes made in manufactures.xml. (Vehicles.xml) 1. Increased hitpoints by a factor of 10 across the board. 2. Increased APs by double. 3. Increased armor by double all around. 4. Increased boarding space to 3. *note - reasoning for this was... they are armored vehicles... 1 shot from anything other than a heavy weapon shouldn't take them out. I also got tired of losing these to pistols. It is now a very viable strategy to use the armored vehicle as moving shield for your soldiers, especially early on. These units also do not rank up, so their low default stats really start to suck later in the game. (vehicleweapons_gc.xml) 1. lowered fire cost all around. These can now run and gun in the same turn. 2. raised clipsize of the VV.Machinegun to 500. (weapons.xml and weapons_gc.xml) 1. Raised damage on sniper rifles by 30 on each rank. 2. Significantly increased the range of sniper rifles. (you can actually snipe from very long ranges as long as you can see the target. Putting a sniper on top of a building is viable now) 3. Made numerous changes to machine guns of all ranks. a. lowered damage by 3/4, b. increased clipsize x5. , c. lowered range to less than rifles of their rank. 4. Doubled shotgun ballistic damage. Early on this is a very effective close range weapon, usually a 1 shot kill. Only downside is that the range is very short. 5. Fixed sound delay where guns would animate and sounds would follow after. (from 0.6 to 0.1.)
  18. Allow me to introduce what may well be the very first globe mod for Xenonauts: The timelines. I'm going to open by telling you guys that it's not, honestly, that cool. It's a simple change to help commanders plan battle times by adding 24 evenly spaced "hour" lines on the globe. How does it work? Well, it takes a little work on the commander's part (like all good things in Xenonauts, this requires skill!) Let's say you want to clear a crash site, but it's night there and you really hate playing night missions. So you just need to find out how long it'll take to get there (which Xenonauts provides already in the form of a dropship ETA), and then count that number of hours eastward. 4 hours = 4 lines. As soon as the terminator has passed the noted point, you've got a day mission. Now, I know that everyone has a version of this they already do. We ballpark it, estimate how many hours it "looks" like. However, using this would dramatically increase the accuracy of your ballparks. Although I admit it wont give you 100% precision, it's a big improvement. I was clever enough to not do this all by hand, but set up a set of autocommands to do it for me. (If you've never looked, the Geoscape earth picture is split into 80 separate image files ) One advantage of this method is that now that I've done all the legwork I can make variants really quickly. So if you've got a color request, I can oblige. I'll admit, this currently suffers from a kinda major problem that I don't know if I can fix: The lines are very visible at day but nearly invisible at night. It has to do with the way everything's built in, and it would take a better image editor than I to play with things like color masking. I will see if I can find a particular color and line thickness that finds a sweet spot between being visible at night and not being super-annoying during the day. Gray lines: Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/10o855t9c7if0oy/HourLinesGray.zip Teal lines: Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qyvajw1v093pdg0/HourLinesTeal.zip White lines: Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8pwemuaasme3h80/HourLinesWhite.zip Double thickness (2 pixels) teal: Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/e04hezjj8djtzow/HourLinesTeal2px.zip (The difference is a lot clearer when you open the image in a new tab) To install, download your preferred color and find your Xenonauts\assets\earth directory. Backup the 80 geoscape images there, then extract the mod packs there. IMHO the teal lines are probably best, because the white ones are somewhat annoying and the grays are nigh-invisible. Feedback in the form of compliments, criticism, and requests/suggestions is very much accepted. Feedback in the form of death threats is less so. If you want to issue a death threat against me, find a better reason. There's plenty, you just need to look a little bit. Post edited to add screenshots as requested, white version, and 2 pixel teal version.
  19. Its that time again. Few differences, but I'll try to make a more complete changelog Changes: -Grenades range reduced to 15 -Flashbang suppression increased to 200 -The various weapon changes from the previous mods (With some differences, mostly increased accuracy for the later sniper rifles and reductions to the rifles). So laser is more accurate, both in singleshot and burst but has poor AP (Making stage 2 and 3 aliens more threatening). Plasma is powerful but inaccurate and MAG has hefty TU costs but has the highest AP values. Ballistic is the cheapest to fire TU-wise and otherwise unchanged (its weak already). -Carbines now fire 4 shots per burst. -Laser rifles and carbines increased to 16 per clip. Scatter laser increased to 20 per clip. Plasma rifles and carbines increased to 12 per clip. Machinegun reduced to 30 per box. -Smoke grenade and rocket smoke has increased accuracy loss (40 and 30 respectively) -Alien weapons had their reaction modifier brought more in line to human levels. And a 10 point reduction in accuracy. -Rocket launcher and Plasma cannon now take more TU's to fire. Plasma cannon is 1/3 more inaccurate. -Frag Rocket stun reduced to 30. -Stun rocket stun increased to 70. Smoke chance increased to 70. -Vehicle weapons changed along the same lines as the other later tiers. -Pulse laser now has 20 ammo, Plasma Bolt has 14. (Be warned, vehicles weapons already had overdamage) -Alien weapons are worth $5k more each. -Alien numbers in the first 4 ships are now (more) random (generally increased if the roll is good), as are bases. Roughly 5-8 in Light Scout for example. -Plasma Missiles should kill Heavy Fighters with 2 hits. -Plasma Weaponry should unlock Plasma Weaponry instead of Plasma Cannon (Not actually sure why or what it normally did, but its the only thing that did this). -Laser Weaponry research now requires Alloys and Alenium. -Wolf research now requires Jackal. -Battle Rifle should unlock Battle Rifle Xenopedia article (its empty) -Battle Rifle and Scimitar research should not have #### anymore. -Reaper Alphas should be listed as Alphas when captured. -Tier 2+ weapons cost Alenium to manufacture as well. -Strength gain rate halved Link here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6vidaliq3meqbki/Sathra%27s%20Mod%20V3.zip
  20. As promised, the new mod is ready. Still playtesting it, and there was some wierd stuff in the files. Various changes Chris had made. Anyways, the mod is mostly the same (maybe some minor changes to weapons I've already forgetton about) as last time with the following changes: Machinegun ammo slightly increased (didn't realise it fired 6 rounds per burst). Flashbangs suppress more (MG's are still king). Laser weapon burst fire is more accurate. Plasma missiles should actually kill a Heavy Fighter in 2 hits now. Stun rockets and grenades stun more. Smoke grenade smoke lasts longer. Light Scout > Corvettes should have more random alien numbers (if this actually works, Light scouts should have up to 9 aliens). Yes, this can seem pretty stupid at times, but should still be fun. Get more cash too. C4 should blow through walls better. MAGCarbine suppression radius fixed. Wolf now requires Jackal research. Laser Weaponry research now requires Alenium and Alloys as well as Alien Plasma Tech. Link here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ww9qmxaobyxjjqs/Sathra%27s%20Mod%20V2.1.zip EDIT: Quick update, fixed Light Drone autopsies. They should actually show the Xenopedia entry now, instead of unlocking the corpse to be manufactured (for some reason). EDIT2: Some strings.xml fixes and some research fixes. And rockets should properly destroy equipment (and frag grenades don't). Corvettes unlock Alien Electronics.
  21. So I play the game modded, and decided to share my changes with everyone. Then decided to make the tiers unique since there was some interest in it. Changes: Ballistics are cheaper to fire. Lasers have better accuracy than anything else, but lower penetration. Plasma does the most damage, but is the most inaccurate. MAG has the highest penetration but is the most expensive to fire. Does slightly less damage than plasma. Laser and plasma have higher shot costs. MG's rebalanced. Ballistic is the cheapest to fire now, instead of most expensive. Alien weapons are more inaccurate (but less than my other fix), and reaction fire is reduced. Flares can now be equipped (acts a bit odd, as equipping a soldier with flares means they won't get two automatically in a night mission, don't weigh anything though). Grenades are now 15 range, so should work better. Flashbangs suppress more. Smoke grenades are more effective. Carbines now fire 4 shots in a burst. More ammo per clip for later tiers. MAG Carbine/Rifle switch fixed. Can now research Shrike after Reactor, and AlienArmourPlating (I'm assuming that the item still drops from Cruisers). Vehicle weapons also modified to keep with the tiers. Plasma missiles do more damage (two should kill a Heavy Fighter) The tier 2+ Autocannons do more damage. Tier 2+ Weapons now cost Alenium to manufacture. Alenium and Alloys worth more for sale (alloys are worth more because you get so much Alenium). Income from selling alien weapons increased. New Medium Drone shot speed fixed. Frag rockets are no longer the most powerful stun weapon. C4 damage increased (forgot how high it should be, can anyone enlighten?) Lethal grenades now do differing amounts of damage. Feedback welcome. I think I may have been too gentle with the weapon modifications. Should be able to expand faster now. File here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/20kcap30se5vus7/Sathra%27s%20Mod.rar Zip here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0dmvpzvllmylh8d/Sathra%27s%20Mod.zip
  22. Improved Light Scout and Scout Mod by Belmakor Compatibility: V18.1 (hot fix 2) and V18.3 (hot fix 2) Description Both the light scout and scout have had their weapon characteristics altered to result in more varied and challenging combat (within the limits of current AI). Both now have two weapons as standard, if you want to experience this change first hand and get a surprise like a real Xenonaut then read no further. *SPOILER* Light scout now has a beam weapon with short range that will shoot down any incoming missiles in a 30 degree arc to the front. Light scouts main weapon is a pulse weapon with which fires 1.8 rounds per second but does only minimal damage. Scouts main weapon is a beam weapon with more range than Xenonauts cannon and will tear a single F-17 to shreds long before you can bring it down with cannon fire. Scout has a secondary pulse weapon of short range with 30 degree arc for shooting down missiles. * SPOILER END* Instructions to install. Unzip contents of .zip file to your Xenonauts assets folder and over-write existing files. OR Download zip file, open Xenonauts launcher, click on 'Mod Tools', select 'install new mod', navigate to your downloaded zip file and install from there. GET IT HERE https://www.dropbox.com/s/oyiv7rx89z9c6p4/ImprovedScoutMod.zip
  23. I have made some modifications to the weapons.xml, weapons_gc.xml, items.xml and manufactures.xml, which can be downloaded in a .rar archive here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zwz2kp94iyjfdyt/assets%20mod.rar Download and extract to the assets folder. Back up your original files first, obviously. A probably incomplete list of modifications made: items.xml: -Increased sale price of laser cells to make them profitable -Increased sale price of plasma cells to make them break even manufactures.xml: -Decreased costs of manufacturing ammunition -Decreased build time of laser cells to make them more profitable -Decreased build times of all aircraft (to align with the very small sizes of manufacturing teams) -Decreased build times for plasma and MAG (see above) -Decreased build times for Scimitar and Hyperion (see above) -Decreased materials costs for pretty much everything with a materials cost -Added materials costs for things which had them missing weapons.xml/ weapons_gc.xml -Increased clip sizes for manufactured weapons -Pistols now progress as 12 (ballistic), 15 (laser), 18 (plasma), 24 (MAG) rounds to increase usefulness -Manufactured rifles and carbines now have 18 (laser), 15 (plasma) and 12 (MAG) -Precision rifles decrease by 2 per tier -Rapid-fire weapons now have 25 (laser, plasma) and 24 (MAG) -Reactions modifications!: -Increased pistol and laser pistol reactions to 2 -Increased plasma pistol reactions to 2.2 -Increased MAG pistol reactions to 2.5 (all in an attempt to make pistols useful without shields) -Increased plasma carbine reactions to 1.5 and plasma rifle to 1.1 -Increased MAG carbine to 1.75 and rifle to 1.25 -Decreased all rapid-fire weapons except MAGStorm to 0.5 -Decreased rocket-launcher type weapons to 0.1 -Increased power of C4 to 145, changed radius to 1.5 There are probably more modifications that I have made. If you have any suggestions for balance I'd love to hear them. And please, back up your original files before replacing them. Alternately, download THIS and install with the Mod Tools in the launcher without having to back up or unpack anything!
  24. Following discussion on the beta threads about armour, I thought I'd uprate some of the later types of armour. Changes made Buzzard armour Buzzard armour now has the same protective capabilities as Jackal armour Buzzard armour visual range boosted (1 less than Caesans, 2 more than Sebillians) Tier 3 armour Energy armour rating boosted (heavy armour in particular can shrug off plasma rifles, absorb Heavy Plasma and even take a shot from Sathra's personal nemesis without dying) Scout armour type sight range boosted to equivalent of Caesan. Here's the (updated) file
  25. Okay, so after reading this thread I went ahead and sort-of did what the OP asked. As Terror Missions keep CTDing (for me, anyway), I haven't bothered to alter that bit yet, but for all crash-sites (other than the farm) all the civvies are now friendly AI. Download this file and over-write the existing missiontypeprops_gc.xml file (don't forget to back the file up first!!!). As soon as Terror sites are more stable, I'll change that too. Enjoy! EDIT: Now with added rockets! As erutan thought that a map filled with rocket carrying civvies would be funny, I took it to the next level. Back-up your missiontypeprops_gc.xml file, Download this masterpiece, delete your main missiontypeprops_gc.xml file and delete the "rockets" from the end of this file (so you have in fact renamed it to "missiontypeprops_gc.xml") for sheer rockety goodness!
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